St Thomas the Apostle
August 03, 2010

St. Thomas the Apostle is an Episcopal Parish in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.  We are called by God to be a holy place where love is found, where all are named and where hearts are freed to change the world.
Rector's Corner
From the Father Rector
Fr. Ian Elliott Davies
Fr. Ian Elliott Davies
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Not long after I moved to London I was asked to dine at the Garrick Club, that rather exclusive and illustrious society which has a waiting list for membership of SIX years. You can imagine my horror when arriving at the doors of the Garrick to find that the companion who had taken it upon himself to invite me had assumed I was a member of the Garrick and that by virtue of my membership, I would get him in to dine as well. Since neither of us were members we were barred from entering by the doorman; not being an individual who is easily turned away I was rather persistent with the doorman and drew myself up to my full five foot seven and three-quarters of an inch and with a certain amount of self-righteous pride (I am Welsh after all) announced that "I am a clergyman"; we were allowed in, but only into the so-called breakfast room and permitted the humblest fare of scrambled eggs and sausages. I was quite peeved, to say the least, firstly by my companion who had tried to use ME to gain access to the Garrick, but secondly, I have to say to my shame and embarrassment that my PRIDE had been hurt by the wholly understandable regulations of the doorman, only members are allowed in.
There is a serious point about communion and companionship.  Christ is dealing with some of the most profound and central aspects of the practice of the Christian faith. Hospitality, friendship, honouring the guest, valuing the "other" as my privileged and sacred companion, Christian fellowship at the Mass as something that we all participate in, that we are all involved with.

Now I know that "friendship with God" is not something we like to pay a great deal of attention to in a tradition such as ours that emphasizes God's power, majesty and glory... but (and you may think that this sounds a bit Low Church) God seeks our friendship with Him, not overfamiliarity, but something far more shocking, God seeks to be intimate with us, not just to meet us, but to get to know us, and isn't that one of the great adventures of friendship, we want to discover things about the other person, spend time with them, find out what makes them tick, that is God's outrageous invitation, He wants to get to know us and wants us to get to know Him.
Some people think that the Church and God are a bit like the Garrick Club, either you've got to be on the waiting list for six years before they even let you in or, once YOU ARE in you're too intimidated to do much more than wear the Club tie, perish the thought that you might actually strike up conversation and friendship with another person here. But you are invited in, not only invited, but YOU ARE THE GUEST OF HONOUR.
The Mass, the real presence of Christ in the sacrament, is given to us to be part of the unfolding of the reality of intimacy and friendship, as we all know "human kind cannot bear very much reality" and it might outrage our pride and self-importance that the reality is we are here TOGETHER and that being open to God means being open to each other, warts 'n all.
On that road God invites us to table, for refreshment for the journey, and that invitation calls us into the prayer, into adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, which is a participation, a sharing in the divine relations, in the dance or the journey of God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God blessed forever, Amen.
With my love & prayers,
Fr Davies Signature
 Fr Ian Elliott Davies
While Fr. Davies is on holiday, the above is a selection from his June 2, 2002 Sermon.  More sermons online.
St. Clare
Feast Day celebrated August 11
St ClareSaint Clare of Assisi (sometimes spelled Clair, Claire, etc.) (July 16, 1194 - August 11, 1253), born Chiara Offreduccio, is a saint of Italy and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. She founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition, and wrote their Rule of Life--the first monastic rule known to have been written by a woman. Following her death, the order she founded was renamed in her honor as the Order of Saint Clare, commonly referred to today as the Poor Clares.
Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room. The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) was founded by a Poor Clare nun, Mother Angelica.

In art, Clare is often shown carrying a monstrance or pyx, in commemoration of the time when she warded away the soldiers of Frederick II at the gates of her convent by displaying the Blessed Sacrament and kneeling in prayer.
Lake Saint Clair and the Saint Clair River in the Great Lakes region of North America were named on her feast day August 11, 1679. Mission Santa Clara, founded by Spanish missionaries in northern California in 1777, has given its name to the university, city, county, and valley in which it sits. Southern California's Santa Clara River is hundreds of miles to the south, and gave its name to the nearby city of Santa Clarita. Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico celebrates its Santa Clara Feast Day annually on August 11.
In the Tridentine Calendar her feast day is celebrated as a Double on August 11. It was changed to a Third-Class Feast in 1960 (see General Roman Calendar of 1962), and in the 1969 calendar became an obligatory Memorial celebrated on the day of her death, August 11. Although her body is no longer claimed to be incorrupt, her skeleton is displayed in Assisi.
Adapted from
Bishop Bruno Statement
Following Prop 8 Ruling
Bishop Diocesan J. Jon Bruno has issued the following statement on federal Judge Vaughn R. Walker's Aug. 4 decision on Proposition 8.

