25 November 2011


St. Thomas the Apostle is an Episcopal Parish in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.  We are called by God to be a holy place where love is found, where all are named and where hearts are freed to change the world.


St. Thomas has a great respect for both the rich liturgical heritage of the church and for living the message of social justice proclaimed by Jesus Christ. Whether you are young or old, gay or straight, single, married or in a relationship, female or male, poor or wealthy, you are welcome at St. Thomas just as you are...a child of God and an inheritor of God's grace.


EDITORS NOTE:  Christ the King Sunday ended the Christian year and Advent begins a new year.  As has been our custom over the past three years the look and feel of the eNews changes with the new Christian year.  We hope you enjoy!  THANKS for reading the award-winning St. Thomas the Apostle eNews!

The Time is Now. 
The  Needs are Great.

The 2011 Stewardship Campaign ended on November 20.  There were insufficient pledge commitments for 2012 for the Vestry to consider a budget for the next year at its meeting.    An additional Vestry meeting has been called for December 11 to address the budget for 2012.  Please return pledge cards as soon as possible


Stewardship Logo 2011


The 2011 Stewardship prayer:


Lord God of Hosts, Source of all gifts we, Thy people, rejoice in the fullness of Thy generosity.  We thank thee for those whose lives are visible signs of Thy love and blessing to others.  Give us the courage to do the same. Make us good stewards of all we have received and will receive, generously sharing our time, talents and treasure to build thy kingdom of love and justice. We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord, In whom we begin and end all things.


Many thanks to Evelyn Davis for her Stewardship talk:


111120 Stewardship Speaker.mov
111120 Stewardship Speaker.mov


We are most grateful to the following parishoners who have met with their Ambassador and made a financial pledge commitment for 2012. 


2012 Pledging Members (22 November 2011): 
David Anderson
Michael Austin
David Bode, MD
Rodney Borr
John Buckley
Steven W. Carry
Lucinda Carver
Kathryn Challoner, MD
Efrain Cisneros
Craig Coogan
Scott Crowell
Bill Daniel
Fr. Ian Elliott Davies
Evelyn Davis
Lloyd Davis
Steve De Muth
Curtis Dombek
Debby Driscoll
Michael Ensign Evans
Mia Fenwick
Jim Fossett
Brian Frankish & Tannis Benedict
Camellia & Jeff Friesen
Howard Gaass
Christopher Gable & Gerardo Vergara
Clint Gray
Bob Halvorson
John Harper
Ron Hartwig
Wes Haynes
Jane A. Heitz
Bob Henry & Linda Wendell
Sarah Hensley
Helen Hughes
Luis Javier & Laurence Jackson
Patricia Neal Jensen
Jeffrey Johnson
Sue Ann Keeling
James Keltner
Stephen Kemp
Taffia Kennedy
Ken Koonce
Bruce A. Larson
Joe Lopez
Ted Marbury
Doris Martin
Vincent G. Mazzucchelli
Fr. Doug McKinney & Tom Gossard
Robert D. Miller
Ruth & Randy Oglesby
Carolyn Olman
Donesh Olyaie
Erin & Windy O'Malley
Jan Quanbeck
Joseph Rials
Jo Ann Riordnauer
Vince Roncone
Les Rumsey
Tim Scerba
John Schleif
Darrell Schmitt
Ryan Scott
David Seck
Stan Shipley
John Sims
Amy Steelman
Walter Tanner & Jessica Kostosky
Thomas G. Thanangadan
Darcine Thomas & Howard March
Reece P. Thomson
John Thornbury
Paul Tournay & Lee Cox
Richard Francis Tracz
Ayako Travis
Christopher Wagner
Lynn Walker
Joseph Warren
Michelle Waterloo
Robert Weihing
Janet West
David Wildman
Randy Williams

