Dear friends,
Send off group 
Heart's Cry Children's Ministry
We hope you all had a great Christmas celebrating the gift of eternal life through Christ coming into the world.  
We are thankful that we are already very busy in Panama, but also that God has also provided an amazing family of friends that we fellowship with every week!  Our Panamanian friends have made our adjustment to this new country more comfortable than it otherwise would have been.  Over the last three months in Panama, God has allowed us to do exceedingly beyond what we thought was possible!  The Panamanian Government has set a weekly schedule with us (which started in November) for the purposes of visiting all 43 orphanages, meeting and networking all the orphanage directors together, and working orphans through the adoption system.  Now that we have seen the orphan/adoption problem in Panama more clearly, it is much worse than we ever imagined.  However, God has allowed us to begin the huge project of restructuring their orphan/adoption system in a shorter time than we ever imagined.  In addition to helping them enforce their adoption law more efficiently and rapidly, we are compiling a database of information about each orphanage we visit so that resources can be pooled, more efficient support can be raised, and programs can be improved or begun.  
One of our first projects will be the "Orphanage Mattress Drive".  These orphanages usually house 10-20 children in each room and their mattresses are in horrible shape.  Mattresses are one of many items that orphanage directors struggle to purchase economically.  By pooling the needs and resources of many orphanages, Heart's Cry will be negotiating much better prices via buying in bulk directly from a large mattress distributor in Panama.  We will be able to repeat this example with many other needs and resources to benefit these orphans, which have otherwise been deprived of so many basic nessecesities.
All of the work that God is leading us to do in Panama is made possible by the generous financial support of so many different people. As you consider your end of the year financial giving, we wanted to make you aware of the different options you have at Heart's Cry Children's Ministry.
1) Mail checks postmarked by December 31st to:   HCCM / PO Box 17507 / Raleigh, NC 27619.  Please remember to make checks payable to: Southbridge Fellowship; and write in the Memo line: HCCM or Heart's Cry Panama. 
2) Give online through our website by December 30th.
3) Give non-liquid assets (stocks, real estate, etc.) through our website by December 30th.
Whether you donated monetarily, hosted an event, committed to praying for the ministry, or otherwise assisted with your time and talents, we want you to know how thankful we are for you.  We could not be doing this alone, so we praise the Lord for your support.  Many of you have worked tirelessly along side us to help the orphans of Panama, so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 
Abandoned but not forgotten
Matt and Misty Hedspeth
Heart's Cry Children's Ministry
Contact us:
Heart's Cry Children's Ministry
Post Office Box 17507
Raleigh, NC  27619
(919) 926-1332 USA Vonage phone
(919) 829-9110 USA Facsimile 
001-507-6546-1576 Panama phone