Our annual Scrabble Challenge, a book mark contest, the launch of our new website, social media expansion, a record number of bookdrives.   


Wow - 2011 might be called the year of the rabbit,

but we think it's the Year of BookEnds!

In This Issue
BookEnds Scrabble Challenge
Bookends & the UTA Foundation
Folkdancing and Reading!
Bookmark Contest
BookEnds Resource Highlight
What is BookEnds?
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Good Karma: Just Shop or Search Online for BookEnds benefit! 

Be a part of the largest online network of shoppers and online stores dedicated to turning everyday online shopping and searching into much-needed donations for BookEnds.  AND why not raise money every time you search the web?  Try iGive's earch engine and enjoy free, easy fundraising for BookEnds.  iGive

WEbster and Horace Mann

There were 85 Horace Mann students delivering books to Los Angeles Elementary - that's right, we said 85 students!

We need your Boxes!

cardboard boxes
We pride ourselves on recycling books and boxes - let us know if you have boxes for us - with 54 drives this year - we are running short!

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February 2011

BookEnds Scrabble Challenge

scrabbleBookEnds Third Annual Believe in Kids Scrabble Challenge will be held at The Mark on March 3, 2011.  The food is ordered, the auction items are in, the scrabble boards are ready - all we need is you! RSVP here now by clicking this link: Register

BookEnds and the United Talent Agency Foundation


BE & UTABookEnds was able to donate 100 books to the kids of Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) through a partnership with United Talent Agency's Foundation.  The UTA Foundation hosted a Valentine's Day themed event at the HOLA campus on February 12, 2011 where 100 kids created Valentine's Day crowns, made bracelets, and decorated Valentine's and bookmarks.  At the end of the carnival every kid was given a BookEnds book to take home with them.  It was a wonderful day for all participants.

Folkdancing and Reading! 

Lemonwood Elementary School students Folkdancinggreeted Malibu's Webster Elementary with a lively Folklorico performance to celebrate Webster's delivery of over 2,000 books!  Thanks to everyone who danced, read and helped out! 

Bookmark Contest

Create the official BookEnds bookmark! We invite BookEnds student volunteers to design a bookmark with original artwork illustrating their experience of a book drive. The winning BookEnds bookmark will be reproduced and launched at the spring LA Times Festival of Books and be distributed to kids throughout Los Angeles. Click here for bookmark template.

BookEnds Resource Highlight 

The award-winning ALOUD Series at Central Library makes its home in the beautiful Mark Taper Auditorium, a place where issues ranging from the topical to the enduring are addressed; where ideas are exchanged; and where outstanding thinkers and artists from can be heard in conversation with local authors, journalists, academics and experts in their field. Click for ALOUD

What is BookEnds

BookEnds is a non profit organization about Kids helping Kids for Literacy and LeadershipBookEnds is built upon our belief in children.  We believe that every child has a right to be surrounded by books throughout their childhood to inspire, enthrall and excite them.  We also believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn to help.

Annually, nearly 20,000 students organize BookEnds book drives in their schools to recycle their quality children's books directly into the hands of kids in schools and youth organizations that are in desperate need of books. At BookEnds, we build the next generation of readers and leaders.  Contact us!