Parking Update

No Parking
Thank you to the approx. 40 individuals who have written to the Los Angeles City Council regarding the recent approval of new parking restrictions and sent copies to the office.  This update contains the latest information - more current that what you will see in the Order of Service which was printed earlier in the week.
The Parish continues to work towards obtaining a meeting with Councilmember LaBonge or a representative of his office to try and mitigate this unilateral decision.  Councilmember LaBonge called Fr. Davies on Wednesday afternoon and informed him that the parking rules will take effect in mid-January.  Mr. LaBonge said he was "working on a solution to your parking problem."  He did not invite anybody from the Parish to assist in finding a resolution.
The officers continue to encourage members of the Parish to write to Councilmember LaBonge and to their local councilmember (if you live in Los Angeles). 
It is critical that the City Council hear from the Parish.  With no parking on public streets and limited parking in our own lots (that will need to be monitored since others will be looking for parking) these restrictions will have a significant and detrimental impact to the Parish of St. Thomas the Apostle.  Please note that nobody at the Church was asked by the Department of Transportation or the City Council for input or for the opportunity to craft a solution prior to the vote.
If you choose to write, click here for the list of City Council members, address information, etc.  Most have email.   Councilmember LaBonge should be copied as the Church is in his district.  his email is:  tom.labonge@lacity.org.  Please also copy the St. Thomas office at admin@saintthomashollywood.org so that we have a record of all correspondences. 
As serious as this situation is, please remember to be courtious and respectful in all correspondences.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this. 
Background on issue:
The Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved new parking restrictions for the area surrounding the Church.  According to the West Hollywood Patch the council voted to restrict parking on weekends.  Only residents will be allowed to park on the side streets around the Church on Saturdays and Sundays.  No weekend parking will be allowed on Gardner, Sierra Bonita or Franklin Avenue. 
Under City Council rules the vote is subject to reconsideration.  The Executive Committee has written to Councilmember LaBonge and called his office requesting reconsideration.  ExCom has also reached out to other elected leaders and Bishop Bruno for assistance.  A flier has been put together and is being handed out at the base of Runyon Canyon seeking the support of people who use that public park. 

Reason for the Season 


The annual outreach programs continue this year.  Thanks to Christopher Gable for leading the program!

SOVA Outreach

SOVASt. Thomas' Community Outreach Committee continues our food drive to benefit SOVA food pantries this holiday season.  We collect food throughout the year to benefit SOVA, one of the St. Thomas partners in the Homeless Coalition.  During the upcoming holidays our goal is to fill the SOVA food as often as possible.  The food bin is located in the foyer near the church office.  
The following items are needed: 
  • Canned and packaged foods
  • Personal hygiene products (especially disposable razors, shampoo, soap, feminine hygiene items,  disposable diapers and  deodorant)
  • Ribbon and other basket-making equipment and supplies for Baskets of Hope
  • New or gently used children's books
SOVA is a nonsectarian program of Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles, dedicated to alleviating hunger and poverty in the community through food distribution and offering a wide range of supportive services.

To learn more about SOVA visit their website. 
Angel Tree

Angel Tree
It's Angel Tree time again! This year we at St. Thomas are assisting children at two groups. 

Hillsides is the LA Episcopal Diocese foster care and treatment center for kids who are at-risk. http://www.hillsides.org/ 

IRIS is the non-denominational response to the needs of refugees settling in LA area.  IRIS help familes and children from Iraq, Somalia, Congo,  and other countries in serious difficultiesIt's also a ministry of our diocese and strongly supported by our Bishops. ttp://ministries.ladiocese.org/iris.html  

In total we're assisting 40 kids from these organizations. For most of these children, this will be the only present they receive.   

We urge you to explore the ministries and work of these two very worthy organizations.

The Angel Tree will be available starting Advent Sunday, November 27th, and the (unwrapped) gifts should be returned by Sunday, December 11th.

The IRIS families also desperately need food for their tables, so, if you are able, we are also collecting grocery gift cards. There will be a sign-up sheet under the tree.

This year, we are reaching out to military veterans and their families via the LA/SFV Veteran's Employment Committee.  The LA/SFVVEC helps encourage employers to hire veterans re-entering the civilian workforce and assists unemployed veterans and their families. 

Please bring inexpensive ($5 range) unwrapped toys and canned good/packaged foods/personal care items to help these families in need. 

DADT repeal this Fall gives us another great reason to help these families in need, and to support the people who support us.

Thank you for your generosity!
Saint Andrew (Nov. 30) 



St AndrewSaint Andrew is a Christian Apostle and the brother of Saint Peter. The name "Andrew" appears to have been common among the Jews from the 3rd or 2nd century BC. He is considered the founder and first bishop of the Church of Byzantium and is consequently the patron saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Patras in Greece, Amalfi in Italy, Luqa in Malta, and Esgueira in Portugal. He was also the patron saint of Prussia and of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The flag of Scotland (and consequently the Union Flag which also features on the flags of Australia, New Zealand and the arms and flag of Nova Scotia) feature St Andrew's saltire cross. The saltire is also the flag of Tenerife, the flag of Galicia and the naval jack of Russia. The Confederate flag also features a saltire commonly referred to as a St Andrew's cross, although its designer, William Porcher Miles, said he changed it from an upright cross to a saltire so that it would not be a religious symbol but merely a heraldic device. The Florida and Alabama flags also show that device.

The feast of Andrew is observed on November 30 in both the Eastern and Western churches, and is the national day of Scotland. 

