BookEnds is built upon a community of caring individuals who inspire us. Here are just a few:
Mahela and Judith who dropped off 1,000+ books from the Friends of The Goleta Valley Library,
Emma, who chose BookEnds to receive donations in honor of her Bat Mitzvah,
Howie, who came here with his office colleagues from the UTA Foundation to help sort books,
Madeleine, a UCLA student who volunteers with us when she's not in class,
Alejandro, who volunteered to translate our key documents into spanish,
The Marcled Foundation, who ignited fundraising efforts by issuing a challenge grant to our board,

Bonnie, who drove in from Pasadena to donate boxes
we really needed,
Patti, who helped us become THE service learning project in 4th grade at Beverly Hills Unified School district,
Landon, a 2 year old who is starting his community service early by donating birthday books to us,
Lori, who does, well too much to possibly list here,
Shawn and Angela, who donated a percentage of Beverly Hills Market & Deli sales to us.
And SO many others! THANK YOU! We celebrate your time, talent and resources which make BookEnds work possible.