PBIA Header
Vol 3, Issue 4
Summit 2012
PBIA AdWords Campaign Update
PBIA Instructor Program Update
PBIA Housekeeping

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Summit 2012  



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Iwan Simonis 


The Predator Group 




BCA Instructor  

Welcome PBIA Instructors

Hello all PBIA Instructors, 

We hope your Spring/early Summer is off to a great start!


Welcome to our new PBIA Instructors.

PBIA Annual Meeting During Summit 2012

The PBIA Instructor Committee will be hosting an annual meeting during Summit 2012, July 18th - 20th. The meeting will take place from 8 a.m. to Noon on Friday, July 20th in the Epiphany Room at the Chicago/Schaumburg Convention Center & Hotel. 


Please make plans to participate in this interactive session focusing on ways to enhance the program.  Participants will receive four hours of instruction credit for attending the session.


For more information about this year's Summit 2012, including the Business of Billiards seminar series, industry social and golf outing, visit www.bcasummit.com


To register for Summit 2012, click here. 


Reserve your hotel room by June 12, 2012 to receive the Summit 2012 rate. Click here to make your reservation.

PBIA Google AdWords Campaign Update

We've received many positive responses from PBIA Instructors regarding our Google AdWord Campaign aimed at driving additional instruction opportunities to PBIA Instructors.  


Regarding the campaign, here are a few fun facts:

  • Online ads promoting PBIA instruction have been clicked 7,796 times.   
  • 6,554 individuals have visited playbetterbilliards.com since February 2012.   

Again, we will appreciate it if you can email us at [email protected] each time you receive a lead from www.playbetterbilliards.com.

In With PBIA Out With BCA

Please change your titles on your websites, email signature blocks, business cards, keyword advertising campaign, etc. to PBIA. 

We also need you to link your website and name on your email signature to www.playbetterbilliards.com.  Again, this will help us promote certified instruction from PBIA Instructors.

PBIA Instructor Up Close

Tom Simpson, PBIA Master Instructor

What I like about teaching pool...
Seeing players light up as they transform their game.

Most common tip for new players...Don't hit the cue ball so hard.

Hardest thing to do...Keep my mouth shut and not comment on every stroke.

Simpson Headshot

Pet peeve...Instructors with incorrect physics. There is no excuse for this, and it's a disservice to students.

Heroes...My heroes are my students. They had the courage and the will to show up and learn. Heroes recognize that they don't know what they don't know, and they are willing to change and embrace new information. My heroes do the work.

Hobbies...I've been training in aikido for 25 years, and have been teaching at my dojo in Virginia for 5 years. It's because of what I've learned through aikido about movement and effective body use that I'm able to truly see what my students are doing in their bodies, and am able to understand and correct their form flaws.

Some accomplishments in pool...Invention & development of Elephant Practice Balls�, Ghostball Aim Trainer�, and the Stroke Groover™. Writing one article at a time over 13 years for my book of (currently) 115 one-page lessons. Making a living as a full-time instructor.

PBIA Program Housekeeping


  • PBIA logos are available for download at www.playbetterbilliards.com.  
  • Download the PBIA logo and visit www.vistaprint.com to print business cards for as low as $3.99 for 250 cards. 
  • To get an update on your student hours, send an email request to [email protected]. He will generate an Excel spread sheet that lists all of your entries.
  • Suggestions and ideas are welcome from all PBIA Instructors. Send them to [email protected] and help the organization get better and better.  

  Ivan Simonis Logo  Pool Dawg logo  Predator Group Logo        Please Support Our Founding Partners!