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CPI News Brief                  Volume 1 Issue 3 * August 2012

In This Issue
CPI Event Calendar
Archived Webinars
CPI Event Calendar
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The Center for Practice Innovation's (CPI) primary goals are to promote the widespread availability of mental health evidence-based practices in New York State, promote innovations related to emerging promising practices, cultural adaptations and organizational change approaches and to create informational and educational resources for the general public as well as users and providers of mental health services.

Archived Webinars Available through CPI's Learning Community


Scheduling can make it difficult at times for individuals to participate in live webinars. Understanding this reality, CPI now offers archived webinars that can be accessed any time, any day, through the CPI Learning Community. Over 60 webinars are now available, with more being added each month. 


Popular webinars include Motivational Interviewing (Forrest Foster, MSW), ACT Risk Assessment and Management (Steven Hoge, MD), and Prescribing Addiction Medications for People Diagnosed with Co-occurring Disorders (Steven Kipnis, MD).


These archived webinars are available free of charge to practitioners in NYS agencies and programs who are enrolled in CPI's learning management system ("CPI Learning Community").   To watch an archived webinar, log into the Learning Community, choose the initiative that interests you (e.g., ACT, FIT, IPS), click on "Watch an archived webinar" and then choose the title you'd like to view.


For other practitioners, please contact CPI at cpihelp@nyspi.columbia.edu for information about CPI's initiatives and how interested programs can join.