Heart's Cry Children's Ministry
Fall Update


Where to begin... I first want to thank you all for your emails and kinds words after the sudden passing of my brother, Matt Coble.  He went home to be with Jesus, and my Daddy, on August the 9th.  What a shock, and yet the Lord is sustaining us through it all.  Please forgive me for not responding to you if you have tried to contact me.  I would like to ask for you to please continue to pray for my mom and my nephew especially, and me and our family, as we grieve our dear family members that we lost this year.  What a reminder that our time here on this earth is fleeting, so the only response is to make every day count for Jesus in whatever He may be leading.  Again, thank you all for your love and prayers and support.      


Our updates have been few and far between this year, but that's not because the work has slowed.  We have been dealing with a lot personally this year, but the work has continued steadily.  I wanted to update on a few items today and will update on more in the coming weeks, trying not to bombard you with it all at once :)   
  • "Querido Panamá" (Dear Panama) Movie
As you may recall, this was the documentary created by our friend Brittany DeVries and a group of photojournalists through YWAM and Voice for the Voiceless.  It was a hit!  The buzz has really started in Panama related to the problem of institutionalization and promoting the adoption reform laws.  The entire video is now available online.  Please click here  to view the video in its entirety, and also visit the website http://queridopanama.com to sign the petition afterward.  I would encourage you to share with your friends, family and small groups.  Please continue to pray for change in Panama. 

This video is really amazing because it focuses in on the problem with orphans aging out of institutions in Panama, rather than being placed in loving families.  And yet it provides hope as the proposed law change can truly make an impact on the time they spent in orphanages.  You will notice that our family is spotlighted in the video, along with Graciela (our dear friend and employee) and her daughter.  I love this video because it captures the beauty and plight of Panama, and also the orphanages and individuals that we work with closely.  Take note of all this while watching!  I think you will enjoy!!  
  • HIV Medicine Crisis
Earlier this year we brought information to you regarding the HIV medicine crisis with the children in Panama.  The Lord allowed us to be intimately involved in this process of finally obtaining medicine for children in the orphanages.  Thanks to funding through donors like you, HCCM was able to purchase those meds and actually deliver them to the children.  What a privilege.  Please read this article "Good People Doing Good Things" about Matt's involvement in particular, and how it really impacted this journalist in Panama.  I have to brag on Matt, as he really took this one head on.  God opened the doors and it was wonderful. 

While that month ended happily, there have however been several other months without another one or other of the three medicines needed for the triple therapy.  Once again the Panama Ministry of Health failed to do their job.  This is a continuing problem in this country, and children will die if it does not end.  The meds finally came through, but after weeks of waiting yet again.  Please continue to pray that the government bureaucrats will take an interest in these helpless children's cases, that the medicine will be freed and the supply lines opened on a continuous basis.  It is a travesty that in this country, the abandoned and orphaned HIV+ children will not receive medicine while so many other giant national projects (literally worth billions of dollars) are moving forward.    
  • Orphanage Project
There has been many developments regarding the special needs orphanage project that has been in the planning and investigation phase now for over one year.  We will be updating you in the weeks to come, but for now please pray as many details are being finalized this next week. 
FINALLY, Please consider donating this month to HCCM...

This month our account balance is lower than its been in several years.  We are seeking the Lord and trust Him.  I know that He will lay it on the hearts of those He is calling to be involved with us here, yet I felt led to lay it before our friends and partners.  Please give as the Lord leads you.  Thank you for prayerfully considering donating this month. 

Misty and Matt Hedspeth