
Organizing Solutions for the Home and Office



Does your desk get overrun with bills, catalogs, magazines, invitations and junk mail? Here is a simple yet powerful system you can implement in minutes. No more stress, no more clutter,  no more late fees!  


2 pocket folderMail made easy - The 2 Pocket Folder System

Remove mail from the envelope; toss the envelope and any inserts that were included. If it's a bill and you will be paying by mail, paper clip the envelope to the bill and put it in the folder. Use one side of the two pocket folder for bills and one side for items that require follow-up such as invitations, seminars and other events.


Open mail at a designated time each day (5-10 minutes)

For this you'll need the proper tools - letter opener, paper clips, post-its, a highlighter and a pen. Highlight important information such as bill payment due dates and other deadlines right on the document. Use post-its to make notes on items that require action, especially if you will be forwarding to someone else to process. 


Set a time once a week to pay bills and handle follow up items (30 minutes)

Paying bills at a designated time each week will prevent things from piling up and ensure that bills get paid on time. Using the 2 pocket folder system you will easily be able to see (and eliminate duplicates) so you can keep things streamlined and manageable.


A note about e-billing... e-bills are notorious for slipping through the cracks. Although e-bills cut down on clutter and save trees, clients often report missing important deadlines. To help you stay on track with e-bills, Create a "Bills To Be Paid" folder in your email. Take care of these bills at the same time that you sit down with your folder each week. Voila!


Need help creating a mail processing system? Let's talk about it. Give me a call at 646-245-1248 for a complimentary 20 minute phone consult. 


Until next week - Be organized, be energized, be extraordinary!



Angela Kantarellis




angela kantarellis
Photo:Judy Schiller

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