Proposal Submission
July 23, 2009
Heart's Cry Children's Ministry
Post Office Box 17507
Raleigh, North Carolina 27619

Hello to family and friends!  Heart's Cry has had a busy few months and we are excited to keep you posted as to the opportunities that the Lord has laid before us.  So read and enjoy!  And please let us know how you all are doing.  It is awesome to hear from you and how the Lord is working in your lives.  We continue to ask for your prayer in the days ahead.  The road seems daunting at times, so your encouragement is always appreciated.  We continue to seek the Lord for Him to change the hearts of the people of Panama, so that they will turn to Him and in the process care for these precious babies.  It is often times heart-wrenching work, but we wouldn't trade it for anything.  We have felt many attacks, as this is truly a spiritual battle that we are in.  Cannot stress that enough.  Truly, thank you for your continued prayer in the days and months ahead.  We send you these updates not as a performance report, but as a way of staying in contact and requesting your prayer in these areas.  Thanks for boldly seeking the Lord on our behalf.  I have seen that times when we are too tired to even pray, the Lord will literally keep someone else awake to pray for us.  And we have done the same for some of you all, as the Lord leads.  We serve an awesome God!  It is amazing to see the Body of Christ at work!!
Misty and Matt Hedspeth
Ephesians 3:14-21
Progressive Implementation Proposal
New government welcomes assistance

proposalThe past month and half was spent mostly researching and writing to present a Proposal to the new government of Panama.  This Proposal outlined the effects of institutionalization on the orphans of Panama, as well as how Panama could implement best practice standards so as to be in compliance with the Hague international treaty and their own adoption law.  We also interjected ways in which HCCM can assist with the different phases of the implementation.  After intense, sleepless nights, it was all finished and translated.  Special thanks to our dear friends in Panama who spent many hours in assisting with the translation of this Proposal.  You know who you are and we praise God for you! 

We presented the Proposal to the government 2 weeks ago and have a meeting scheduled for next week, so as to begin working out the details of implementation.  We also submitted a Memorandum of Understanding to solidify our relationship.  This week they invited us to speak at a meeting of NGO's put on by the new government.  We are more than excited about this opportunity to work with the new government of Panama. 

We humbly ask that you please pray for the Lord to continue to grant us favor in the eyes of the government and that they will begin implementing many of these recommended changes.  If you would like to read this document (or skim it, as it is 48 pages in the English version), then go to our website at and click on the link to the right under News: Presentation of Proposal, which will allow you to download this document.  God was so good to us and gave us the words to say and the energy to finish the task, always striving for excellence so as to plead the case of the fatherless to win it. (Jeremiah 5:28)
Work with Team:

There is a photojournalist team here through YWAM and Voice for the Voiceless, that is focusing on injustice issues in Panama.  We were invited to participate in an arts festival they held and passed out brochures encouraging Panamanians to get involved with the orphan situation.  Matt also played a song and we assisted with the days events.  The week before we took the team to visit a few orphanages, where they are taking portraits of the kids and then going back to help put the photos in frames for a keep-sake.  One of the negative effects of being institutionalized is that most of these kids never even have a photo of themselves from childhood.  Hopefully this will be a comfort to them in the future. 

Also, this team is working with us to visit/interview and obtain insight of the full orphan situation so as to put together some material for the public.  This is one of the parts to the Proposal, as well.  Since we are not graphic designers and are so busy with our other work, this offer came as a welcome help!  We hope to have not only a compelling prayer booklet to pass out regarding the orphan situation, but also a start on the national adoption awareness campaign for Panama.  This will be presented to the new government hopefully by September.  Your continued prayer on the Lord's guidance in developing and distributing these materials is greatly appreciated. 
In This Issue
Progressive Implementation Proposal
Team from PhotogenX

We were thrilled to be approved for a grant from a group in Raleigh, NC.  This wonderful group of women gathered together and were moved to support the children of Panama by donating needed items to several orphanages.  This grant of $5000 went directly to the children, specifically a majority went towards food and necessities at the HIV house at Malambo orphanage.  We were able to find needed items at a cheaper price and thus purchase more goods than we anticipated.  What a blessing it was to be a part of the connection for this needed donation!  Thanks ladies!  May the Lord richly bless you.