The past month and half was spent mostly researching and writing to present a Proposal to the new government of Panama. This Proposal outlined the effects of institutionalization on the orphans of Panama, as well as how Panama could implement best practice standards so as to be in compliance with the Hague international treaty and their own adoption law. We also interjected ways in which HCCM can assist with the different phases of the implementation. After intense, sleepless nights, it was all finished and translated. Special thanks to our dear friends in Panama who spent
many hours in assisting with the translation of this
Proposal. You know who you are and we praise God for you!
We presented the Proposal to the government 2 weeks ago and have a meeting scheduled for next week, so as to begin working out the details of implementation. We also submitted a Memorandum of Understanding to solidify our relationship. This week they invited us to speak at a meeting of NGO's put on by the new government. We are more than excited about this opportunity to work with the new government of Panama.
We humbly ask that you please pray for the Lord to continue to grant us favor in the eyes of the government and that they will begin implementing many of these recommended changes. If you would like to read this document (or skim it, as it is 48 pages in the English version), then go to our website at
www.heartscrychildren.com and click on the link to the right under News: Presentation of Proposal, which will allow you to download this document. God was so good to us and gave us the words to say and the energy to finish the task, always striving for excellence so as to plead the case of the fatherless to win it. (Jeremiah 5:28)