SOC Movers & Shakers for April 2008
SendOutCards National Convention
Treat 'em Right (Growth & Success) Seminars
NEW Senior Managers
Spotlight On ...
Movers & Shakers
Current Sr. Managers
Current Managers
Join Our Mailing List



 in Salt Lake City August 14-16, 2008

with special event meetings for...

( and above only )
Thursday, Aug 14
1:00 to 3:00 PM

Sr. Managers
( and above only )
Thursday, Aug 14
3:00 to 4:00 PM

If you plan on being
a Manager or above
by Aug 14th,
please get yourself registered by

sending a
$10 check to
our up-line:

Mark Herdering
2416 SW Dolph Ct.
Portland, OR  97219

more info

Attending this convention is by far
the best thing you can
do to build a strong & growing team!


Chad Bamrick - EX
Shelly Bamrick
Susan Bateman - SM
Miles Beckler - M
Jeff Brown
Crystal Diller
Pat Drake

Terza Ekholm -
Dorann Flores
Nancy Green - SM
Edie Hardage
Scott & Deb
Johnson -
Shawn Leland - M
Michael Mattern - SM
Jodi Mews - SM
Katrina Mitchell - M
Michele Reynolds - SM
Tammy Stolpe - SM
Kristy & Bob

Judy Sabah -
Jody Weersing - SM

Please let me know
if you are registered,

so I can add
your name to this

of attendees!

Eagle's Point
Challenge #1
(The following people have qualified for
VIP status at the SOC National Convention
& TER Seminar by accumulating 40 or more Eagle Challenge points)

Nancy Green
Terza Ekholm
Jodi Mews

Top 5+

Sponsor /Coaches
in 2008

Michael Mattern -  9
Michele Reynolds -  8
Jodi Mews - 8
Terza Ekholm - 8
Tammi Stolpe -  7
Katrina Mitchell -  7
Becca Saltman - 7
Ed Lincoln -  5
Nancy Green - 5

(Totals as of April 30)


Most Consistent

in 2008
(these distributors have sponsored at  least one
new distributor in
each month of 2008)

Michael Mattern

Terza Ekholm
Jodi Mews


(these distributors
have grwon teams of
100+ distributors)

Keith & Kathleen Freeebern

Judy Sabah
Michael Mattern

"Treat 'Em Right"

( as a distributor
you received a
to any TER
Seminar )

 "This seminar
will support you
in creating anything
you want."

Treat 'em Right

Shop at the
SOC Store for
helpful items

click here to view

Attracting Your
Perfect Customers / Distributor
Daily Tip Email
more info

"Changing Lives...
One Card at a time!"
It's the only word I can think of to describe what happen this month! As you will read, we've had an EXPLOSION of success throughout the team this month. In addition to the numerous promotions, our "captains of consistency" Michele Reynolds, Jody Weersing, and Nancy Green continued to show up strong as they sail closer to their next destination: Executive.

Also, coming up big this month is a new comer, Dorann Flores, which you will read more about below. In addition to the exciting promotions and achievements outlined below, I too achieved a milestone in my SendOutCards business: This month I promoted to the level of Executive. It's a wonderful sense of satisfaction to have achieved this recognition, and it was accomplished with the support of those mentioned above and below.

The journey to Executive is never done alone. The journey requires others to join in and create a vision for themselves. In hopes of achieving Executive status, a Sr. Manager must promote five distributors (within their Sr. Manager group) to the status of Sr. Managers themselves. This month that objective was accomplished, and I would like to personally thank our new Sr. Managers and all my team leaders for their passion and vision.

Throughout this newsletter we will recognize and celebrate the initial success of those just starting out and the on-going success of those who are now into their second year of creating their SOC business. As an example, this month Michael (Miguel) Mattern crossed over the 100-Distributor mark. This achievement is rather significant for many reasons highlighted below.

In addition, 40+ new distributors choose to throw their hat into the ring and join us as senders-of-cards this month. Some of them are beginning to dream about their futures and how very different their lives could be within the next few years.

