Tom Simpson, PBIA Master Instructor
What I like about teaching pool...Seeing players light up as they transform their game.
Most common tip for new players...Don't hit the cue ball so hard.
Hardest thing to do...Keep my mouth shut and not comment on every stroke.
Pet peeve...Instructors with incorrect physics. There is no excuse for this, and it's a disservice to students.
Heroes...My heroes are my students. They had the courage and the will to show up and learn. Heroes recognize that they don't know what they don't know, and they are willing to change and embrace new information. My heroes do the work.
Hobbies...I've been training in aikido for 25 years, and have been teaching at my dojo in Virginia for 5 years. It's because of what I've learned through aikido about movement and effective body use that I'm able to truly see what my students are doing in their bodies, and am able to understand and correct their form flaws.
Some accomplishments in pool...Invention & development of Elephant Practice BallsŪ, Ghostball Aim TrainerŪ, and the Stroke Groover™. Writing one article at a time over 13 years for my book of (currently) 115 one-page lessons. Making a living as a full-time instructor.