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Contact: Judy Sandra 
P: (323) 463-1536
  C: (323) 839-6517
Los Angeles, February 10, 2010: 
Coming-of-Age: An American in Copenhagen
The Metal Girl coverThe Metal Girl - a novel
by Judy Sandra
The memoir-like first person narrative of The Metal Girl is told by the mature woman who looks back on her younger, more naive self. Describing a timeless and highly personal milieu, she tells her story with intimate candor as it unfolds in a lyrical, ironic and insightful voice.
During the dreary month of March in Copenhagen in the early 1970s, a 25-year-old American woman travels on a solitary quest to become, in her mind, a "woman-of-the-world."  In fact, she is lost, adrift, dislocated, not only from familiar surroundings but from her innermost being. As she wryly observes, "Perhaps it was those outdated expressions that got me into trouble. It was the era of rising feminist consciousness, but my mind had not yet caught up to my age and my consciousness was not the part of me that was rising up that winter."  

What does rise up is a healthy libido, an intuitive search for the self, and an ardent investigation of the eternal mystery of human "coupling and uncoupling". On her travels across Copenhagen to discover "life experiences", she meets an ensemble of memorable and somewhat eccentric new acquaintances. Her journey through these relationships climaxes late one night when she discovers the raison d'ĂȘtre of everyone else and, even more surprising, the disillusioning truth about herself.

(For a full synopsis see here.)

First Press: WriteOn!Online Interview

WriteOn! logo
Go here to read the interview with WriteOn! Online's founder/owner Debra Eckerling and author Judy Sandra about the writing and publication of The Metal Girl.
The Reverend, The House Church, The Novel, The Resurrection:
How my book was revived by Divine Intervention:
This past June, I logged into my personal Facebook page. A stranger had written on my wall the following message:  "Hi, Are you the Judy Sandra that wrote The Metal Girl? I found your manuscript in the basement of my church. I'm reading it, and I really like it," signed Rev. Tom Martinez....Here is his account:
"It all happened during a basement clean-up party...One of our parishioners was reaching into an old wooden file cabinet and pulling out old papers that we were aggressively tossing out. It was time for everything to go. then she held up a manuscript and said aloud, "What's this?" ...So I set the book aside and later brought if up to my apartment above the church. One day I sat down and began to read. I read the first paragraph, and then the second, and before long I was enthralled. As I've since told Judy, I was struck by the beauty of the language, the candor and power of the narrator's journey, and the eternal theme of a wandering artist in a foreign land."

Read the whole story here.

Contact/Book Info for The Metal Girl

For review copies and press kit contact: judy@judysandra.com
(323) 463-1536
The Metal Girl by Judy Sandra

Format: 5.5 x 8.5 paperback white

ISBN: 978-0-578-03878-0

Cover Price: $14.95

Also Available: Ebook Edition

Pages: 196

Category: FICTION / Literary


http://amazon.co.uk (and worldwide)


Distributed via: Ingram, Baker & Taylor

Published by: JSM Books

Publication Date: Jan 22, 2010

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Judy Sandra
 The Metal Girl cover
JUDY SANDRA is a novelist, journalist and musician and has worked in publishing, the arts and media most of her adult life. Her debut novel The Metal Girl was released in February 2010 by JSM Books. Judy's first short stories won her a prestigious "waitership" scholarship to the Bread Loaf Writer's Conference, and she has been the recipient of a writing residency at Dorset Colony House, Dorset, Vt. 

She received a B.A. in English from UWW/Skidmore College, where she studied fiction with bestselling novelist and medievalist John Gardner. About her work he wrote that she was "one of the best I've encountered in teaching" and believed she had the potential to become a major American voice. She earned her M.A. in fiction from The City College, CUNY under the tutelage of Donald Barthelme, the post-modernist New Yorker short story writer, who encouraged her and nurtured the beginnings of her first novel The Hero.


Eight years after graduate school, Judy was introduced to novelist, playwright, translator, visual artist and co-founder of Chelsea Magazine--Ursule Molinaro--and joined the private fiction class that she held in her East Village apartment. It was during this invaluable class experience that Judy wrote her entire second novel, The Metal Girl. The book is dedicated to the memory of Molinaro.


As a journalist, Ms. Sandra covers independent film for Moving Pictures Magazine and blogs about communications and culture at JS Media Blog. She has written a screenplay Something In Common and has read her poetry and fiction at the New York Public Library reading series and at various venues throughout the New York City metropolitan area. Portions of The Metal Girl were read at the original Dixon Place on the Bowery. Judy Sandra currently resides in Los Angeles, California. 

The Metal Girl coverIndependent imprint JSM Books launches this month with the release of The Metal Girl, a literary novel by Judy Sandra. JSM Books aims to publish quality literary fiction and non-fiction books.