Special Event with Nick Vujici in Panama
We appreciate your support to make this orphanage event possible.
We are thrilled at the news that Nick Vujicic is coming to Panama! We have so many exciting updates to give about ALL that has been happening here since we've returned, but for now we just wanted to share with you the opportunity that is before us and hope that you will want to get involved as explained in this email.
Sincerely, Matt & Misty
Who is Nick Vujicic?
This special man from Australia was born with no limbs, caused by a rare disorder. You can see his video on the attached you tube link for a brief look at his amazing story. As you can imagine, his story and how the Lord saved him from a life of despair will soften even the hardest of hearts. His website can be found at www.lifewithoutlimbs.org. Goal for the event: We received permission from Malambo orphanage to take 40 of the older children in the orphanage to the event. There is no telling what an impact this story will have on the future of these children and individuals. God uses this man in a powerful way everywhere he goes. I pray God will show these children that their situations, too, are not hopeless and that God Almighty cares for them. That many will put their hope and trust in Jesus. So, we are trying to get 1 ticket for each individual and the caretakers/volunteers who are helping with this event. These tickets are $20 each, and we need 50 (for a total of $1000). The event is on August 31st. We will rent a bus for $70 to transport the children to the event. So yes, we are asking for $1070 to be raised in the next week so that we can purchase the tickets as a group. We were informed by an event coordinator that he will section off a part for us so that we will all sit together (and not lose any kids!) |
Please consider donating towards this event. If you are interested, you can simply respond to this email and let me know that you want to specifically give a donation towards the Nick Vujicic event. Please understand that this is in addition to our regular line-itemed budget, so this is an extra request than those already laid before you. You can go online to our website at www.heartscrychildren.com to learn how to donate by check, online or otherwise. Thank you for your prayerful consideration, Heart's Cry Children's Ministry