"Wadleigh Happenings "
                       March 2010
In This Issue
Wadleigh News
Adult Programs
Young Adult Programs
Children's Programs
Wadleigh Memorial Library

 Wadleigh Memorial Library 
49 Nashua Street
Milford, NH 03055
Monday -Thursday  9:30-8:30
Friday 9:30-5:00
Saturday 9:00-1:00
Sunday 1:00-5:00 (Sept-May) 
Wadleigh Library Trustees
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, March 16th
Friends of the Library
Next meeting:
Wednesday, March 17th
 New members are always welcome!
Follow-up Links
Did a friend forward you a copy of our newsletter? Why not  sign up for your own monthly copy Today!

Join Our Mailing List!

Morning Book
 Thur, Mar 11th
@ 10am
"To Kill a MockingBird" 
by: Harper Lee
Harper Lee's classic novel of a lawyer in the Deep South defending a black man charged with the rape of a white girl.

 fabulous traveling funeral
Evening Book
 Tues, Mar 30th
@ 7pm
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
by: Harper Lee
 In celebration of the NEABig Read2010 New Hampshire Humanities Council Scholar Jennifer Lee will visit the Wadleigh Library to facilitate a discussion on To Kill a Mockingbird.
"A gripping, heart-wrenching, and wholly remarkable tale of coming-of-age in a South poisoned by virulent prejudice, it views a world of great beauty and savage inequities through the eyes of a young girl, as her father-a crusading local lawyer-risks everything to defend a black man unjustly accused of a terrible crime." Amazon Eds. 

to kill a mockingbird

Suggestions or Feedback!
As always, it is important we receive feedback from our user community.  If you have any suggestions for new library programs or feedback on our newsletter content or format, send us an email!

Welcome to the Wadleigh Memorial Library monthly newsletter.  Finally, spring is here... or will be, on March 20.  Until then, be prepared for blizzards and warm days and never knowing what the next will bring! 
March also means that the Big Read is here!  Grab your copy of To Kill a Mockingbird and attend one of our many Big Read events, including book discussions, lectures, and even a down-South potluck luncheon.  Or, if Southern cooking isn't your thing, learn how to pair tea and chocolate with Danielle Beaudette of The Cozy Tea Cart.  Our travel series continues with a presentation about the Norweigian Coast, and the Rakes of Milford will be here for our Acoustic Café series.  There might not be any official holidays during the month of March, but teens can celebrate March Madness and their un-birthdays at a Mad Hatter Tea Party! 
In addition to these special programs, the library as always will host storytimes for children of all ages, computer classes, and book clubs.  As tax season soldiers on, the folks from AARP will continue to offer free tax preparation as well.

Enjoy our March Newsletter!
Wadleigh News!
kioskEnvisionWare is Here!!
New PC Reservation & Print Management Software
If you visit the library to use our public computers, we're happy to announce we have a new PC management system in place to help coordinate the use of the computers. A library card holder can walk up to an available PC, click on the green link saying Available and enter their library barcode and PIN # to use the computer for 1 hour with 15 minute extensions up to 2 hours if no one else needs that computer. In all, everyone has 3 hours per day for using the computers with your library account. If you're not sure about the PIN # that goes with your library card number, please stop by the Main Desk before proceeding to an available PC. You can also reserve a computer for later on when the library's computers are all busy.
There is a kiosk station near the Reference Desk to make PC reservations and this is also where your print jobs will wait for you after sending them from any of the computers. Be sure to preview your print-out before you send them to the kiosk so you'll know just what you're getting. Once you enter your library card number and PIN, just choose the print job you want and send it to the printer. The cost of print-outs can be paid at the coin/bill machine next to the printer.
Staff will assist you if you're not sure where things are or how to do something and before you know it, you'll be an expert at managing your computer use at the library!
EnvisionWare logo
2010AARP Tax Aide
Tuesdays 2/2 - 4/13  9:30am-2:00pm
Thursdays 2/4 - 4/15 4:00pm-6:30pm 
AARP Tax-Aide volunteers, trained in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service, will offer help with personal income tax returns at the Wadleigh Library beginning on Tuesday, February 2nd from 9:30am -2:00pm and Thursday from 4:00pm to 6:30pm, as well as the Wilton Town Hall on Thursdays From 2:30pm to 6:00pm.  
Everyone is welcome, you do not need to be a member of AARP or a retiree to use this service.
Adult Programs

