Time to:
Renew your TXSES membership? Become a new member?
Buy a holiday membership for that low-carbon loving family member? We do cool stuff and we make a difference!
 The 16th Annual Austin Cool House Tour will be June 3, 2012. Applications are now available and are due Jan. 23, 2012.
TXSES Chapter Updates
Read updates from our chapters in Houston, El Paso, Rio South Texas, Austin, North Texas, San Antonio andNorth Central Texas Solar.
TXSES is a member of EarthShare Texas. Encourage your workplace giving campaign to include this organization. They support dozens of earth friendly groups, including TXSES.
TXSES Sponsors
Bison Pro Fab
Visit our Business Member Page to view all our business member supporters. Generous individual supporters include Robert Foster, Carol Harwell, Debrah Dubay, Vaughn Nelson, Ti Mougne, Steve Wiese, Charles Schneider, Chris Chandler, Jane Pulaski, Lorin and Mary Vant Hull, and Elizabeth Penniman |
Chairman's Corner
Fred Yebra
I am happy to report that this past October was another very successful month for solar energy in Texas. Dallas entered the worldwide solar scene by hosting the eighth annual Solar Power International, a preeminent solar industry conference and trade show with close to 20,000 participants and 1,200 suppliers. Then in conjunction with the National Energy Awareness Month and the ASES National Solar Tour, Texas communities hosted local tours whose aim was to raise awareness for solar energy. Read more
Executive Director's Corner
Natalie Marquis
We are pleased to announce the extension and renewal of our Solar America Cities grant in partnership with Austin Energy (AE). This part of the grant is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate great teachers from the five school districts served by AE. In a ceremony on November 18th at Crockett High School to inaugurate the first of 15 outdoor solar learning centers, we announced a curriculum writing contest for the five school districts served by Austin Energy. Read more
Austin Energy Green Building Wins
UN Habitat Scroll of Honour Award
By Lucy Stolzenburg
Austin Energy Green Building, TXSES' partner in producing the annual Cool House Tour, has won the prestigious United Nations Habitat Scroll of Honour Award. This follows, after 19 years, the United Nations Local Government Honours Award presented to Green Building at the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.The 2011 award recognizes AEGB for being the first in the United States to lead the way in sustainable building practices and commercial construction, providing valuable electricity, fuel, water and construction savings. The program ensures that buildings are energy efficient, thus making a positive, sustainable, durable contribution to the city. Read more
Homeowners and Installers: Are you encountering HOA resistance? By Michael Albrecht Editor's Note: TXSES is not in a position to give legal advice, but we are interested to hear about your experience with homeowners' associations since the passage of HB-362.
In May 2011 the Texas Legislature passed and the governor signed into law HB-362. The new law restricts Homeowner Associations (HOA) in Texas from enacting provisions that outright forbid the installation of solar energy systems. Read more
Interactive Solar Career Map is
Latest Tool for Industry Job Seekers By Michael Albrecht  |
The Solar Reflector is a
publication of TXSES
Chairman - Fred Yebra
Executive Director - Natalie Marquis Editor - Lucy Stolzenburg
Contributing Writer- Michael Albrecht Special thanks to Copy Editor Alexandria Abdallah
The Texas Solar Energy Society, a 501 (c) (3), was founded in 1976 as a non-profit organization created to increase awareness for the potential of solar and other renewable energy applications and to promote the wise use of sustainable and non-polluting resources.