OurTeamBuzz e-Newsletter
Movers & Shakers

"Making lives better ... one card a day and one gift a week!"

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( Freedom )
in Las Vegas

Aug 17 - 20

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Hotel Room
@ the Mirage

"Treat 'em Right"

( as a distributor
you received a
to any TER
Seminar )

 "This seminar
will support you
in creating anything
you want."

Scheduled Treat 'em Right Seminars


SOC "Rolodex"

For a description
of this award,
please go to the Recognition page
on ourteambuzz.com website.

Chad Bamrick
Shawn Charpentier
Jim Christopherson
Tony (TD) DeCrescenzo
Pat Drake
Terza Ekholm
Deborah Lynn Ferro
Dorann Flores
Nancy Green
Rebecca Hanson
Edie Hardage
Rosalind Juko 
Miguel Mattern
Jodi Mews
Mame Noonan
Michele Reynolds
Judy Sabah
Karen Saunders
Diane Schroder
Landon Slaughter
Tammi Stolpe
Jody Weersing




(these distributors
have grown teams of
100+ distributors)


Keith & Kathleen Freebern

Michael Mattern

Judy Sabah

Jody & Tom

Tammi Stolpe

Deborah Lynn

Michele Reynolds

Edie Hardage

Congratulations and welcome to all the new team members who have joined us in the last 90 days. I am Chad Bamrick, your up-line SOC Executive, and I look forward to supporting your efforts in growing your SendOutCards' business!

This newsletter is designed to recognize those on our team who have made strides and found success in growing their SOC business. Dedicating one's self to achieving a personal goal is a special thing, so let us recognize those who have succeeded and take a moment to applaud their efforts. (see below)

As always, I encourage everyone to visit our team website to view the latest news, promotions, and available resources for growing a successful SOC business. It's easy to navigate and filled with supportive information - OurTeamBuzz.com  (user name & password: ourteambuzz)

PLEASE NOTE: we will be announcing in a few days our next team contest where you can win an Apple iPad and other prizes.

Chad Bamrick
SOC Executive and your Up-Line Fan
NEW 100+ Team Builder in January
Edie Hardage (Steamboat Springs, CO)Edie Hardage
Reaching the 100+ mark is a truly special accomplishment, because it demonstrates the ability to grow and lead a team. Edie's recognition has been posted on our team website: OurTeamBuzz.com. Now let's hear directly from Edie about her SOC journey.

Edie, can you tell us a little bit about your accomplishment? "Chad, I suppose the one word that would describe how I feel regarding reaching 100+ SendOutCard Distributors is excited.  When I first became a distributor you encouraged me to set that as my goal and I did.  All of the SendOutCards Leaders suggested that reaching the first 100 would be the most difficult and the second 100 would be easier.  Jordan calls it momentum.  I am very

excited about building momentum to reaching my next goal of 200.


But as you know Chad, this accomplishment is not  my mine. I did not do this alone.  It took a team, a great team.  Diane Schroder, Mame Noonan, Clara Quinlan and her husband Mark, and Debi Neal all came to the 2010 SendOutCard National Convention and they are the leaders of my team along with many others.  The yearly convention sparks inspiration and motivation to do all that is necessary to grow our businesses.  I would encourage everyone to attend convention, it makes all the difference.  The friendships you create and the education you receive is beyond measure."

NEW Manager in December

Clara Duncan (Troy, NY)Clara Duncan

How does it feel to be a Manager?
"I feel very honored to be recognized for my accomplishments with SendOutCards and I am touched that so many people in the company reached out to me. I actually cried when I got my certificate in the mail....and bought a special frame to hang it in my office. I am so very proud to be part of SOC!" 

What will you do differently as you move towards Sr. Manager?
"For probably the first 6 months, I used SOC but I didn't share it regularly, going to the SOC National Conference really made a big difference for me. Now, I will join in on every gathering and event there is that I am able to go to. I will continue to share it every day whether it is simply creating a card, or telling someone a bit about it....I always try and mention SOC so they have a bit of an idea about it, and then I know they will come to me when they are ready!


 What do you recommend for those following in your footsteps? "Remember all the reasons why you love SOC and hold that in your heart.....then wait for the proper time to tell someone a bit about it.  I never go overboard and go on and on about it....I think waiting and knowing when is the right time is very important and also sending meaningful cards to people just because (maybe you see pictures on FaceBook or come across an old photo you can scan and send). You don't want to sound desperate, and why should we?  This is an amazing tool for everyone, and I feel that it is a "No Brainer"  all those who know me will eventually be using SOC so I just wait for their cues."


