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Welcome our New Training Partner
From the Archives
Video Debuts!
Sneak Peeks!
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  Our Newest  

Training Partner, 

Jarbas Godoy!


Jarbas was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Attracted to training show dogs in his early 20's, he started grooming his Standard Poodle champions and opened one of the first grooming salons in Brazil in 1976. After moving to the USA, he opened The Dog From Ipanema, a Florida salon with an international reputation for quality work, champion groomers, and loving treatment of pets. In 1996, Barkleigh helped launch a side-career of public speaking with many engagements all over the nation that led to his being nominated twice for Crystal Cardinal Achievement Awards. He co-organized and demonstrated at several large seminars in South America and conducted a series of workshops in Europe. He was also the featured groomer on Petsburg USA, an Animal Planet show, which is still in reruns.


When Jarbas is not in his salon, you can find him downhill skiing anywhere in the world or deeply immersed in his large bonsai garden attending to his beloved plants.  



- Any Time! -


Great Video Lessons from the Archives


Spring is approaching - are you ready for all those big, hairy, and SHEDDING dogs? Here are two of our favorite video demonstrations that can help you get through these big jobs with ease, making them very lucrative for your salon.


How do you find them in the extensive video library collection?  


Simply go the search box and type in these titles:


Bathing & Drying: Heavy Coated Dog


Many professionals report this as one of their favorite types of coat to work with because of the dramatic differences between the "before" and "after" stages. This coat type poses its own special challenges to get it really clean while removing all of the loose coat, mats, and tangles that are typical of this coat type. Typical breeds with this coat type are: Collies, Shelties, Pomeranians, and many mixed breeds.


This Lesson Will Help You Understand:

  • The entire bathing process from start to finish
  • How to control the dog in the tub
  • Tools that will help get the dog clean
  • Product usage
  • The drying process using multiple active forms of drying
  • De-matting techniques using the high velocity dryer


Salvage Work on a Heavy Coated Dog


For many professionals, this is one of the dirtiest - but most gratifying - jobs we can do. The transformation of the pet in a few hours of focused work is simply amazing. In this demonstration, we will show you how to effectively work through the process of getting a heavy-coated, light colored farm dog (that has not been professionally groomed for months) totally clean, brushed out, and looking fabulous.


This Lesson Will Help You Understand:

  • Effective bathing techniques including hydro-bathing
  • How to use conditioners to assist with the de-shedding and de-matting
  • High velocity drying advantages in the tub
  • Pushing mats and tangles out with a high velocity dryer
  • Efficient brushing techniques

March 1, 2011


Welcome to We have a great lineup for you with this release.  Here are a few of the items you'll learn in the videos that are going up for full view today.

  • How to set the stage to win the trust and cooperation of a dog on the grooming table - with Linda Claflin.
  • How to create a cookie cutter cuddly trim that is so appealing, it brings owners back again and again (plus great lefty grooming tips) - with seasoned trainer, Marc LaFleur.
  • Popular trainer Misty Fowler shows you how finish out the head, crest, and tail on a very stylish lamb trim as she completes the grooming process on her black Standard Poodle - including how to deal with a floppy topknot.
  • New to the L2GD stage is award winning groomer, Annette Quick, who demonstrates some great grooming secrets on a little wire coated Yorkie mixed breed.
  • We continue our Back Deck Caribbean Interviews with our esteemed panel of pet stylists as they discuss how to address issues with ears and anal glands and how our thoughts have changed over the years.


We have some amazing footage to share with you with our upcoming videos. Check out what is currently on our editing table in these fabulous Sneak Peeks for our mid March release.   

  • Seizures in Pets, Ways to give Medication, and Working Together with Your Vet - with Dr. Smith
  • Adding a Touch of Color to Your Every Day Dogs - with Kathy Rose
  • The Dog From Ipanema - Showcase Salon in South Miami Florida - with Jarbas Godoy
  • Grooming the Pet Yorkie in a Westie Trim Style - with Misty Fowler
  • More Caribbean Back Deck Interviews - with Melissa Verplank, Susie Penney, Kathy Rose, and Teri DiMarino

 Membership Information   


Marc and I are headed to the Atlanta Pet Fair, so if you are attending the show, please stop by the booth to say "Hi"! We'll be there representing The Paragon School of Pet Grooming. We'll have all your favorite grooming books available for purchase - plus we'll be showing off We'd love to hear what you would like us to shoot in our upcoming videos!


Please take a moment to check out our "Membership" tab and be sure to share this link with all of your friends and associates!




Happy Trimming,

Melissa Verplank   


5 Great Videos Going Up for Full View
March 1, 2011
Caribbean Casual Back Deck Interviews

Shot on location in the British Virgin Islands

on the sailing yacht 'Sundowner' with

Teri DiMarino, Kathy Rose, Susie Penney, and Melissa Verplank



This topic stems directly from a question from one of our members -- How do you address issues with ears and glands? With a combined 130+ years of grooming experience, it was pretty amazing to find that all of these pros were on the same page with this topic. Find out how they dealt with it years ago and how they all address these two areas today. Times have definitely changed!


In this video you will learn:

  • The best options to clean ears to avoid ear problems down the road
  • How to minimize 'panic attacks' triggered by sound
  • How to use the 'pudding factor'
  • When to express glands or just check them
  • The best way to learn how to express glands
  Approximate running time:  17 minutes

Click here to see the full video!   