trollfjordAdventure Travels with
Linda & Bryan Higgs
        Geiranger Fjord
Second of Three Part Travel Series
Wednesdays  6:30-8:00pm
March 17th - Norwegian Coastal Voyage
April 21st - Tanzania Safari 
Come along with Linda and Bryan Higgs on their second of three exhilarating travel adventures:  On March 17th, share their experiences on an eleven day Norwegian Coastal Voyage.  In April, join them on an eight day safari in Tanzania, including a balloon ride over the Serengeti.
Each of these presentations consists of videos, still photos, text, and audio, and lasts about an hour.  They each attempt to convey an impression of what it was like to be there -- in other words, the experience, not merely a slide show.  Linda and Bryan will be available for a question and answer session following each presentation.
Sign up today for the March 17th Norwegian Coastal Voyage
 registration is recommended!
Sign up for the last two programs.
Approaching the Trollfjord   
Computers in the Library
Basic Skills
Mondays, 6:30pm-7:30pm
March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
Informal classes to introduce library resources accessed through computers in the library and at home. Includes how to search the library catalog & online databases, and use social networking websites and Internet search engines effectively. 
Registration recommended to get a computer to practice on. 
to kill a mockingbirdThe Big Read:
New Hampshire Reads
To Kill a Mockingbird 
March Programs
The Wadleigh Memorial Library is pleased to announce that during March 2010 we will be part of The Big Read: New Hampshire Reads To Kill a Mockingbird. This is a statewide project of the Center for the Book at the NH State Library which will include hundreds of "Big Read" events throughout the state.
Events being held at the Wadleigh Memorial Library Include:
Thurs, March 11th, 12pm-2:00pm
Big Read Community Pot Luck Luncheon
In celebration of the NEA Big Read 2010 the library will host a pot-luck luncheon. Beverage will be provided. Share samplings of foods mentioned in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird or bring your own favorites. We'll also be reading some of our favorite passages from the book. 
Tuesday, March 23rd  @ 7pm
The Role of the Defense Lawyer in American Society
Milford Attorney Jane Holly-Weintraub will discuss her career as a defense attorney and how our American criminal justice system has evolved from the days of Atticus Finch to today. This is a Big Read event sponsored in cooperation with the New Hampshire Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library. 
Thursday, March 25th @ 7pm
Deep Souths: Delta, Piedmont, and Sea Island Society
 in the Age of Segregation
UNH Professor J. William Harris will lecture on Southern culture as it relates to our Big Read selection To Kill a Mockingbird. Deep Souths tells the stories of three southern regions from Reconstruction to World War II: the Georgia Sea Islands and Atlantic coast, the eastern Piedmont of Georgia, and the Mississippi-Yazoo Delta. Though at first these regions shared the histories and populations we associate with the "Deep South"-all had economies based on slave plantation labor in 1860-their histories diverged sharply during the three generations after Reconstruction.
Harris presents a comparative, ground-level view of history, one that encompasses the rise of segregation and also resistance to it; blues music as well as cotton plantations, and the challenges to the southern order from new political forces. By the end of the New Deal, changes in these regions had prepared the way for the civil rights movement and the end of segregation. Deep Souths was one of three finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in History in 2002.  
Wilton Town Hall Theatre
Sunday, March 14th @ 4:30pm
The classic film To Kill a Mockingbird with Gregory Peck will be shown at the Wilton Town Hall Theatre.

big readThe Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) that gives communities the opportunity to come together & read, discuss & celebrate one of 30 selections from U.S. & world literature. In New Hampshire, the program is organized by the Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library. The Center for the Book chose to focus on To Kill a Mockingbird because of its relevant themes of standing up for what is right, relationships between the races, courage, justice & more.
Tea CartPairing Tea with Chocolate
Monday, March 15th @ 6:30pm 
Danielle Beaudette of The Cozy Tea Cart (TCTC) www.thecozyteacart.com and a certified Tea Specialist will offer a lecture titled Pairing Tea with Chocolate. In this interactive lecture, attendants will first learn about the types of teas that pair well with chocolate. Next, they will learn the similarities between the production of the cocoa bean and the tea plant and move on to sampling four different specialty teas together with high cocoa content chocolate ranging between 30% - 80% cocoa. If time permits, the course will end with a sampling of three enchanting chocolate infused teas.
Registration is required for this program so sign up today!
Register online at the Wadleigh Library Online Calendar or by calling the library at 673-2408.
the rakes of milfordAcoustic Cafe:
The Rakes of Milford
 Saturday, March 20 @ 7:30pm 
Please join us as we celebrate 10 years of Acoustic Cafe!
This month we welcome local legends: The Rakes of Milford. This lively group will return for a night of Irish music, dance and song to get us in the mood for St. Patty's Day.
The Acoustic Cafe series is very generously sponsored by the Friends & Trustees of the Wadleigh Library. This program is free and open to all. Light refreshments will be available and all donations will benefit the Library. 
Doors open @ 7pm; performance begins at 7:30pm.

