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Weekly E-Newsletter
Week Ending
December 25, 2009
Dear Parishioner  

St. Thomas the Apostle is an Episcopal Parish in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.  We are called by God to be a holy place where love is found, where all are named and where hearts are freed to change the world.
In This Issue
St. John the Evangelist
Christmas to Epiphany Service Schedule
Dessert and Savory Reception
January 10 Fr. Stuart Final Sunday
The Reason for the Season
Vestry Service Opportunity
Vigil Mass
Boxing Day Open House
New Year's Eve Pot Luck
Mother Knows Best
ePrayer List
eNews Archive
Minutes available for 11-18-09 online
St. John the Evangelist
St John the EvangelistSaint John the Evangelist (d. c. 100; "The LORD is merciful", Standard Hebrew Yoḥanan, Tiberian Hebrew Y�ḥānān), possibly the Beloved Disciple, is the author of the Gospel of John and the First Epistle of John. Traditionally he has been identified with John the Apostle.
The Gospel of John refers to an unnamed "Beloved Disciple" of Jesus who bore witness to the gospel's message. The apostle John was a historical figure, one of the "pillars" of the Jerusalem church after Jesus' death. Many scholars believe that John was martyred along with his brother, as Jesus predicts in Mark (Mark 10:39, Acts 12:1-2). The tradition that John lived to old age in Ephesus and that he wrote this gospel date from the late second century.

Christian tradition says that John the Evangelist was one of Christ's original twelve apostles; the only one to live into old age; and not killed for his faith. John the Evangelist is associated with Ephesus, where he is said to have lived and been buried. Some believe that after a short life he was exiled to Patmos, where he wrote the Book of Revelation. 
The feast day of Saint John in the Roman Catholic Church, which calls him "Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist", is on 27 December. The 27 December feast is found in the Syriac Breviary of the end of the fourth century and the Martyrology of Jerome.
St. John the Evangelist, with St. John the Baptist, is considered a patron saint by the fraternal society of Free and Accepted Masons (better known as the Freemasons).
Christian art usually represents St John with an eagle, symbolizing the heights to which he rises in the first chapter of his Gospel. The chalice as symbolic of St John, which, according to some authorities, was not adopted until the thirteenth century, is sometimes interpreted with reference to the Last Supper, again as connected with the legend according to which St. John was handed a cup of poisoned wine, from which, at his blessing, the poison rose in the shape of a serpent. Perhaps the most natural explanation is to be found in the words of Christ to John and James "My chalice indeed you shall drink" (Matthew 20:23).
Adapted from www.wikipedia.org
Christmas - Ephipany Schedule of Services

Christmas at St. Thomas

 Photo of Christmas 2008 by Jeff Knight
Thursday, 24 December                                             
Christmas Eve

              7:30 am   Morning Prayer
              5:00 pm   Family Mass with Hymns
            11:00 pm   Midnight Mass with Choir followed by a reception
Friday, 25 December                                                 
Christmas Day

              7:30 am   Morning Prayer
            10:30 am   High Mass with Choir
              6:30 pm   Evening Prayer
Sunday, 27 December                  
The Feast of St. John the Apostle
              7:30 am   Morning Prayer
              8:00 am   Low Mass
              9:45 am   Holy Rosary
            10:30 am   High Mass with Choir
              4:30 pm   Evening Prayer
Thursday, 31 December                        
The Solemnity of the Mary
            10:30 pm   Solemn Mass followed by a non-alcoholic potluck
Sunday, 3 January 2010          
The Second Sunday After Christmas

              7:30 am   Morning Prayer
              8:00 am   Low Mass
              9:45 am   Holy Rosary
            10:30 am   High Mass with Choir
              4:30 pm   Evening Prayer
Wednesday, 6 January 2010                                        
The Epiphany

