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Please join us on Friday, August 24th between 9 am and 12 pm to help sort books that will be distributed to kids who need them!

(a 2 hour commitment is required, 3 hours is appreciated!)  Email us here if you can help!

Garr visits WNS 

Our great appreciation to the following organizations for their recent grant support of BookEnds:


Ahmanson Foundation

City of Agoura Hills 


BookEnds student volunteers organize book drives in their schools to recycle their quality children's books directly into the hands of kids in schools and youth organizations in desperate need of books. Through this process, BookEnds creates readers and leaders.

BookEnds is built upon a community of caring individuals who inspire us.  Here are just a few:
 Friends of the Goleta Valley Library


Mahela and Judith who dropped off 1,000+ books from  the Friends of The Goleta Valley Library,



Emma, who chose BookEnds to receive donations in honor of her Bat Mitzvah,


Sarah, who wrote about our work on her blog, The Family Savvy,


Howie, who came here with his office colleagues from  the UTA Foundation to help sort books,



Madeleine, a UCLA student who volunteers with us when she's not in class,
Alejandro, who volunteered to translate our key documents into spanish,



The Marcled Foundation, who ignited fundraising efforts by issuing a challenge grant to our board,

cardboard boxes


Bonnie, who drove in from Pasadena to donate boxes

we really needed,


Patti, who helped us become THE service learning project in 4th grade at Beverly Hills Unified School district,


Goodnight Moon 
Landon, a 2 year old who is starting his community service early by donating birthday books toLori Neville us,



Lori, who does, well too much to possibly list here,


Shawn and Angela, who donated a percentage of Beverly Hills Market & Deli sales to us.


And SO many others!  THANK YOU!  We celebrate your time, talent and resources which make BookEnds work possible.