Dealing with Problem Dogs #3 and #4 

by Linda Claflin-Phelps   


Linda uses her years of experience combined with the principles of massage and relaxation to win the trust of two pets she has never worked on before. Both of these pets have a history of nervousness and anxiety. Linda guides you through the steps she takes every day with a new client to win the trust and cooperation of a nervous dog. In this session, she works on a Border Collie and a Shih Tzu.


In this video you will learn:

  • How to introduce yourself to a new pet to gain its trust
  • How to communicate to the pet without speaking
  • What products can assist in the relaxation process
  • How you can apply basic massage techniques to help relax the pet, including using bilateral tapping
  • How to bring a dog into the present
  • Learn the tell-tail signs that a pet is ready to begin the grooming process

Approximate running time:  28 minutes


Grooming on a Maltese Lhasa Mix in a Cuddly Trim  

 by Marc LaFleur , CMG 

Marc LaFleur guides you through one of our most appealing and popular trims. This particular haircut can be applied to a wide variety of breeds and coat types. Quality combined with consistency is the key that brings customers back again and again. Marc shows you step-by-step how to set the pattern so you can consistently create this look, turning it into a signature cookie-cutter trim for your salon.



In this video you will learn:

  • How to set the pattern using bone and muscle structure
  • How to get a smooth finish on a difficult coat
  • How to minimize hand scissoring with effective clipper techniques
  • How to 'see' the parallel lines of the front and rear assemblies
  • How to create a cute, round head that is consistent every time
  • Plus! Great scissor tips throughout the entire video lesson - especially for the left handed groomer

 Approximate running time:  63 minutes     

Click here to see the full video!


Grooming the Topknot, Crest, and Tail of a Standard Poodle in a Lamb Trim 

by Misty Fowler, CMG 

In this video session Misty Fowler finishes the trim on her beautiful Standard Poodle, Sambuca. Misty focuses on the tail and the headpiece to create style, balance, and harmony which pulls the entire groom together. She will share points of reference that you can use on dogs in your own salon, duplicating the look quickly and easily.


In this video you will learn:  


  • How to set the lines for the headpiece
  • How to follow a system for trimming the topknot and crest for consistency
  • How to and when to apply products to get the best control and build body into the topknot
  • How to best view the headpiece for the final scissor finish  
  • How to shape and balance out the tail for a beautiful presentation
Approximate running time:  24 minutes

Click here to see the full video!


Grooming the Pet Yorkie in a Westie Trim Style 

by Annette Quick, CMG


Ask any groomer what their favorite breed to groom is and most will say: mixed breeds. Award-winning stylist Annette Quick is no different! In this video demonstration, Annette works on an adorable little Yorkie mix that has an extremely harsh coat. She uses a combination of tools and techniques to give this little guy a personality trim that is easy to maintain between grooming sessions.



In this video you will learn:

  • How to use the 'less is more' grooming process
  • How to apply 'loose' hand stripping techniques that are easy to do 
  • Why you want to encourage  harsh coat growth on a dog
  • How to strip the coat in a manner that the pet finds comfortable
  • How to build character in the head while giving the dog a youthful expression

 Approximate running time:  45 minutes  


5 New Sneak Peeks!
These videos will be available for full view in Mid March 


Seizures in Pets, Ways to Give Medication, and Working Together with Your Vet 

by Dr. Richelle Smith  


Seizures in pets can be scary. Unfortunately, the stress that some pets feel when being dropped off for grooming can  be a trigger.  Dr. Smith helps you understand seizures and what you can do for the pet as they experience the attack. She also gives some great tips administering medications that you'll be able to pass on to your clients. Finally, she wraps up her series with thoughts on how we can all work together with the owner to keep pets healthy.



Adding a Touch of Color to Every Day Dogs  

by Kathy Rose    


Todays hot trend is adding a jazzy touch of color to the coat. Award winning and highly sought after pet stylist, Kathy Rose, shows you three simple and quick options for having some fun with color on your every day pets using hair extensions, color blow pens, and stenciling.







The Dog From Impanema

by Jarbas Godoy  

The Dog From Ipanema is a south Florida salon with an international reputation for quality work, champion groomers, and loving treatment of pets. Jarbas Godoy takes us on a tour of his facility which focuses on high quality products, incredible grooms, high traffic, and timely turnover rates in a small amount of space.







Caribbean Casual Back Deck Interviews #4

 - How We All Got Started - 

Shot on location in the British Virgin Islands

on the sailing yacht 'Sundowner' with

Teri DiMarino, Kathy Rose, Susie Penney, and Melissa Verplank


One of the questions we always get asked, "How did you get started in the grooming industry?" All of us have a common theme -- we are extremely passionate about what we do. However, just because we have passion doesn't mean that being a professional groomer was our early life ambition! Join us as we tell you how we got our start and what keeps us motivated 30+ years later. This is a great video clip for newcomers just starting out or for someone who is questioning whether they should stay in the industry.


(Please note: this video does have some sound issues that could not be completely corrected during the editing process.) 




Grooming the Pet Yorkie in a Westie Trim Style 

by Misty Fowler, CMG


With pocket pets being so popular these days, we are seeing more and more Yorkies in our salons but so many owners opt for non-traditional grooming practices on their pets. They want something that is cute but easier to care for than a long, flowing coat. Misty demonstrates an adorable haircut for a Yorkie that takes it's inspiration from a Westie haircut.