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FANS Update 
December 2011

Dear Mid-South FANS and Friends,


"Our lives are rooted in the beauty and cultural richness of the American South, where we are nourished by relationships and grace" (from the Mid-South District Mission Statement). Unitarian Universalists in the South are indeed nurtured by relationships and grace. As we seek to live out our values in a complex, challenging, interesting, oppressive, hurtful and wonderful world... we are nurtured by our relationships with other Unitarian Universalists and yes, we are held by grace.  


Many of you have shown support for the ideals of Unitarian Universalism not only by developing strong relationships with other UUs and by doing good work in the world, but also by contributing over $24,000 to MSD FANS over the last 5 years.   A warm and heartfelt thank you!! Because of this strong support, the District has been able to consistently offer multiple yearly gatherings, help for congregations in transitions and encouragement to live our ideals and to stand on the side of love.


This past year marked the end of the tenure of Eunice Benton as our District Executive. THANK YOU, Eunice. And we now welcome Connie Goodbread as the Acting District Executive for the Mid-South District and Rev. Fred Hammond as the Acting Director of Faith Development. With these strong leaders and a dedicated and insightful MSD Board, the District is embracing change with foresight, wisdom and grace.


Connie has said, "We must grow the faith because of its life saving message. We must take that message out into the world and make a difference. We offer the world love, hope, reason, justice and courage." With this message close to our hearts at this time of year, we invite you to support these ideals and this work by making a generous contribution to the MSD FANS. Please take a moment at this busy time to write your check, payable to MSD Fans, and mail it to the new Mid-South District Office: P.O. Box 560246,Orlando, FL  32856-0246 or visit to make an online contribution. Thank you so much!


Wishing you and all you hold dear, a glorious holiday season.


Gail Sphar                                                             Pat Miller

President Mid-South District                                    Fans Coordinator

             Gail                                                             Pat

 Thank you for your generosity!


Learn more about the FANS program 


FANS Coordinator - Pat Miller

District President - Gail Sphar

Acting District Executive - Connie Goodbread

Acting Lifespan Program Consultant - Rev. Fred Hammond

District Trustee - Nancy Bartlett

Bookkeeper - Mitzi Stafford 

Administrator - Jessica Curren

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