Creating an extra two- to three-hundred dollars a month or two- to three thousand is so realistic for those ready to take action. Let us help you reach your money goal by offering you knowledge and training. We have a new team training calendar for your convenience. Check it out now to see all the resources at your disposal to get your new SOC business started on the right foot:: - Training Calendar

I welcome everyone to bookmark this calendar and then join us whenever possible.

Let's now celebrate those who went out this month and shared SOC with their friends and business associates and created success for themselves and their families.
To everyone's ultimate success,

Chad Bamrick
SOC Executive and your Up-Line Support
NEW Senior Managers
Jodi Mews (Conon City, CO)Jodi Mews
Jodi was the first to promote in early April by bringing in six new distributors onto her team!!!!!!  She did this in the first week, so by now she has transitioned into her new mind set -- that of being an Executive in SOC. You can see by her actions, Jodi has big goals set for herself. She knows she deserves the best in life, and she willing to go out and create it. Congratulations Jodi on your advancement!

Here is what Jodi had to say about her experience of promoting to Sr. Manager:

"I feel very happy, excited and blessed to have made it to Sr. Manager. I have achieved one step of many to come in my journey with SOC. This accomplishment is a measure that shows what happens when you belive in yourself and steadily prod along.

To others who would like to reach the Sr. Manager level, I would just encourage you to believe in yourself and what SendOutCards has to offer. If you believe and have the desire to reach your goals you can do it! There will be days when you don't feel like anything is happening and those are the days when it's most important to push yourself forward. Stay consistent, keep it simple, and don't ever quit when you're frustrated. Also, remember the give-to-give principle, and love others; it will always come back to you! Though I cannot remember the author, my favorite quote is: 'The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it's possible.'"

Jodi's RECOMMENDED BOOK: Beach Money by Jordan Adler (of course!)


Susan (Coach) Bateman (Lafayette, CO)Susan Bateman
I am not sure if there is such a thing as a born leader, since most of us actually grow into that kind of a role; however, if there is such a person, Susan would be one of them. She demonstrates leadership everyday through her encouragement and support for her team. I'll soon have to have a Wednesday night training session where she shares her vision and secrets for building a strong, cohesive team. She makes sure all her new distributors and customers feel they are a part of something special. When asked about becoming a Sr. Manager, here is what "Coach" Bateman had to say:
"Of course it feels great to achieve this goal. I reveled in the moment during an evening of celebration, but then it was on to the next goal. I will continue to look for enterprising people who would be a good fit with SendOutCards. Another goal of mine is to get as many people on my team up to Manager and beyond that want this for themselves. It's all about motivating us all to do our best. On to SOC Executive!
For those who desire to successfully build their own SOC business, I recommend that you DON'T QUIT. Just keep at it. There will be days when you don't feel 100% "up". That's okay. Tomorrow is another day.  Keep talking to people about SendOutCards and you will keep signing people up. As you sign folks up, make sure they have the tools and knowledge to also be successful. Help your new entrepreneurs with their first few "walk throughs" then they will then have the confidence to go out and be successful on their own."
Susan's RECOMMENDED BOOK: Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service by Performance Research Associates.  If you "deliver and delight" your clients, they will continue to use your services and effortlessly pass on referrals. I use these principles in my IT business, as well as my SOC business.


Ed Lincoln (Lakewood, CO)Ed Lincoln
I have known "Mr. President" for some time now and EXCITED describes Ed's personality. He is absolutely positive about life. He's a thinker and a doer, and he makes things happen. When asked about how it feels to be a Sr. Manager, his simple answer was "GREAT".

He also added, "The big difference in getting this promotion is I now understand that SOC is a TEAM sport. Thank you to all the people on my team for their efforts. The 12th person to sign up in my Manager group, enabling me to promote (to Sr. Manager), came from Andrew Mino who is off to a good start building his own team. In addition, I want to thank Michael Mattern who was totally there for me ALL THE WAY! And a personal thank you to Chad--my biggest cheerleader."

