Through BookEnds, we give our children the opportunity to grow their compassion.  Please support our work with a year end gift.


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BookEnds student volunteers organize book drives in their schools to recycle their quality children's books directly into the hands of kids in schools and youth organizations in desperate need of books. Through this process, BookEnds creates readers and leaders. 

Growing Compassion



As President of BookEnds, I am forever humbled by the generous heart and deep empathy found in most people I meet. During this holiday season when we struggle with reduced material resources, I

find the overflowing human spirit a bountiful treasure.


I was at the gym early this morning, amongst a familiar group of highly driven people, when a gasp rang out.  A 76 year-old woman had fallen off the treadmill. Conscious but ailing, a large group of people quickly surrounded her, provided comfort and aide, selflessly stopping their worlds until the paramedics arrived.  

More than a year ago, I moved into a townhouse development where I share a wall with my neighbor Lori. As I have struggled with house maintenance, living alone and the day to day trials of life, Lori has been there. When her gate needed painting, she painted mine too; when she installed a fan in her garage she figured I would also need one; when she notices my car in the driveway, I get an invitation. And when my beloved dog got sick and I needed to get to the vet to put her down, it was Lori that I called who held first my dog and then me.

I read the headlines pausing at our econboysomic malaise and political impasse, but what inspires my lasting impression is the energy and spirit of the common man who takes the time to help a stranger, be a great neighbor or read to a child.  With human compassion as our foundation, regardless of how faulty we sometimes build our house, the best of our world will endure.

Happy Holidays - may we thrive and enjoy the prosperity of spirit found in each other.






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