Abandoned but not forgotten
Heart's Cry Children's Ministry
December Update
December 19, 2010
As this year begins to wind down, we wanted to take a moment and thank you for your continued prayer and support over these 2 + years.  We are truly grateful. 

These next few days are going to be very busy for us, and we ask for your continued prayer in the following areas:
  • Law Change:  Our "final" meeting with the Legal Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, December 21st.  We have been busy writing Foster Care laws and meeting over and over again, working as hard as possible to keep in the crucial changes to the new Adoption Law.  The old system of thinking is deeply ingrained in the Judge's and also other individuals in power.  Please pray for these final days, that the Lord will guide every detail of every word, so that children can be freed from institutions at the earliest date possible.  That heart's will be prepared and softened to accept those changes that are crucial.
  • Peter's Adoption: Our court date is December 22nd for the final adoption in Panama of Peter.  Please pray for all parties to appear in Court (as this is often an issue that causes delay) and that everything will be approved. 
  • Holiday schedule: December 22nd, Matt's mom and brother arrive for a 6 day visit!  We are SO excited for them to meet Peter!!  Right after that Misty's family comes for a quick visit too, and we are thrilled for Peter to meet the rest of his other side of the family!  Yay!!
  • Immigrant Visa for Peter:  We are in communications with the US Embassy, and there are a myriad of details to work out for Peter to be able to get a full immigrant visa to the US.  It has been very frustrating, as we will be legally the parents of Peter in Panama hopefully this week, yet it takes a long time for the US to recognize our adoption - as we live in a foreign country.  Please pray for his immigrant visa to be granted ASAP.  
  • Next year:  There are SO many areas of need here in Panama.  Please continue to pray for the Lord's direction and guidance as to what He would have us continue to do next year, and the year's to come.  He has a perfect plan.  We want to be in step with Him.
We also want to take this opportunity to remind you: PLEASE remember to include us in your end of year giving, if not before.  Thank you for prayerfully considering donating to support the work in Panama.  We hope you all enjoy a wonderful time with family and friends, as you remember the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus.      

Thank you,
Matt, Misty and Peter Hedspeth