Ed's RECOMMENDED BOOK: The Seven Healthy Habits of Effective People by Stephen R. Covey


Rebecca (Becca) Saltman (Denver, CO)Becca Saltman
It is my pleasure to introduce Becca Saltman to our group. You have not heard Becca's name bantered about because she spends very little time working her SOC business. In her real world she in a important "networker" in the non-profit world, and was recently appointed Executive Director for the Alliance for Sustainable Colorado organization.

Becca and I met a two years ago at a small networking event. She walked up to my table of cards and said, "I'm gong to be your next best friend!"  That next week we created a strategic partner arrangement. This is were a distributor works with someone who knows lots of people that are potentially good prospects for SOC. Working together, the two parties join resources and leads begin coming in for the SOC rep (you) to start showing them how to become card senders.

Sometimes these "strategic partnerships" work and other time not so well. On the way to Becca becoming a Sr. Manager, we discovered in this particular situation, non-profits are not always the perfect fit for "attracting" new distributors--lots of customers, few entrepreneurs.

Well, we finally achieved our goal, and we can now call Becca a Sr. Manager in SendOutCards. She loves the service and finds it incredibly convenient for following up with her network of people that are moving forward the non-profit community. Becca Saltman is a giving and passionate person dedicated to improving this world. It was absolutely my pleasure to support her in attaining the status Sr. Manager.


Here is a partial list of UP & COMING Sr. Managers for 2008:

Deborah Ferro ( Signature Studios ) - only 3 distributors to go!
Miles Beckler - only 10 distributors to go!
Mike O'Neil - only 10 distributors to go!
Shirlie Taylor - only 10 distributors to go!
Terza Ekholm - only 11 distributors to go!

(if you are not on this list and should be,
please call me at 303-550-8987)
NEW Managers
On the way to Sr. Manager, one passes through the gates of Manager. Here a person has created a group of 12 Distributors (12 Entrepreneur Packages of which only 3 of them must be personally sponsored). Promoting to Manager is a key indicator that a person has what it takes to grow a SOC team and to create a nice part-time income. No one gets rich if they stop working their business once they become a Manager. The financial opportunity awaits those that go on to grow a strong and thriving Sr. Manager group. However, as a Manager, a person has recouped all of one's initial investment and has usually pocketed $200 to $600 additional dollars. All this for just sending cards and showing others how to do the same. Nice!

Let's celebrate our newest Managers:

Miles Beckler (Albuquerque
, NM)Miles Beckler
A big congratulations to Miles for promoting this month! Becoming a Manager is one of the biggest steps towards ultimate success in SOC. Miles brings enthusiasm and a positive outlook to all his actions.
I have enjoyed his calls for support, and it has been exciting to watch him methodically create his first group of 12 distributors. I so look forward to meeting him personally at the National Convention. Here is what Miles had to say about becoming a Manager:

"It's fantastic! I jumped in with both feet and placed the intention to reach the level of Manager, and did so. On the way, I learned many things about myself and working with others that will help me advance to Sr. Manager more quickly and easily. (For those wanting to do the same) there is nothing to fear, you have everything you need. SendOutCards is a simple, duplicateable system, that is faster, easier and less expensive than our truly non-existent competition. Jump in and share the opportunity...the more NOs you hear, the closer you are to a 'YES' so BE PERSISTENT!

Miles' RECOMMENDED BOOK: The Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton Fogg. This book uses a story to teach the mind set necessary to succeed in network marketing. Easy to follow, fun to read/listen to and it teaches that knowing who you are, what you want and why you want it is the real recipe for success.


Katrina Mitchell (Boulder, CO)Katrina Mitchell
It was just a few months ago that Katrina was highlighted in our SPOTLIGHT ON section. I predicted we would hear more about her in the coming months. I'm excited to say, "I was right!"

Katrina is growing her team by inclusion. She brings her new distributors to team trainings and supports them in gaining immediate success. I can hear her saying right now, "Why grow this alone."

