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Centergy News 
Updates from your regional economic development alliance
August 2011- Vol 2, Issue 7
In This Issue
New regional business retention findings
Broadband investment discussions scheduled
Economic indicator forum date announced

Focal Point 2011 date announced 

Please mark your calendars and plan to join UWSP's Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology gathering on Tuesday, October 4 to learn how applied research and development is set to provide new market opportunities and address business challenges throughout the state of Wisconsin.  Details can be found HERE. 

2011 Wisconsin Bioenergy Summit date announced  

In order to advance regional initiatives in the bio-science sector we have partnered with the Wisconsin Bioenergy Initiative.  Last year we assisted in the release of an online statewide alternative fuels atlas, available on the Centergy website.  As we continue to advance bio-based business development in our region, we encourage local stakeholders to attend the summit on October 6 in Madison.  The Wisconsin Bioenergy Initiative at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will host this day-long conference focused on sharing the importance of building a biobased economy and educating the public about bioenergy research and industry development. The event features keynote speakers, interactive breakout sessions and panels.

The 2011 Summit will feature a keynote from Virent Energy Systems CEO Lee Edwards. Researchers, industry professionals and financial experts from throughout the Midwest will participate in panel sessions built around the following topics:


1. From Innovation to Production: Bioenergy Technologies


2.  Biogas: Wisconsin's Opportunity Fuel


3. What it Takes to Create Sustainable Bioenergy Systems in the Midwest


For more information about the summit and registration materials, please CLICK HERE.

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Regional quality of life video to help attract business and recruit professional talent to Central Wisconsin 


Barb Fleisner

In our effort to promote business and talent attraction to the region, we have produced a quality of life video.  You are cordially invited to attend the premiere release on Wednesday, September 14 at 5pm.  We thank the Grand Theater for hosting the event and Red Eye Brewing Company for providing refreshments.


Now a sneak preview of what you will see...


     We have quality of life down to a science.


Nature and People of Region Showcased in Quality of Life Video

The quality of life in Central Wisconsin is best described by blending images of the area's natural beauty with those that portray the progressive spirit of its people. 


Letting images speak on its behalf, Centergy created a five-minute video to attractively communicate its belief that the communities, culture, natural environment and people make this region special.  To carry its branding message that life and science are connecting the region to tomorrow, Centergy intends the video to creatively make the statement, "We have quality of life down to a science."


Work and Play in Harmony

The old saying goes, "There is nothing new under the sun."  Making the Centergy region stand out required the video to impress the viewer that in this place, and by their collective efforts, people enjoy a high quality of life and this is a desirable place to live and work.


The viewer will be guided by a couple on bicycles through a montage of scenes that communicate more effectively than words the values that make the region special.  From sunrise to sunset, the eye will be led through the natural environment in which people recreate and find relaxation, while showing as backdrop the extensive array of infrastructure that sustains local, national and global business enterprises.


Most importantly, the eye will be drawn to expressions of people creating community through cooperation and participation.  Scenes will include school children exploring lessons outside the classroom that teach skills desired by employers, young adults participating in civic planning activities, and the myriad of diverse events that occur within the arts, culture and entertainment realms that bring people of the region together for fun and enjoyment.


Every Picture Tells a Story

Five minutes is a brief time in which to encapsulate hundreds of square miles of natural environment and the activities of thousands of people, so the images move quickly.  The richness of life depicted in the scenes will provide the proverbial thousand words a picture can provide.


The video was scripted by Phil Valitchka Public Relations and produced by Golden Icon Productions, Wausau.


Centergy will distribute the video through its web site,, as well as to its member organizations and affiliated economic development partners, whose various electronic media it employs in its marketing and communications program for their use in promoting our region for business and talent attraction.


The Centergy region includes Adams, Marathon, Portage and Wood Counties and the City of Merrill.  Hope to see you at the release.


Best regards,  


Barb Fleisner 

Executive Director   

Regional business retention visit findings
professional development graphic
Many of the local economic development professionals in our region routinely conduct very detailed on-site interviews with top management of existing companies in an effort to identify issues and provide proactive solutions on how to assist in their respective business development plans.  We use the information to aid in our regional strategies to support the 'grow from within' model. 


The new Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation is evaluating a state-supported customer relations management software platform to encourage increased business retention visits in order to deploy resources in a more effective and efficient manner.  Centergy will assist to expand the utilization of this development tool region-wide.


Please CLICK HERE for a brief snapshot of our region's most recent assessment.

Regional broadband investment discussions scheduled
Broadband graphic
In keeping with our mission to support infrastructure for business growth, Centergy partnered with the Public Service Commission to develop a local task force of experts that has identified broadband deficiencies. These efforts tie into a statewide initiative called LinkWisconsin, to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.  


While we have identified barriers to broadband access, our attention has now turned to how we fix the problem.  To this end Centergy is hosting a series of panel discussions with public and private industry experts on Monday, October 10 from 4 to 6pm on the UWSP campus.  Please contact the Centergy office (715.843.9563) for more information.

Economic indicator forum date announced

In an effort to benchmark the level of economic activity in our region, we are pleased to announce the next economic indicator report will be presented on Friday, October 7 at 7:30am at the Jefferson Street Inn, Wausau. We wish to acknowledge the sponsorship of this assessment by M&I, a part of BMO Financial Group, and the work of the Central Wisconsin Economic Research Bureau as part of UWSP. 


The special report, written and presented by Professor Edward Miller is entitled "Medicare:  A Policy in Transition."Please contact the Centergy office for more details and to register.

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