Adapted from www.wikipedia.org


Annual Parish Meeting (01/15/12)
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the Large Parish Hall following the High Mass on Sunday, January 15, 2012. At the meeting, the Congregation will elect four new Vestry persons to serve a three-year term. (See NOTE below.)
Serving on the Vestry is a further step in your spiritual life, is a further manifestation of Stewardship of our faith, and is a a tremendous responsibility and privilege. Existing Vestry persons welcome the opportunity to speak with individuals about the experience of their service. Under the bylaws of the Parish candidates for the Vestry must submit the appropriate paperwork on or before December 15, 2011.  The specifics of Vestry service for 2012 are provided in an in-person discussion with Fr. Davies prior to the Annual Meeting. We invite individuals considering this spiritual journey to contact Fr. Davies as soon as possible.
Delegates to the 2012 Diocsean Convention will also be elected at the Annual Parish Meeting.  The election process for 2011 will be slightly different than in prior years.  Nomination forms are available from the Office.  To be nominated requires signatures from 2 members of the Parish and the nominee.  Nomination Forms must be submitted by 15 December 2011.  At the Annual Parish Meeting ballots will be distributed. This should expedite the voting process.
NOTE:  At the Sunday, August 14, 2011 Town Hall meeting the Vestry outlined an Agreement that had been reached after many meetings and negotiations between the Vestry, Father Davies and Bishop Glasspool.  Included in that Agreement was a request by the Bishop for the Parish to vote to amend its bylaws and extend the Vestry terms for one year.  This request was the subject of much concern by the Vestry, Officers and Parish and was agreed to by the Vestry only at the urging of the Bishop.  After nearly three months since the original request, the Vestry was the sole signatory to the Agreement.  Absent a request from Bishop Glasspool or Father Davies the Vestry at its meeting on November 15  unanimously rescinded a series of votes from August.  This action allows for the election of Vestry members to continue as usual.   There will be no vote to extend terms.
World AIDS Day December 01 


World AIDS DayThe City of West Hollywood will commemorate World AIDS Day, December 1, 2011, with two free events open to the public. In addition, a panel of the AIDS Memorial Quilt will be on display in the lobby at West Hollywood City Hall and information about HIV/AIDS Services will be available at West Hollywood City Hall, 8300 Santa Monica Boulevard.

A breakfast reception will be held at the West Hollywood Library Community Room, 625 N. San Vicente Boulevard, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to honor the recipients of the 11th Annual Paul Starke Warrior Awards recognizing employees or volunteers that have made important contributions in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Special guest speaker Dr. Mark Katz will address World AIDS Day in light of the 30th Anniversary of HIV/AIDS.

Later in the day, the "They Were Among Us: Reflection on 30 Years of the AIDS Epidemic and the Beginning of the ONE AIDS Memorial Project" reception and program will take place at the ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives at 909 W. Adams Boulevard in Los Angeles from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event will serve as a launch of the ONE AIDS Memorial Project, which will honor the lives lost and attest to the epidemic's profound impact on our history and culture. A reception will be followed by a program of history, testimony and memory, featuring remarkable people who experienced the early years of the AIDS epidemic.

In This Issue
The Time is Now. The Needs are Great.
Parking Issues
Outreach for the Holidays
Saint Andrew
Annual Parish Meeting
World AIDS Day Dec. 01
Sermon Available
Movie Night 12/16
Mother Knows Best
Episcopal News Fall Edition
Christmas Flowers
Complexities of Advent
Cell of Our Lady to meet
John West Concerts
Church Preparation
Coming Soon...
History online
Video Introductions
Quick Links
Advent I

Celebrant (8am & 10:30am)

Fr. Ian Elliott Davies



Fr. Ian Elliott Davies



The Rev. Walter S. Johnson

John West


Sunday, November 27 is the beginning of Advent.  The Choir will be singing the Missa Brevis by Cannicciari at each Mass during Advent. 
Cannicciari was born in Rome and spent his entire life in the city. He was maestro di cappella from 1694 to 1709 at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Sassia. Cannicciari succeeded Alessandro Scarlatti as chapel master at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major (Santa Maria Maggiore) on 24 March 1709. He was a member of the Congregation of Saint Cecilia and was Guardian of the section of the chapel masters in 1698 and 1715 to 1718. He served in this office until his death. Cannicciari bequeathed his collection of music manuscripts to the Basilica. He was succeeded by his student, Sante Pesci, who had been a member of the choir. Pesci was directed to draw up an inventory of the entire music archive, thus providing historical documentation for the works of Cannicciari.

