Can you spare one hour tomorrow for a man who risked his life for 18 months in Iraq, and for the thousands of others who have to choose between living a lie and living a dream of defending our country?
Today Rachel Maddow revealed that previous guest Army National
Guardsman Lt. Dan Choi, who came out publicly on her show, is the
latest of victim of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, having received a letter
from the Army informing him that he is being kicked out of the military.
Tomorrow night, Dan Choi will be on the show again, this time discussing his dismissal from the military.
While the show is taping, OCEC, freinds, and allies will hold a peaceful protest in his honor, and in support of all of the lesbian and gay women and men who have served and continue to serve our country.
They have not let us down and we will not let down now.
Protest DADT. End Discrimination. Support Honor. Celebrate Courage.
THURSDAY, May 72 pm - 3 pm Watson Bridge (This is the bridge that connects UCI campus & the University Town Center)Park near the Military Recruitment Center4255 Campus Dr,
IrvineBring Signs, Bring Friends
