Peter Samuel Hedspeth
It's official in Panama! We are the legal parents of Peter Samuel Hedspeth. The judge allowed us to changes his name, too, which is not always granted. We are thankful that a million details fell into place in order to finalize all the paperwork.
Now, we are working through immigration issues with the US Embassy, trying to figure out the best way for Peter to obtain citizenship at the earliest date possible. Our case is unusual due to our dual residency and various other aspects. So please pray for this to happen soon, as this affects issues related to his medical care with his special needs. Also, when you are praying, please remember to join us in praising the Lord for Peter!
If you want to learn more about our last 5 1/2 months as new parents, as well as a bit about life in Panama, please check out our blog. This was taken on my first Mother's Day here in Panama, if you have the time you can read about it!
Also, we had wonderful visits with our immediate families over the holidays. We were blessed to be able to introduce Peter to them, and for Peter to have bonded so quickly with them all. He loves his grandparents, uncles and cousin! And he keeps asking when he can go to Raleigh to visit them!! (We hope soon!) Thank you all for praying, it truly was a rare treat and a blessing to have them all here.