              7:30 am   Morning Prayer
              7:30 pm   High Mass with Choir
The St. Thomas the Apostle Office will be closed starting December 23, 2009.  It will reopen January 04, 2010.  A Blessed Christmas to all!
Dessert and Savory Reception
Christmas Desserts
Join us for a Dessert and Savory Reception after Christmas Eve Mass. The Hospitality Committee would  like to invite any Parishioner who would be interested making or purchasing a Savory or Dessert Treat for this event to sign up on the bulletin board in the large parish hall or contact John Boughner 310-606-1503 / johnmboughner@aol.com.
Bishop Bruno Appoints Fr. Stuart
Fr Mark D Stuart
This week Bishop Jon Bruno announced his appointment of Fr. Mark Stuart as Interim Rector of St. Augustine's-by-the-Sea Parish, Santa Monica beginning January 17, 2010. His last Sunday at St. Thomas the Apostle will be Sunday, January 10, 2010.  A parish-wide sit-down luncheon will be prepared and served by the Hospitality Commitee.  
Fr. Stuart has served as Associate Rector at St. Thomas since May 2002.
Fr. Davies, the Vestry and the People of St. Thomas the Apostle thank Fr. Stuart for his service and wish him blessings and success in his new ministry. 
In appreciation for his commitment and service, the Executive Committee has authorized the creation of a 'purse' for Fr. Stuart.  Total funds contributed to the 'purse' will be presented to Fr. Stuart January 10, 1010 with a list of contributors (though not specific donation amounts).  Should you wish to contribute please note "Fr Stuart Purse" on the memo section of your cheque (or on the outside of an envelope if submitting cash) and submit it to the office or in the collection plate.
Communion & H1N1
H1N1In response to the H1N1 Flu (commonly known as the Swine Flu), St. Thomas Hollywood encourages parishioners to partake of communion via intinction.  The Sacred Minister will dip the host into the wine and place the consecrated host on the parishioners tongue, which should be extended.
For those parishioners who out of custom prefer to continue using the chalice, the chalice is cleaned with a grain-alcohol cloth after each use, significantly reducing any transfer of germs.
We are mindful of the sensitivity of certain people to these issues, and we would kindly remind you that receiving just the Sacred Host is full Communion. You do not have to receive the Chalice, and vice-versa: receiving only the Chalice is full Communion.
Common sense will be one of our best weapons against this flu:
  • Wash hands early and often, and use appropriate sanitizers.  Please use the dispensers that are placed around the Church grounds.
  • If you feel sick, stay home as an act of grace to others.
  • If you have a family member sick, keep that person home for the same reason.
  • Get your information from trustworthy sources: the CDC, local public health, or your health care provider.
For more information:  www.flu.gov
The Reason for the Season
St. Thomas' Stewardship of Community Outreach is launching a food drive to benefit SOVA food pantries this holiday season.  The goal this year is to fill the SOVA food bin twice during the holidays, once before Thanksgiving and once before Christmas.  Thanks to you we filled the bin before Thanksgiving.   Please help us meet the goal for Christmas.  The food bin is located in the foyer near the church office during the week and will be in the recreation hall during coffee hour on Sundays throughout the holidays.  The following items are needed:
Canned and packaged foods
  • Personal hygiene products (especially disposable razors, shampoo, soap, feminine hygiene items,  disposable diapers and  deodorant)
  • Ribbon and other basket-making equipment and supplies for Baskets of Hope
  • New or gently used children's books
SOVA is a nonsectarian program of Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles, dedicated to alleviating hunger and poverty in the community through food distribution and offering a wide range of supportive services.
Three SOVA food pantries provide free groceries and supportive resources to 7,000 individuals each month. SOVA participants represent our community's diverse cultures, faiths and ethnicities. Volunteers respond to each person's needs, respecting their dignity, individuality and privacy. With extraordinary community support and a service approach that has been described as "the model for food assistance in the future," SOVA has been providing outstanding community service for 25 years.
SOVA also needs volunteers and assistance in linking with manufacturers and distributors as sources of large quantity donations.  Also if you or someone you know are in need, please contact SOVA at 818-988-7682 or visit their website at www.http://www.jfsla.org/sova/ for eligibility requirements, locations and times of pantry operation.
Vestry Service Opportunity
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the Parish Hall on Sunday, 17 January 2010, following the High Mass. At the meeting the Congregation will elect four new Vestry persons to serve a three year term.  Serving on the Vestry is a further step in your spiritual life, is a further manifestation of Stewardship of our faith and is a tremendous responsibility and privilege. 
Existing Vestry persons welcome the opportunity to speak with individuals about the experience of their service.  The specifics of vestry service for the class of 2010 are provided in an in-person discussion with Fr. Davies prior to the Annual Meeting. 
We invite individuals considering this spiritual journey to contact Fr. Davies as soon as possible.
Service Schedule
7:30 AM  -  Morning Prayer
8:00 AM  -  Low Mass
9:45 AM  -  Rosary
10:30AM -  High Mass with Choir - Childcare Available
4:30 PM  -  Evening Prayer
Monday through Friday
7:30 AM -  Morning Prayer
6:30 PM -  Evening Prayer 
7:00 PM -  Low Mass  
6:00 PM -  Reconciliations / Confessions
10:00AM -  Low Mass
5:00 PM  -  Vigil Mass with Gregorian Chant
6:30 PM  -  Compline
Many additional activities occur each week at St. Thomas the Apostle.  See the calendar for more!
We hope to see you soon!
Blessings from
St. Thomas the Apostle
Christmas I
Patronal Saint
Celebrant (8am)
The Rev. Ian Elliott Davies 
Celebrant (10.30a):
The Rev. Mark D. Stuart 
Homily (8am & 10.30a)
The Rev. Ian Elliott Davies
The Rev. Walter S. Johnson
Assistant Organist (10:30a): 
Thompson Howell 
Prelude: Fugue in G-minor ("The Little") - J.S. Bach

