Heart's Cry Children's Ministry
Hedspeth Happenings


Well, since we have been back in Panama since the end of June, there has been little time to write and catch you up on some things that we REALLY should have already shared with you all.  Here goes:
  • MATT: We wrote to you early this year how Matt was working in a sales position, we forgot to update you on how that turned out.  It took 2 weeks back in Panama in June before Matt made the decision to stop.  While we were in the States, it worked great.  But in Panama, that was just not possible for many reasons (it takes 20 times longer to accomplish 1 thing in a day in this country, just to name 1 reason!).  However, most importantly, Matt knew God was calling him to run this orphan ministry full-time and not divide his focus/time/energy on something else.  Matt felt that he was called to be the spiritual leader again for HCCM, and I couldn't have agreed more.  Few men are leaders in the orphan world, and most of the time this is thought of as "women's ministry."  But that is not so.  We are all called, men and women alike.  And specifically we felt that Matt was supposed to be the one to lead this foundation for the Lord.  What an amazing transition happened once that decision was made!  God has blessed this decision in so many ways.  Matt has been working very hard every single day on various projects.  The Lord is blessing his efforts.  It's wonderful to see.  We will catch you up on those projects in later newsletters.  But for now, I personally wanted you all to know that Matt is hard at work for the orphans in Panama every single day, leading HCCM for the Lord.  And he is really good at it, too!!!

  • It's a girl!  Rosemary came into our home September 15th, at 4 months old and weighing 8 pounds.  She is technically our foster daughter only at this time, yet she is our precious little girl.  God made it clear that she was to come into our home and our family.  Rosemary was very sick at first and we have had many sleepless nights, nursing her back to health.  James 1:27 talks about looking after widows and orphans in their distress, and she was in distress.  I am so thankful that the paperwork finally came through so that she could be officially placed in our home.  At first we were only godparents under the program that we do with Malambo (thus only on weekends and also for doctor's appointments).  But we applied for an emergency foster placement based on her health and it finally happened.  Praise the Lord!  We have also applied for permission to take her to the States for 3 weeks over the holidays, so that she can be checked out by expert physician's there.  Praying the Lord's will to be done in all these things.  For now, we rejoice that she is legally in our home and that she is healthier now than ever before in her short little life.  In fact this week, her doctor was very excited that she is 12.2 pounds and how healthy she is looking now versus when we first brought her in!  Yay!!  Peter is such a great big brother, and really hopes to be able to introduce Rosemary to those of you in the US really soon :)          
Remember: PAPI
The Panama Adoption Prayer Initiative (PAPI) is going great, with almost every day being covered in fasting and prayer.  (Read here in case you missed the emails regarding this).

Please Remember to Pray:
  • Pray for every detail of the law change:  That God's hand would direct each article. 
  • Pray for the timing:  That God will move in every heart of every official to make timely decisions and not to delay.
  • Pray for the politics:  That political or personal agenda's and ego's will not hinder this law change.
  • Pray for the children:  That they will be placed in their forever families soon.  That institutionalization will not take hold of these children's bodies and minds before they can be adopted.        

If you want to join in fasting in praying over this law, please contact Brittany DeVries at brittany@devries.tc to see time slots that are still needing to be filled.  The goal is to have every day covered through December 19th.      
