Thank you! from Heart's Cry Children's Ministry Your support is making a difference.
Whether you donated monetarily, hosted an event, committed to praying for the ministry, or otherwise assisted with your time and talents. we want you to know how thankful we are for you. We could not be doing this alone, so we praise the Lord for your support. Many of you have worked tirelessly along side us to help the orphans of Panama, so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 
Thanks to your generosity, we have already been able to: purchase needed supplies for 2 orphanages, purchase a vehicle that we have and will continue to use for transportation of government officials working in the orphanages, begun intensive Spanish classes, and otherwise paid for start-up costs for the new ministry in the States and are currently working to have it registered in Panama. Your preliminary support also enabled us to move and begin the initial work of getting accustomed to life in a third world country. We are excited to be fully settled in and to now be starting the real work of orphan care in Panama. We praise God for how quickly it has all begun and He is showing us the enormity of this mission. The Lord has flung the door wide open to this work and we are pressing forward, the speed with which it all occurred has far surpassed our wildest expectations. We are currently working on projects that will need further support and we ask for your prayerful consideration of partnering with us in these future projects, the details of which we will be emailing in the weeks ahead.
As we sit in Panama about to spend our first Thanksgiving here, we are overwhelmed with thanksgiving to the Lord for each one of you. Thank you for listening to the Lord's call to care for orphans. We could not have done this without your active support as the Body of Christ. We look forward to our future partnership together in this great work. May the Lord bless you and your families this Thanksgiving.