Here is what Katrina has to say about her promotion to Manager:

"It's so great to be part of such a powerful team. To be surrounded with leaders like Susan Bateman, Dorann Flores, Michelle Reynolds and Chad Bamrick make it so easy to succeed. This amazing tool speaks for itself. All anyone needs to do is use it, and savor the joy of letting those you come into contact with on a daily basis know that you genuinely appreciate and care about them.
 The Daily Eight is the key to achieving unlimited success. It's really so much easier than we make it! Just do the Daily Eight and watch your business blossom.
Katrina's RECOMMENDED BOOK: Recently, I read The Power of Focus by Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield and Les Hewitt. I really took to heart a lot of what it said. One of the most important things was about habits. The idea being that everything we do is just a habit. It's either a habit that serves us, or a habit that depletes us. Practicing the Daily Eight is definitely a habit that serves and one well-worth establishing."


Also, here is a partial list of UP & COMING Managers for 2008:

Todd Evans - only 5 distributors to go!
Patricia Drake - only 5 distributors to go!
Edie Hardage - only 6 distributors to go!
David Meade - only 6 distributors to go!
Reg Gupton - only 7 distributors to go!
Lisa & Alex Zaborenko - only 8 distributors to go!
Rojelio Garcia - only 8 distributors to go!
Dorann Flores - only 9 distributors to go!
Gary Kornfeld - only 9 distributors to go!
Tony DeCrescenzo - only 9 distributors to go!
Andrew Mino - only 9 distributors to go!
Mick Moore - only 10 distributors to go!
Jeff Brown - only 10 distributors to go!
Emelyn Morris-Sayre - only 10 distributors to go!
Jesus Balderas ( Better Business Institute ) - 10 distributors to go!

(if you are not on this list and should be,
please call me at 303-550-8987)
Spotlight On ...
Michael (Miguel) Mattern (Lakewood, CO) 100+
Michael Mattern MaskedI am excited to announce a mile stone in Miguel's SendOutCards career. This month Michael's team broke through the 100 distributor mark. This benchmark is more important than one might imagine, because at this group size "magic" begins to happen. On the road to growing your group to 100 it will seem like you are doing all the work. It's not true, however it will feel that way. Kind of like pushing a car up a hill. If you stop moving forward, you believe you could get run over.

Around 100 something special happens. Like magic, you recognize 3 to 5 of your distributors are running with the ball. They have watched you succeed and they now want a group of 100 for themselves. I can attest to the rumor that it's easier to get from 100 to 500 than it is is to get your first 100.

SendOutCards is NOT difficult. No rocket science required as attested to the mug shot of our newest 100-team leader. You might be saying to yourself, "If this guy can do it, surely I can too," and the answer would be YES! Go for your dream of financial independence and you can join me and Miguel on the beach in the next 2-4 years. Beach Money, baby!


Dorann Flores (Longmont, CO)
Dorann FloresDorann first caught my attention when she signed up for a SendOutCards Treat 'em Right Seminar and started showing up for the weekly training classes right after becoming a distributor. Then she did something really smart, she used her upline to partner with while showing her prospects SendOutCards. The result? They both up as distributors! Then she went on to sign up her third distributor herself, and did all of this in ONE month!

Dorann recently moved to Longmont, Colorado from California. She is an Arbonne International distributor, as well as a new SendOutCards "Mover and Shaker". Per Dorann's immediate upline sponsor, Katrina Mitchell, "Dorann is courageous and tenacious. However, when you meet her, you will notice how laid back she is.
Her easy, open spirit and can-do attitude could be the keys to her immediate success with SOC."

Dorann is off to a great start with SendOutCards. Her sweet persistence is certainly paying off. We will surely hear more about her in the coming months. Congratulations Dorann on your fast results this month!

Individual Movers & Shakers for April !

