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Birmingham Divorce and Family Law E-Newsletter
Candi Peeples, Attorney at Law
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About Candi:
Ms. Peeples boutique styled practice is limited to areas of matrimonial and family law including divorce, child custody/support, alimony, property division, premarital agreements, adoption, assisted reproductive technology, and other post-divorce modification and enforcement issues.

A undergraduate of The University of Georgia, she earned her law decree, cum laude, from the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in 2000. 

Selected in 2005 as one of Birmingham's Top 40 Under 40 by the Birmingham Business Journal, and in 2009 & 2010 as one of Birmingham's "Top Attorneys in Family Law" by Birmingham Magazine, Candi is an active member of the Birmingham community.  She will Serve as Chair of the Alabama State Bar Family Law Section for 2010-2011.

Candi is married to Lloyd Peeples and they have two children Chandler and Lily.
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Issue: 1 May 2010

Welcome to my first e-newsletter.  I hope that the topics and issues will be helpful to you or to anyone in your life that may have a need for some insight into the family law arena.

Enjoy this wonderful spring weather as much as I am.  If you have any thoughts or ideas to make this newsletter more helpful, please let me know.

Advice from A Judge
A Family Court Judge talks about effective preparation for court -- and how to achieve results in court by utilizing all available resources.

Financial Health Check-Up
Take this short quiz to find out whether you get a clean bill of financial health -- or if you require emergency care.

Divorce Recovery
Curing the Divorce Hangover
A "divorce hangover" can be healed and regardless of whether it was by choice or not, it can be the beginning of a happier, more satisfying one.

Handling Visitation
Your child has two parents who no longer live in the same home, so you each must take turns living with the child -- even if it is only for a few hours or for a weekend. Here's some advice for the custodial and non-custodial parent.

One Singular Sensation
Why it's more than okay to be single.


Candi Peeples

2924 Crescent Avenue
Homewood, AL 35209
(205) 871-9550 (phone)
(205) 871-9549 (fax)

This communication is intended as general information and not specific legal advice, and this communication does not create an attorney-client relationship.

'No Representation is made that the quality of the legal service to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.'