How are you different since you started your SOC business?  "I am truly the happiest I have ever been, and who knew cards could do that for me?  I am so moved when people call and tell me the emotions they were feeling when they got my card or when they sent one of their own. SOC fills my heart with love.....and those people out there I've told about SOC - they all want more love too....I'm just waiting for their cue."


Now let's hear from Clara's up-line, Mame Noonan: "I met Clara Duncan a little over a year ago and introduced her to SOC. She immediately saw the value and signed up as a distributor. Since then Clara has found it to be such a wonderful tool that she is truly a "Product of the Product".  Clara is a genuine, compassionate and a sincere person.  She can't resist telling everyone about Send Out Cards because she uses it everyday herself. Clara and her husband, Mark, traveled with me to SLC for the 2010 Convention.  She will tell you herself that it definitely gave her "lift off". Clara now declares herself an Entrepreneur and I am so proud and happy to have her as a friend and business associate."  Mame Noonan 


NEW Manager in February

Kyoko Nakayama  (Colorado Springs, CO)Kyoko Nakayama

"It really is an honor to be promoted to Manager. I am ecstatic and appreciative of my hard working team and all the support I received from both Terza Ekholm and Miguel Matten. And a special "thank you" goes to Renee Olsmstead for sponsoring the distributor that made it possible for my promotion. I am motivated more than ever to do more GAW and share the excitement of sending heart-felt messages through the powerful SendOutCards system.


My recommendation to those who become discouraged is that you surround yourself with positive people and continuously read or listen to "self-improvement" materials. As someone once said, work more on yourself then on your business. Also, be sure to attend as many SendOutCards' events as possible and bring a guest.


I also enjoy attending various workshops and being with energetic people. I've listened to DeMarr's CD numerous times and remember his principle of DCT (duplication, consistency and time).


For those not familiar with the MLM concept, I like to use the principle of multiplying a single penny for 30 days which turns 0.01 to more than five million dollars! This concept stresses that although you may work hard at the beginning, you will not get paid accordingly, but with time and consistency, it will reward you much more than you ever thought possible.


The lesson I learned is that like most people in this business, the thought of quitting has crossed my mind, but it is vital that you stay the course no matter what. Someone once said, never quit on a bad day!  And please talk to your sponsor if you feel discouraged in any way.


Having being promoted recently and trying to reach my next goal of Senior Manager, there is certainly a sense of responsibility not only to myself, but for my team to succeed as well. SendOutCards has a wonderful system in place, as well as resources, so I will need to incorporate this on a more consistent basis. My passion is being able to send cards that use my creativity and to make an impact on people's lives by celebrating both the big and small moments.  I look forward with enthusiasm to see how SendOutCards will grow and become even more powerful company that people will envy and want to join!"  Kyoko Nakayama


NEW Senior Manager
Your Name Here  (City, St)SOC Chad Cartoon

Becoming a SOC Sr. Manager is the "real" beginning of your long-term success in SendOutCards. At this level, you have the potential to make a lucrative full-time income. To achieve this level, one must grow two teams of 12 distributors each. Within each group you must personally sponsor at least three of those 12 distributors. At this level, your business turns into a real full-time income opportunity with tremendous up-side.

Anyone can make it to this level. All it takes is desire, a growing level of belief in oneself, and the willingness to take action by showing others how to send a card.

NEW Manager
Your Name Here (City, STSOC Chad Cartoon)
Becoming a Manager in SOC is easy for those willing to learn, be coach-able, and take action. There is so much support for those willing to receive it. To achieve this level, one must personally sponsor 3 distributors and help them to do the same or personally sponsor more than three. Once you have a total of 12 distributors on your team, you will be recognized as a leader in SOC and now have the potential to triple your income.

The key to making it to this level is the willingness to learn from those above you, and it's really not that hard. All we really do is send out cards and gifts and show others how to send out cards and gifts. It's an easy three step process we teach each and every week. I promise, if you have joined SOC, you CAN do this if you will make the commitment.

Here is a partial list of UP & COMING Managers for 2010 / 2011:

Kara McManus - only 1 distributor to go! 

Alan Hickman  - only 1 distributor to go! 
Kris Green - only 1 distributor to go!
Susan Jimerson - only 1 distributor to go!

Clara Quinlin Duncan - only 2 distributors to go!Kyoko Nakayama - 2 distributors to go!
Gary Blake - only 2 distributors to go!

Denise Rodgers - only 2 distributors to go!
Jerry Mayo - only 2 distributors to go!
Peter & Patty Dolive - only 2 distributors to go!

Nancy Perlman - only 3 distributors to go!
Julie Charest - only 3 distributors to go!
Laura Wells - only 3 distributors to go!
Susan Bryg - only 4 distributors to go!
Lisa Papp - only 4 distributors to go!

