Kenston Local Schools
Student start time to change for 2012/2013


Medical studies have long highlighted the mental and physical health benefits and improved learning advantages of later morning start times for students. Medical research has shown that early start times are not optimal conditions for students to learn. A University of Minnesota study reported, "Typical youth (puberty/late teens) are not able to fall asleep much before 11 p.m. and their brains will remain in sleep mode until about 8 a.m. regardless of what time they go to bed."

Kenston has been exploring ways to create later starting times for adolescents. Currently buses are picking up students as early as 6:15 a.m. For the 2012-2013 school year, the middle and high school student day will move from 7:20 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. and will end at approximately the same time as in previous years. Kenston High School will maintain at least one homeroom per week. As a result, the elementary K-5 school start times will move 10-20 minutes and will provide a later starting and ending time.


Next Year's Student School Day Schedule - 2012/2013


Modifications will also be made to the faculty and staff schedule. Scheduling changes for the faculty will create collaboration/planning time before the student school day begins. This time will enable grade levels and departments to meet together collaboratively to enhance student learning and address Ohio's new Common Core Standard. This schedule will also save the district money as it enables faculty planning and meeting time to occur outside the student day.


I believe that this schedule creates the best academic learning day for students through increased capacity for student learning and achievement.




Robert A. Lee, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools


Kenston Local Schools
17419 Snyder Road
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023