Heart's Cry Children's Ministry News April 28, 2010 www.heartscrychildren.com
Why the "green" theme this month? Well, it is the RAINY season here. Yep, everything is turning bright green from the brown that was here before during the dry season. Most of you back in the States are hitting your Spring, so things are probably very green for you, as well. The difference is that here it rains A LOT! They don't call it rainy season for nothing!! Some days it might rain all day, but mostly it is in the afternoon. You just never know!
So, we wanted to update you on different aspects of our "green" life here in Panama this month. We invite you to read along to learn about our "green" course, or how we've been looking for land for the children's home/orphanage. Please respond if you feel led. We love to hear from you all! It is such an encouragement!!
With love, Misty and Matt
A Home for Children Charting out a Green Course Matt has been scouring the country these past few months, while Misty and Ari continued to work on the government project. Matt has looked at properties and met with potential donors about land all over the country, including land from which you can see Costa Rica to a meeting about the Darien (which borders Colombia). He is definitely putting his prior work experience with real estate and natural resource management! It is really difficult to look at land here. They don't have MLS and the agent's don't share listings (nobody trusts each other!!), so you literally have to pick an area and meet with every agent and then get to know individuals who will then tell you of unlisted properties that are actually for sale. It is a LONG process, but worth it. Matt is getting another dose of patience :)
But we are excited to share that we have located a potential property. It is in the moun tains in Chiriqui province. The owner is excited about our plans for the land and even cut the price down as a way to help. We are both going back up to visit the land hopefully this weekend. It is a horse and cow farm with 43 hectares. We have been looking for a large tract of land that can hold individual houses, for the family style model of an orphanage. We need space to farm the land as well as to raise horses and cattle, and this has plenty! There are natural springs and even a large river bordering the property where we can generate and use our own hydroelectric power. It is a beautiful rolling hill landscape, complete even down to the horses! We were hoping to have a barn and space for horse therapy with the kids, and this has got it. It has many more features, but I will wait to update you in the future.
Of course, we aren't sure YET if this is the land for the Home that God has called us to build. We are hoping for confirmation soon. We just had another property in El Valle that we were so excited about and praying about, but then it suddenly went under contract when there had been no activity for a long time - so that was not the one for us! We just keep praying for the Lord to open the doors that He wants us to go through and shut those He doesn't. We will be sure to report back as soon as we know more! Please continue to pray for guidance.
And to answer the next question on your mind, "No," we don't have a penny to buy it with yet. Next question. Are we crazy? No! We know the Lord has called us to this work and He has told us that He alone is the Provider. We don't have to worry, just continue moving forward and watch how He provides! He has proven Himself to us over and over again in this regard. There has been months where I had no idea how we were going to pay our bills, and when I go to open the account information, there is always enough! I have literally sat there weeping in front of the computer several times. God is good! Why was I surprised?! Of course He will provide. This is an exciting adventure of trusting in the Lord. Thanks for joining with us in it!
Vehicle Need Well, our 2004 Nissan X-Trail has had it. (And no, this is not a Nissan Xterra... the X-Trail doesn't exist in the states. Ours is a
smaller vehicle and not nearly as strong.) We had sold my car in the States and bought this used one pretty cheap when we first moved in October 2008. Of course we have maintained it as best as possible, but it's had it! The last few months have been 1 trip to the repair shop after another. Fortunately our neighbor owns a mechanic shop and we trust his work, and even went to verify it. But the reality is that we just bought a cheap car that the roads in Panama have beaten to death. Matt has been ALL over the country in it, not just looking for land -- but also as we took the government and orphanage social worker teams out to do home investigations. You would not believe some of the remote places he has taken that car! It served us well for the last 1 1/2 + years, but we need to move on. The mechanic told us that he will of course fix the current problem (wheel bearings), but that we need to start looking for a newer vehicle. Please pray for this need, and if you feel led to donate to it then please do. If you have any questions about this, just email us. We have some quotes and estimates. Dealing with vehicles in Panama is TOTALLY different than in the States. Everything is imported and there are only a few types of vehicles which you can get parts easily in the future. In the future we will need a second vehicle/work truck for the Home, but for now just replacing this one is the pressing need. We will keep you all updated!