Young Adult Programs

knitting"Chicks with Sticks" 
 Teen Book Club 
Thursday, March 4th @ 3:00pm
 A Certain Slant of Light
By:  Laura Whitcomb
After benignly haunting a series of people for 130 years, Helen meets a teenage boy who can see her and together they unlock the mysteries of their pasts.

Bring your current knitting project and join us for snacks and discussion. Beginning knitters and new members welcome! Copies are available on the teen display.
animangaAnimanga Club
Tuesday, March 9th @ 3:30pm
Hang out and discuss your favorite anime or manga series, participate in related games and activities, and create sketches of your favorite characters to share.
writing clubTeen Writing Club
Friday, March 19th @ 3:30
 Share your stories, poetry, and critiques, hang out, and live the writer's life.
Mad Hatter's Tea Party
2010Wednesday, March 24th @ 3:30pm
Celebrate your un-birthday at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party! Wear your craziest hats and/or costumes and cosplay and get ready for twisted party games, tea cup painting, and croquet (with flamingos, of course)!
This program is for grades 6-12 and is limited to 13 participants. Please RSVP by registering online or at the circulation desk.
Olympians PartyThe lightening thief
Wednesday, March 3rd @ 3:30pm
Celebrate the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series at our Olympians Party! Which Greek god will claim you? Write your name in Ancient Greek! Taste the nectar of the gods! Show off your knowledge of mythology!
This program is open to grades 4-8. REGISTRATION REQUIRED and LIMITED to 15 participants.
(rescheduled from February due to snow closure)
Children's Programs
 Story Times

 Baby Lapsit Storytime
Birth to 18 Months
Wednesdays 10am -11am
March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
April 7, 14, 21   -    May 5, 12, 19, 26  -   June 2, 9, 16
We read together, bounce, tickle, blow bubbles & have lots of fun.
 No Registration Required.
Just for the 18 - 24 Months Olds 
Mondays 10am - 11am
 March 8, 15, 22, 29
April 5, 12, 19   May 10, 17, 24
No Storytimes on April 2nd
Will read together, sing, & have fun.
No Registration Required.
Just for 2 - 3½ Year-Olds
Mondays  10:30am
 March 8, 15, 22, 29
April 5, 12, 19   May 10, 17, 24
 No Story Time on April 26th & May 3rd.
No Registration Required.

Story School for 3 1/2 to 6 Year-Olds
Wednesday  1pm
 March 10, 17, 24, 31  -  April 7, 14, 21  -  May 5, 12, 19
No Story Time on April 28th. 
Thursday   10:00am
March 11, 18  -  April 1, 8, 15, 22  -  May 6, 13, 20
No Story Times on March 25th & April 29th.
Registration Required
PAWS To Read dog reading
Saturday, Mar 13th
Children of any age who are able to read are invited to sign up to practice their reading skills with a Certified Therapy Dog. Ali, Koda, Molly, Scooter & our newest addition--Weezie--are area Therapy Dogs who with their owners, are volunteering their time to help children become better readers.
Readers can arrive any time between 10:30 and 11:30am to read to the dog of their choice for approximately 20 minutes. No specific time slots are needed but those who sign up will be guaranteed time to read for this month's session. You will need to sign up for each month's session. Please note that not all dogs will be available each month.
For more information, pick up a brochure at the Library or contact Michelle Sampson 673-2408. Milford cardholders only due to space/time restrictions.
 In Closing....
Enjoy the warm temperatures and take a walk to your library!  We look forward to serving your needs!
Your Friends at the
Wadleigh Memorial Library 
Quote of the Month:
"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush."
Doug Larson