"Justice is advancing thanks to today's ruling affirming Californians' constitutional right to marriage in faithful, same-gender relationships.

"Although the appeal process will now challenge U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker's decision on Proposition 8, my continuing prayer will be -- as the prophet Amos said -- for justice 'to roll down' and to prevail.

"To reiterate my statement of November 5, 2008: 'Proposition 8 is a lamentable expression of fear-based discrimination that attempts to deny the constitutional rights of some Californians on the basis of sexual orientation. It is only a matter of time before its narrow constraints are ultimately nullified by the courts and our citizens' own increasing knowledge about the diversity of God's creation.' "
Blessed Brat Day
Sunday August 15
The Blessed Brat Feast Day Sunday 15 August 2010 Being the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; immediately following the High Mass in The Parish Hall.
We'll be serving up grilled brats with all the fixings; chips and soft drinks included. Donations Graciously Accepted.  Gifts contributed will fund the Lady of our Cell of Walsingham's continued ministry of faith and education.
Nothing Says Assumption like a grilled Blessed Brat!
Learning to Pray
Guidelines from Church of England
Learn to Pray
Much of the prayer of the Church of England is corporate, that is to say we do it together and this is reflected in much of what you will say when you recite Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer. Yet there is another side to our prayer life, our own individual prayers, as we try to share in Christ's prayer to his Father, that his will be done, his kingdom come.

The advice we provide here was originally written for a children's book. However, whether you are a child, young person or an adult, prayer is easier than you might imagine! Millions of people of every age pray every day.
You don't have to know any prayers if you want to pray - in fact, words can often get in the way. Picture Jesus, and then say what is in your heart, what you feel.
God hears every prayer - but not all prayers are answered in the way we might expect or desire: we don't always pray for his will to be done!
'Arrow' Prayers can be offered to God anywhere, at any time.
But thankfully we don't live all our lives in moments of extreme crisis. What about day-to-day praying? We need to come closer to God, to experience His love for us and to try to make sense of where we are in the world. Prayer is the way we do this.
How to start?
Use your hand.
Your fingers can be used to bring to mind different things to pray for.
this is the strongest digit on your hand. Give thanks for all the strong things in your life, like home and family, relationships that support and sustain you.
index finger
this is the pointing finger. Pray for all those people and things in your life who guide and help you. Friends, teachers, doctors, nurses, emergency services and so on.
middle finger
this is the tallest finger. Pray for all the important people who have power in the world, like world leaders and their governments, members of parliament and local councillors, the Royal Family, other world leaders and their governments.
ring finger
this is the weakest finger on your hand. It can not do much by itself. Remember the poor, the weak, the helpless, the hungry, the sick, the ill and the bereaved.
little finger
this is the smallest and the last finger on your hand. Pray for yourself.
When should I pray?
Traditionally, prayer times have been morning and evening, but you can choose a time which is best for you. It helps to be somewhere quiet, where you can have some time for yourself.
Do I have to kneel?
Kneeling is the traditional posture for penitence and standing for praise, but you can pray anywhere - walking, standing, sitting, whatever feels comfortable.
What else do I need to know?
Be creative - use music, a stone, a feather, a flower, or a candle to help you focus.  
Prayer activity is a discipline - it can be difficult at times, just like keeping fit, being on a diet, or keeping weeds down in the garden! Little and often is best, but don't give up! No prayer, however inadequate you may feel it to be, is ever wasted or of no value.
In This Issue
Rector's Corner
St. Oswald
Bishop Bruno Statement
Blessed Brat Day
Learning to Pray
Faith in times of Terror
Cholesterol Screening
Flowers, Orchids & Lamps
Mother Knows Best
ePrayer List
Trinity 10
8:00am & 10:30am
Fr. Jason Cox
8:00am & 10:30am
Fr. Jason Cox
The Rev. Walter S. Johnson

Assistant Organist 10:30am
Thompson Howell

Isaiah 1.1, 10-20
Psalm 50.1-8, 23-end
Hebrews 11.1-3, 8-16
Luke 12.32-40
Rector Holiday
Father Davies will be on a well-deserved holiday until the 11th of August.  During this time the Parish Office will coordinate pastoral care and support. 
We are grateful to Mother Guibord for preaching and celebrating on the Feast of St. James the Apostle.  Her wonderful homily is now available online.
Fr. Jason Cox will again be celebrating and preaching on Sunday.  His wonderful homily from August  1 is available online.  

