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December 2011



Show you care about others through kindness and thoughtfulness.



Mon, Dec. 12

Board of Education Meeting, TES, Multi-Purpose Room


Tues., Dec. 13

KMS 7th/8th Grade Choral Concert, KHS, Auditorium, 7pm


Weds., Dec. 14

Market Day order pick-up, KMS Cafeteria, 5-6pm 


KHS Holiday Concert, Auditorium, 7pm


Thurs., Dec. 15

GELC Kindergarten Holiday Programs, 9:30am


KMS 7th/8th Grade Band Concert, KHS, Auditorium, 7pm 


Wed, Dec. 21 

KIS PTO Kalahari Fundraiser 






Thur, Dec. 22 

KIS PTO Kalahari Fundraiser 




Sat, Dec. 24 



Sun, Dec. 25



Mon, Dec. 26



Sat, Dec. 31

New Year's Eve 


Mark your Calendar  


Sun, Jan.1
New Year's Day 

Tues, Jan. 3



Weds, Jan. 4

KIS Principal's Coffee, 9am 


Thurs, Jan. 5

KMS 6th Grade Band/Choral Concert, KHS, 7pm 


Fri, Jan. 6  

PlayBlue Project Team Meeting, KHS, AB Room, 8am 


Market Day orders due  No:#5848


Mon, Jan. 9 

Board of Education Meeting, TES, Multi-Purpose Room


Organizational Meeting, 6:30pm


Regular Meeting, 7pm    

Weds, Jan. 11

KHS Final Exams/Modified Schedule


KMS Principal Box Lunch Talk, Betty Patton Room, 12noon


Market Day pick-up, 5-6pm   


Thurs, Jan. 12  

KHS Final Exams/ Modified Schedule






Fri, Jan. 13 



Sat, Jan. 14

4th Annual Science Olympiad Tournament, KHS 


Mon, Jan 16



Fri, Jan 20

TES/KIS Elementary Report Cards Go Home


Thurs, Jan 26 
Class of 2016 Orientation, KHS, Auditorium, 6pm

KHS Open House, 7pm

Tues, Jan 31 
TES 2nd Grade Music Performance, 9:30am/1:30pm 


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Upcoming Musical Performances 
Tuesday, December 13 
KMS 7th and 8th Grade Choral Concert, KHS, Auditorium, 7pm

Wednesday, December 14 
KHS Choral Concert, KHS, Auditorium, 7pm

Thursday, December 15

GELC Kindergarten Holiday Program, GELC, 9:30am/1pm
KMS 7th and 8th Grade Band Concert, KHS, Auditorium, 7pm
Friday, December 16
GELC Preschool Holiday Program, GELC, 9:15am/1pm
 Thursday, January 5  
KMS 6th Grade Band & Chorus Concert, KHS, Auditorium, 7 pm
  Tuesday, January 31 
TES 2nd Grade Music Performance, TES, 9:30am/1:30pm 


  Friday, February 3
KMS presents The Music Man Jr., KHS, Auditorium, 7pm.


  Saturday, February 4
KMS presents The Music Man Jr., KHS, Auditorium, 1pm/4pm
Credit Rating Upgraded
Refinancing will save Millions

Kenston Treasurer, Linda Hein reported that the district's credit rating was recently upgraded by Moody's Investors Services.  Moody's raised its underlying rating for the school district's general obligation debt one notch to "Aa1" from "Aa2" in a report dated November 29, 2011.  The Moody's report indicated that "the upgrade is based on the district's large, affluent tax base, historically stable financial operations supported by healthy General Fund cash reserves: stable enrollment levels; and manageable direct debt burden.


Superintendent, Dr. Robert Lee indicated that the Aa1 rating is just below the highest Aaa rating.  Of the 245 Ohio school districts that Moody's rates, only 18 Ohio school districts hold a Aa1while only 10 are rated Aaa.  Nearby districts with similar ratings are Beachwood (Aaa), Orange (Aaa), Shaker Heights (Aaa), Aurora (Aa1), Chagrin Falls (Aa1), Mayfield (Aa1) and Solon (Aa1).


Over the next four to six weeks the district will refinance the 2003 bonds that financed the construction of the new high school.  Mrs. Hein estimates the refinancing will save taxpayers about $3 million over the remaining life of the bonds which have a final maturity date of December 1, 2029.  The Moody's rating upgrade is responsible for  $300,000 to $400,000 in overall savings.


Any resident interested in purchasing the bonds can get additional information from Mrs. Hein at (440) 543-9677.  


Food for Thought
Play Blue


Play Blue, Promoting Learning through Active Youth, incorporates wellness goals and "New Physical Education" curriculum with an emphasis on nutrition and education.


As part of the Carol M. White Physical Education Grant, Kenston purchased fitness equipment and collected student data five times last year.   Thanks to parents and students we had a 96.6% response rate for the collection of data. 



Gardiner Early Learning Fitness Center
The Gardiner Early Learning Fitness Center features:

 - Rail Yard Fitness
 - 2 Sport Trainers
 - Xavix Fitness System
 - 2 Jump Zones
 - 2 Trampolines
 - Treadmill
 - Ergometer
 - Rock Wall
Timmons Elementary Fitness Center
The Timmons Fitness Center features:

 - 4 Jr. Steppers
 - 4 Jr. Ellipticals

 - 3 Trampolines
 - 2 Jump Zones
 - 2 Exerbike Stations
 - 2 Xavix Systems
 - Light Space Floor
 - Rock Wall
Kenston Intermediate Fitness Center
PEP - KIS Spinning Bikes
The Kenston Intermediate Fitness Center features:

 - 5 Treadmills
 - 4 Upright Bikes
 - 3 Spinning Bikes
 - 2 Rowing Machines
 - T-wall 32
 - 3 Gamersize Stations
 - Rock Wall
Kenston Middle School Fitness Center
PEP - KMS Rowing Machine
The Kenston Middle School Fitness Center features:

 - Hop Sports Station
 - 10 Treadmills

 - 10 Ellipticals
 - 10 Spinning Bikes
 - 4 Upright Bikes
 - 4 Rowing Machines
 - Various Exergaming
 - Rock Wall
Kenston High School Fitness Center
The Kenston High School  Fitness Center features:

 - 25 Spinning Bikes
 - 8 Upright Bikes
 - 8 Ellipticals
 - Rock Wall