Postlude: "Final" from Symphony No. 1 for Organ - Louis Vierne
Vierne had a life that was physically and emotionally very difficult, with severe spiritual trials that are occasionally reflected in his music. His congenital cataracts did not make him completely blind, but he was what would be called today "legally blind." Early in his career, he composed on outsized manuscript paper, using "a large pencil" as his friend Marcel Dupr� described. Later in life, as his limited sight continued to diminish, he resorted to Braille to do most of his work.
Exodus 33.7-11a
Psalm 117
1 John 1
John 21.19b-end
Fr Davies
The Rev. Ian Elliott Davies
Fr Stuart
The Rev. Mark D Stuart
Associate Rector
Fr Cooper
The Rev. Michael Cooper
Assistant Priest 
Deacon Johnson 
 The Rev. Mr. Walter Johnson
Pastoral Counseling
One-on-one Pastoral counseling is available.  Please contact the office (323-876-2102 ext 2) to schedule an appointment with the Clergy.
Vigil Mass
Missa Vigil hoc septem dies cum lingua Latina. Missa mos ineo 5 meridianus et cum ero Abeo Gregoriana in Ecclesiae Parochiae Sancta Thomasiensis.

[The Vigil Mass on Saturday will be in Latin this week.  Join us at 5pm in the Church with Gregorian Chant.] 
Homeless Breakfast
On the Second and Fourth Saturdays of each month the Homeless Breakfast takes place.  Volunteers are welcome and greatly needed!
150 homeless and needy Angelinos are served a tasty breakfast by St. Thomas volunteers. Come at 7:00am to help prepare and share pancakes, eggs, sausage, biscuits and good fellowship.  Come at 7:30am to help serve.  Come at 9:00am to help clean up.
Deacon Johnson serves as the Social Worker providing outreach to the Homess during the Breakfast.  This portion of the program, including providing safer sex kits, hygene items and other critical supplies is funded in part by a grant from The City of West Hollywood.
Boxing Day Open House
Boxing Day
On Boxing Day, Saturday 26th December, also being the Feast of St Stephen, Proto-Martyr of the Church, we will be hosting a Boxing Day Open House party at the Rectory, 2pm- 5pm. All are welcome- we will be serving light refreshments & food- and we would love to see as many friends & parishioners as possible- the Latin Vigil Mass follows at 5pm.
Please RSVP so we can plan.
New Year's Eve Pot Luck
New Year
There will be a potluck after the New Years Eve Mass on December 31, 2009.
Please join us and ring in the New Year at Saint Thomas with good food and fellowship in a non alcoholic atmosphere.
Please Sign up in the large parish hall. 
Mother Knows Best
Interesting facts about
St. Thomas the Apostle
The beautiful Monstrance which we see at Benediction was left to St. Thomas the Apostle Church by the estate of Bob Ward. The monstrance is an antique and Bob Ward had it restored and added the gems on it. We are very fortunate to have so beautiful and historic an item in which to display the blessed sacrament.
ePrayer List
Prayer is at the center of our worship and binds us together as a community of faith.  This week we commenced our electronic prayer chain email.  A list of persons on the prayer list is sent weekly.
The prayer chain email is an opt-in list only - it will not be sent unless you sign up for it.  If you'd like to be on this distribution list, please update your profile (please use link at the bottom of the email, customized with your email)or contact the office. 
Miss a week?
If you missed an eNews, they are now conveniently archived! Click here!
The minutes from the Vestry Meetings of St. Thomas the Apostle are now available on the St. Thomas the Apostle website.  Click here to get the minutes. (Or goto the "Wardens & Vestry" page and click on "Minutes.")
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 Good Shop

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