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September 12, 2011
The Weekly 

Submissions for The Weekly

How to submit an announcement for the weekly. Please email submissions for the Weekly to Weekly@uchastings.edu by Thursday at noon. The Weekly goes out Mondays around noon. Events are announced in the Happenings email on Thursdays around noon. Please use the event Publicity form to submit info for the Happenings.


The fall exam schedule is now final.

It can be found at http://www.uchastings.edu/records/docs/FINAL-exam-schedule.pdf. If you have 2 exams within 24 hours, you should have received an email offering a make-up date. If you need to reschedule an exam for any other reason, please complete a Petition to Reschedule exams available in the Records Office. If you have questions, please email records@uchastings.edu.

Study in the Skyroom  

The Skyroom will open as a study space for students this Wednesday. Open hours are 10:00am-6:00pm M-Th and F 10:00am-5:00pm  


Current Pro Bono Opportunities

East Bay Sanctuary Covenant seeks volunteers to assist individuals fleeing persecution in their home countries in affirmatively applying for asylum.  Volunteers will receive training and provide services including: interviewing potential applicants; filing out immigration forms;  helping clients to draft their declarations;  researching country conditions, etc.   Spanish speakers are encouraged to apply. Interested students should email cover letter and resume to Kaveena Singh at kaveena@eastbaysanctuary.org. Please indicate your availability and willingness to commit to a weekly schedule.  


GI Rights Hotline 

The GI Rights Hotline provides direct phone counseling and information to GIs and their families who contact the GI Rights Hotline to get information about their enlistment and separation from military service. Law students are trained and supervised by experienced military law lawyers.  A training for new volunteers will be held on Friday, September 16th from  1:30-4:30 at the American Friends Services Committee Offices at 65 9th Street, one block off Market St..  For more information see the attached flyer.


Get Involved!


Volunteer at Glide Family, Youth, and Childcare Center (FYCC) Afterschool Program (ASP)  

The ASP serves Kindergarten to 5th grade students and their families. FYCC's 2 major program goals are Literacy and Health/Wellness. The program provides educational and enriching activities, such as story time, KidzLit, garden classes, cooking classes, outdoor physical activities, etc. There is also a daily homework help time and after hours one on one tutoring sessions. The after-hours tutoring sessions take place from 5:30-6:30pm. We are searching for dedicated individuals that can volunteer during our program time, 2:30-5:30pm. Contact Deepa Mehta, FYCC Childcare and Afterschool Program Coordinator, at 415-674-6250 or dmehta@glide.org.


Tour guides needed for Reunion, 9.24.11

Reunion volunteer shifts are filling up quickly, but some spots are still available and we need experienced student tour guides. If you know your way around the campus (2Ls & 3Ls preferred) and you'd like to give campus tours please email Kelly Burgin in the Alumni Center at burgink@uchastings.edu. This is an excellent opportunity to network with alumni.


Submit Agenda Items for Student Town Hall with Dean Wu  

Submit Agenda items or questions you want him to answer to Noemi Gallardo, ASUCH President at pres@uchastings.edu by Tuesday at noon.


Let's Talk Trash- Recycling on Campus  

Don't Toss your Tuition Dollars into the Garbage Thanks to San Francisco's green garbage system, Hastings can save up to 75% of its garbage costs (as well as further environmental goals) if we are all attentive to where we are putting our discards. Please take a few minutes to look at this presentation http://uchastings.edu/student-services/docs/garbage101.pps which spells it all out clearly. 


Law Caf� Specials of the Week

  • Southwest Breakfast Burrito
  • Seasoned Scrambled Eggs
  • Jack & Cheddar Cheese
  • Roasted Tomato Salsa
  • Spicy Roasted Rosemary Potatoes
  • Roasted Chile Verde


  • Falafel Wrap
  • Falafels
  • House-made Hummus
  • Cucumber, Red Onion
  • Lettuce & Tomato
  • Roasted Garlic Pepper Sauce
  • Mild Pepper Rings


Events Calendars
Always something going on!

Happenings emails with upcoming events go out on Thursdays, but you can always find plenty to do by visiting the following calendars for yourself:

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UC Hastings - Bringing Life to Law