Congratulations to the following team builders for being the sponsor of new distributors this month:

10554    Becca Saltman - 7
18278    Ed Lincoln - 4
11966    Michele Reynolds - 3
37057    Dorann Flores - 3
26603    Miles Beckler - 2
9119      Jody Weersing ( Cool Water Home Solutions ) - 2
17976    Nancy Green - 2
10408    Michael ( Miguel ) Mattern - 2
19199    Jodi Mews - 1
10410    Susan Bateman - 1
34848    Katrina Mitchell - 1
21637    Terza Ekholm - 1
11697    Reg Gupton - 1
10936    Karen Saunders - 1
34220    Earl Kemper ( ActionCOACH ) - 1
23479    Tony DeCrescenzo - 1
38494    Emelyn Morris-Sayre (Real Estate of the Rockies) - 1
22713    Andrew Mino - 1
40797    Diana Ferguson ( Arbonne International ) - 1
40432    Cori Levinson - 1
30164    Jesus Balderas ( Better Business Institute ) - 1
35831    Jackie Gofstein - 1
42038    Bonnie Gorton - 1
36162    Nancy Cardinali ( Cardinali Designs ) - 1
14203    Lynn Livingston - 1
40801    Kathy Pourde - 1

39139    ( Team BS Brown-Saunders, LLC ) - 1
42864    Jonas Ginther - 1
42868    Cina Riley - 1
42871    Maureen Schultz - 1
42669    Grant Livingston - 1
Total new distributors for this month = 48
Team Goals
Setting goals is a key indicator of your success in 2008. Those who know where they are focused get there. Where are you going to be at the end of this year? I encourage you to GO FOR IT and make your dreams a reality. You really can do have what you desire, IF you make a choice to set a goal and then take action.

This month set a realistic goal that is just out of reach and then focus on the end result--NOT on how you are going to get there. The "hows" will show up as you see the goal as already accomplished. And as we just said, remember to add the necessary ingredient: personal ACTION.

TEAM GOALS for April:
  • 35 new distributors are pursuing their SOC biz - Achieved 137%
  • We have a group volume of $26,000 - Achieved 98%
  • We have promoted 2 New Sr. Managers - Achieved 200%
  • We have promoted 1 New Manager - Achieved 200%
  • 40 new distributors are pursuing their SOC biz - 
  • We have a group volume of $29,000 - 
  • We have promoted 1 New Sr. Manager - Is this you?
  • We have promoted 1 New Manager - Is this you?
Current Senior Managers
Jodi Mews (Canon City, CO)  NEW THIS MONTH !!!
Susan Bateman (Lafayette, CO)  NEW THIS MONTH !!!
Ed Lincoln (Lakewood, CO)  NEW THIS MONTH !!!
Becca Saltman (Lakewood, CO)  NEW THIS MONTH !!!

Keith & Kathleen Freebern (Boulder, CO)
Nancy Green (Mount Pleasant, SC)
Deb & Scott Johnson (Littleton, CO)
Connie Marfell (Oregon City, OR)
Michael (Miguel) Mattern (Lakewood, CO)
Michele Reynolds (Greeley, CO)
Judy & Joe Sabah (Denver, CO)
Karen Saunders (Aurora, CO)
Tammi Stolpe (Fort Collins, CO)
Pam Thomas Roller (St. Augustine, FL)
Jody & Tom Weersing (Carrollton, TX)
Current Managers

Miles Beckler (Albuquerque, NM) NEW THIS MONTH !!!
Katrina Mitchell (Boulder, CO) NEW THIS MONTH !!!

Cheri Collins (Denver, CO)
Steve Crider
(Boulder, CO)
Terza Ekholm (Colorado Springs, CO)
Deborah Lynn Ferro (Jacksonville, FL)
Shawn Leland (Fort Collins, CO)
Mike O'Neil (Denver, CO)
Shirlie Taylor (Ridgeville, SC)
Kaye Zeiger (Boulder, CO)

Thank you all for stepping out a being the creator of your reality. I do recognize that some months there is activity brewing that goes unrecognized. Keep planting the seeds and we will celebrate your successes as they begin to bud. I welcome your call to discuss any questions you may have. 
To your continued success,
Chad Bamrick
SOC Executive

P.S. If you and members of your team are not already signed up for a local Treat 'em Right Seminar, please consider coming. Next to the National Convention in August, it is by far the best thing I have attended for my professional growth. It would be great to have you join us. Call me with any questions you may have. Remember, you received a FREE TICKET with the purchase of your Entrepreneur Package.