A composer of solely sacred music, Cannicciari was a representative of the Roman School of music and successor of the style of sacred polyphony of Horace benevolent. He was the author of numerous church works, including some pastoral masses, which occasionally have instrumental accompaniment for voices, but he preferred to devote himself to the production of masses and psalms and polyphony, demonstrating skill in counterpoint.
Adapted from www,wikipedia.org

Isaiah 64.1-9
Psalm 80.1-8,18-20
1 Corinthians 1.3-9
Mark 13.24-end

Sermon Available
111120 Christ the King Sunday Sermon.mov
111120 Christ the King Sunday Sermon.mov
MOVIE NIGHT:  Christmas Vactation 
National Lampoon
Following the 7pm Low Mass on Friday, December 16, come join the fun at Movie Night and Potluck Christmas party! This month, we'll be showing National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! Bring your favorite Christmas treat and prepare for hilarity with your Parish Family (and the Griswold family)! 
Mother Knows Best 


On November 30 in 1554, recently crowned Queen of England, Mary Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII, restored Roman Catholicism to the country. Nearly 300 Protestants would be burned at the stake by "Bloody Mary," including Thomas Cranmer, Hugh Latimer, and Nicholas Ridley. Nearly 400 more died by imprisonment and starvation.


Episcopal News - Fall Edition is now online
Episcopal News
Christmas Flowers
If you would like to contribute toward the cost of Christmas flowers and decorations, please fill out the form in the bifold and return it with your donation to the Parish Office no later than Sunday, 19 December.  The suggested minimum donation is $25.
Contributions are also accepted via Paypal.



The Complexities of Advent

Sunday December 4

Sunday December 18


After High Mass in the Rector's Office join Dr. Thomas Doyle as he leads an Adult Education course "The Complexities of Advent."


What are the implications for theology and Christian daily living if we broaden our notion of Advent to include each developmental stage from infancy to the full maturity of Christ? Advent for Christ then is a 30 year period in which various facets of his divinity were developed. How might that look for us, in the stages of development into which we find ourselves?


Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham to Meet

The Parish Society of Our Lady of Walsingham will meet on Thursday, December 8, 2011.


The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Holy Rosary:  6pm

Evening Prayer: 6:30pm

Solemn Mass:  7:00pm

Potluck Dinner: 7:30pm (in the Parish Hall)




For more information please contact Mark S Vigil (marksvigil@yahoo.com)

John West Concerts 
Saturday December 3
Saturday December 10
Holiday Wonders
The Los Angeles Master Chorale
John West, organ
Disney Hall, Los Angeles
2:00 in the afternoon

Go to lamc.org for tickets


Church Preparation


The annual Altar Guild cleaning extravaganza will take place immediately after the 10am mass on Saturday December 17th.  Lunch will be provided.  While this is an all-day affair, any amount of time contributed will be appreciated.  Please contact John Thornbury at 310.869.1194 for further information. Thanks!
Coming Soon...


Please join us for many Parish activities.  Here's a sampling of upcoming events - a full list is available online 


November 26 @ 7:00am
Homeless Feeding & Outreach

November 28 @ 9:30am

AIDS/USC Feeding


December 10 @ 7:00am
Homeless Feeding & Outreach

December 11 @ 12:00pm

Choir Boutique / Sing-along


December 17 @ 10:30am

Semi-Annual Cleaning of Church (lunch provided)


December 18 @ 12:00pm

Our Lady of Walsingham Coffee Hour


December 18 @ 4:30pm

Advent Lessons & Carols



December 23 until January 5

Office Closed 


December 23 @ 10:30am

Decorating the Church


December 24 @ 7:30am

Homeless Feeding & Outreach


December 24

Christmas Eve Services

5:00pm Family Mass

11:00pm Midnight Mass


December 25

Christmas Day

8:00am Low Mass

10:30am Choral High Mass


December 26 @ 5pm

Boxing Day Party at Rectory


December 31 @ 10:30pm

New Year's Eve Mass


January 6 @ 7:30pm

Epiphany High Mass







Prayer is at the center of our worship and binds us together as a community of faith.  This week we commenced our electronic prayer chain email.  A list of persons on the prayer list is sent weekly.
The prayer chain email is an opt-in list only - it will not be sent unless you sign up for it.  If you'd like to be on this distribution list, please update your profile (please use link at the bottom of the email, customized with your email) or contact the office.
History online 

Exterior 1931

Articles and photos from the early years of St. Thomas the Apostle are now available on our website!

Video Introductions

A brief introduction to the liturgy at St. Thomas:

St Thomas Liturgy Sampler.mov
St Thomas Liturgy Sampler.mov
A brief introduction to St. Thomas, its history, its place in Hollywood, the Damien Chapel and the organ. 

Introduction to St. Thomas
Introduction to St. Thomas
Quick Links

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