Nick Vujicic event took place on August 31st at 6pm. The Lord laid it on Matt's heart to take some of the kids from a local orphanage to this event. God opened the doors for 42 young ladies to attend this event (around age 11+). This was one of the most amazing things I have been privileged to have witnessed. I am going to do my best to explain to you what all happened that night, because it was one of those rare moments when you know God Himself is present and moving in the hearts of everyone around you. This is going to be a bit long, just a warning, yet I want to describe to you what happened so that you all can sense the power of God that night. But first, I want to thank you all for your support - whether financially or through prayer. So many of you emailed to let me know that you &/or your small group were praying. Thank you. God heard the prayers and answered them in a remarkable way...
First, remember those things I asked you to pray for? Praise the Lord! All were answered:
- Good weather (it is a giant outdoor baseball stadium in the rainy season).
- Safety as we travel and at the event (& return same amount of children as we take!).
- All were safe and no lost kiddo's!
- Volunteers to commit to help, who will also be an encouragement to the children.
- God-appointed volunteers and relationships have started!
- The children will be encouraged as to the purpose and plan that God has for their lives.
You have to understand that we have done multiple events with this orphanage in particular, and none have ever gone this smoothly. We normally have to call and remind and scramble at the last minute because things aren't going as planned, yet this was not the case on this night. Sister Lourdes is the nun that runs this orphanage, and she has been equated to being the "Mother Theresa of Panama." She was very excited about this event, too. She had all those 42 girls and 5 helpers on the bus and they were on the way to the stadium before Graciela even arrived to the orphanage to get them loaded up! So I drove quickly to meet them at the stadium and Graciela came back, because I had all the tickets. We were there at 5pm (1 hour early) before the event started! This was so not the norm from our other events with this orphanage! Can't tell you what an answer to prayer this, in and of itself, was.
So we were there early, and once we all sat down, it occurred to me that I didn't have any $$ for snacks or drinks or food, and it was pretty hot. Right then, a friend of mine that runs Build a Bridge foundation showed up and bought all the girls popcorn and soda! It was perfect! The event was supposed to start at 6, but there were massive traffic problems and busing issues, so they delayed the start until after 7pm. These girls are normally about in bed at this time, and the nuns were getting nervous and asking why it hadn't started. I just started praying that they wouldn't leave, and it occurred to me that maybe they hadn't had dinner. Sure enough, they hadn't eaten. Again, no $$, only prayers. Right then, a friend and pastor of Gamboa Union Church arrived and handed me $$! We ordered pizza for the girls (this was in a stadium with about 12-14,000 people in attendance, so the vendors were selling things just like at a baseball game). There was almost enough for every child and helper to have 1 slice, but a few didn't get it. I was stressing, and right then our friend David Tracy with YWAM showed up with a giant box of McDonalds hamburgers!!! God provided through His Body in a remarkable way.
Then, David tells me that Nick Vujicic wants to meet each one of the girls! Out of 12-14,000 people, he only wanted to meet with them!! I was a bit nervous bc the nuns had been complaining about how late it was, but they agreed to stay and let the girls meet him! The actual event was unbelievably touching. In case you haven't seen Nick in person or online, you should really listen to him. I believe he has a special anointing from heaven to bring people into the Kingdom. And this night was no different. These girls before-hand had been laughing and joking, but while he spoke their full attention was on him. By the end, almost all of them stood up to make a commitment to follow Jesus. It was amazing. Then, we grabbed hands of the girls (with me shouting orders all the way!) and started to make our way to the special entrance where Nick was going to meet the girls. It was chaos, and a miracle that no girls were lost (or nuns!)! But praise the Lord, they all made it into the room to meet with Nick.
Words can't describe what transpired in those moments. God used Nick to pour out His love, straight from heaven, onto their hearts. They felt so special, that out of the thousands of people there, he only wanted to meet them. Such a picture of God's love! Please watch the attached video of what he said to these precious one's. Bear with the quality (it gets better about 45 seconds into it, but a friend took this with my cell phone and it's too awesome not to share!). Please listen to his words from heaven. I am still shaking and almost in tears, remembering what happened. These girls were touched by God. They felt His love. Some of them were bawling and just wept as they hugged Nick. There was hardly a dry eye in the room.
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After he spoke with them, the girls wanted to sing him a song. Nick was really touched and said this was his favorite part of his trip to Panama! And then he hugged each and every one of them, for as long as they wanted to hug him. He spoke words of love from God over them: God loves you; you are beautiful; you are loved; you are special; etc.
Nick Vujicic Panama Orphanage: song and hugs |
Oh how I wish that you all could have been there to witness the Lord move in these girls hearts. To sense their pain and watch the Lord meet them right there in it. Many have felt alone, forgotten, rejected by family, friends and others. Yet this night they felt the love of God. It was amazing.
We just ha
d another meeting with Sor Lourdes today, and she was thrilled at how the girls were affected by God at this event. 1 girls told her, It was like he was talking straight to me! Many of them were truly touched, felt such worth and purpose for the 1st time, and I believe many souls came into heaven that night. I am truly humbled to have been chosen to witness such an amazing encounter with the Lord. I praise Him, from Whom ALL blessings flow.
In awe of Jesus,