Peggy & Michael Ford - only 5 distributors to go!
April Maynard - only 5 distributors to go!
Michele Cope - only 5 distributors to go!
Leslie Bjorgum - only 5 distributors to go!
Janet Redford (Sacred Journey) - only 5 distributors to go!
Kerry McCarville - only 5 distributors to go!
Donna Reidy - only 6 distributors to go!

Jodie Lee - only 7 distributors to go!Lisa Sawyer - only 7 distributors to go!
Alicia Demeny - only 7 distributors to go!

Reg Gupton - only 7 distributors to go!
Dana Young - only 8 distributors to go!
Andrews Warriors - only 8 distributors to go
Sherry Vargason - only 9 distributors to go!
Gail Conroy - only 9 distributors to go!
Theresa Dewey - only 9 distributors to go!
John Bando - only 9 distributors to go!

( Team Leaders: if you have a team member that should be on this list, please let Chad know )
Spotlight on... New Team Contest Starting Feb 14th!

We will be starting a new contest on February 14th
that is so easy to participate in and you can ...

win an iPad for yourself and one for your GAW Guest!

(for more details, go to www.ourteambuzz.com)

username: ourteambuzz

password: ourteambuzz

Current Senior Managers
Your Name Here (City, ST)  NEW IN THIS MONTH!!!

Susan Bateman (Lafayette, CO)
Miles Beckler (Incline Village, NV)
Shawn Charpentier (Windsor, CO)
Jim Christopherson (Highlands Ranch, CO)
Patricia Drake (Laguna Woods, CA
Terza Ekholm (Colorado Springs, CO)
Dorann Flores (Longmont, CO )
Rebecca Hanson (Steamboat Springs, CO)
Deborah Lynn Ferro (Jacksonville, FL)
Keith & Kathleen Freebern (Boulder, CO)
Nancy Green
(Mount Pleasant, SC)
Edie Hardage
(Steamboat Springs, CO)

Deb & Scott Johnson
(Littleton, CO)
Connie Marfell
(Oregon City, OR)
Michael (Miguel) Mattern (Lakewood, CO)
Jodi Mews (Canon City, CO)
Katrina Mitchell (Boulder, CO)  

Mame Noonan
(Saratoga Springs, NY)

Michele Reynolds (Greeley, CO)
Judy Sabah (Denver, CO)
Becca Saltman (Lakewood, CO)
Karen Saunders (Aurora, CO)  

Diane Schroder
  (New Port Richey, FL)

Tammi Stolpe (Fort Collins, CO)
Pam Thomas Roller (St. Augustine, FL)
Jody & Tom Weersing (Dallas, TX)

Current Managers

Clara Duncan (Troy, NY)  NEW IN DECEMBER!!!   Kyoko Nakayama (Colorado Springs, CO)  NEW IN FEBRUARY!!!


Tanja Anderson (Lake Dallas, TX)
Abby Charpentier(Loveland, CO
Cheri Collins (Denver, CO)
Tony (TD) DeCrescenzo (Columbus, OH)
Todd Evans (Broomfield, CO)
Nancy M. & Al Green (Fairfield, IA) 
Jo Jensen (Van Buren, AR)
Rosalind Juko (Corinth, TX)
Lucinda Koerner (Highlands Ranch, CO)
Pam Kroneberger (Denver, CO)
Kristi & Wayne Lawler (Denton, TX)
Shawn Leland (Fort Collins, CO)  
Vicki McCutchan (Bastrop, TX)
Jim & Dana Melton (Yucca Valley, CA)
Debi Neal (Southaven, MS)
Mike O'Neil (Denver, CO)
Deborah Petersen (Loveland, CO)
Laura Robinson (Franktown, CO)
Landon Slaughter (Albuquerque, NM)
Phyllis Swenson & Mike Moser (Canon City, CO)
Tobias Sedillos  (Longmont, CO)
Shirlie Taylor (Ridgeville, SC)
Margaret Wolf (Coppell, TX)
Kaye Zeiger (Boulder, CO)
Thank you all for being a part of our team! I do recognize that some months there is activity brewing that goes unrecognized. Keep planting the seeds and we will celebrate your successes as your results begin to bud. I welcome your call to discuss any questions you may have. 


To your continued success,


Chad Bamrick
SOC Executive

P.S. If you and members of your team are not already signed up for a local Treat 'em Right Seminar, please consider going. Next to the National Convention in September, it is by far the best thing I have attended for my professional growth, and it would be great to have you join us. Remember, you received a FREE TICKET for this event with the purchase of your Entrepreneur Package.