Fr Cox

The Rev. Jason Cox.He first came to Los Angeles in 2002 to participate in the Episcopal Urban Intern Program (EUIP), a program that provides young adults with the opportunity to discern vocation through simple living in Christian community and service to those in need in LA county. After completing the program, Jason attended Virginia Theological Seminary. Upon his return to the Diocese in 2007, Jason was appointed Executive Director of EUIP. Jason has been instrumental in expanding EUIP locally and nationally, trebling the number of interns recruited in Los Angeles, and helping to found the Episcopal Service Corps, which assists and plants similar programs in cities across the country. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2008.
The Daily Offices continue at 6:30pm.  Weekday masses will be led by Assistant Priest Fr. William Ledbetter at 7pm in the Lady Chapel.. 

Fr Ledbetter

Faith in times of Terror
Dr Doyle.
What is terrorism? Why does it happen? How is it related to the problem of evil in the world?  What is the proper response of mainstream religious institutions to the insecurity of fundamentalists or identity-driven terrorism?  What is the proper religious attitude and response to political violence?  In short, how does one have faith in times of terror?

Parishioner Dr. Thomas Doyle will lead the three session adult education course.  All are welcome.  August 8, 15, 22.  The sessions start at 12:30pm in the Small Parish Hall after the Sunday Hight Mass.
Cholesterol Screening
The St. Thomas/QueensCare Parish Nurse program will be offering free Cholesterol Screenings on Sunday August 8th starting at 9am. 
In addition to screening the TOTAL Cholesterol levels, the event will also inform individuals about HDL & LDL (good and bad cholesterol) levels and the ratio between the two. And the total. A very meaningful measurement. 
High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors leading to heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
Stop by for this quick and easy screening!
Flowers Orchids Lamps


Commemorate a friend, familiy member or special occasion by sponsoring Altar Flowers ($125), St. Damien Chapel Orchids ($30) and Lamps ($10).  Sign-up sheets are on the buulletin board located in the Large Parish Hall.  After choosing your date email your dedication to the Parish Office.  (Weeks without sponsors may result in no flowers.)
Pastoral Counseling
One-on-one Pastoral counseling is available.  Please contact the office (323-876-2102 ext 2) to schedule an appointment with the Clergy.
Homeless Breakfast

On the Second and Fourth Saturdays of each month the Homeless Breakfast takes place.  Volunteers are welcome and greatly needed!

150 homeless and needy Angelinos are served a tasty breakfast by St. Thomas volunteers. Come at 7:00am to help prepare and share pancakes, eggs, sausage, biscuits and good fellowship.  Come at 7:30am to help serve.  Come at 9:00am to help clean up.

Deacon Johnson serves as the Social Worker providing outreach to the Homess during the Breakfast.  This portion of the program, including providing safer sex kits, hygene items and other critical supplies is funded in part by a grant from The City of West Hollywood.
Mother Knows Best

St. Thomas the Apostle has been a member of the Hollywood & West Hollywood community since 1912 when Mrs. Mary Ogden organized a church school in her living room with ten people at the first meeting. Legend has it that the nascent congregation chose its patron saint in 1913, when the Bishop, after an investigation, "doubted" that there was a need for a mission in the far reaches of Los Angeles in West Hollywood, where orange trees far outnumbered prospective parishioners. Undaunted, the handful of faithful chose the doubting apostle as their patron and applied again, successfully this time, for mission status in 1914.  It was granted in August 1920. In the tradition of the Episcopal Church as part of the greater Anglican Community, Parishes serve a geographic location.  St. Thomas' boundaries are  Gardner Street on the East to Doheny Drive to the West; Franklin Avenue to the North and Melrose Avenue to the South.  With these boundaries St. Thomas' community includes the Town of Sherman that became the City of West Hollywood in 1984.
ePrayer List
Prayer is at the center of our worship and binds us together as a community of faith.  This week we commenced our electronic prayer chain email.  A list of persons on the prayer list is sent weekly.
The prayer chain email is an opt-in list only - it will not be sent unless you sign up for it.  If you'd like to be on this distribution list, please update your profile (please use link at the bottom of the email, customized with your email) or contact the office.
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