Opportunity to comment on draft strategies until Aug. 8 We are seeking your input on draft management strategies designed to protect the four watersheds draining from the Oak Ridges Moraine to Lake Scugog.
These watersheds include the Nonquon River, Southern Lake Scugog Tributaries, Blackstock Creek, and East Cross Creek.
Do you live in one of the watersheds? Are you a resource user or other stakeholder in the area? Click here to see a map.
An outline of the draft strategies and a comment form are online. Please click here. Comments can be submitted until August 8, 2011. |
Protect your waterfront

Receive a free shoreline consultation to learn how to manage erosion, ice damage, Canada Geese, poor water quality and other issues, while maintaining a functional and beautiful waterfront.
Click here for more information and to book a free consultation.
Consultations are completely confidential and recommendations provided are non-obligatory.
Grants of up to $300 for eligible costs are also available on some lakes and rivers.
Contact us to find out if you qualify.
 Want to know more about lake management planning in the City of Kawartha Lakes?
Click here to visit the new web page. |
Sturgeon Lake updates
Follow the Sturgeon Lake Management Plan on Facebook.

Click here.
Information is also available on our website. |
Last chance to fill out quick survey
We're asking people in Port Perry, Blackstock, Caesarea and other lakeside communities what their priorities are for protecting Lake Scugog.
If you live in an urban area near the lake, please take a few moments to fill out a quick survey.
Click here to take the survey.
New trail nears completion in Durham East Cross Forest Conservation Area

Volunteers and staff made excellent headway on a new, sustainable trail in the southern end of Durham East Cross Forest Conservation Area on June 24. We are planning to complete the 4 km trail later this year, which will be opened to low-impact uses such as hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, and cross-country skiing. We'd like to thank all of the participants for their help, including the Durham Mountain Biking Association. |
Pigeon River Headwaters Conservation Area temporarily closed
Due to recent fire damage to the workshop buildings, Pigeon River Headwaters Conservation Area is closed until the clean up has been completed. We apologize for any inconvenience. For more information, please call 705.328.2271 ext. 212 |
Howler's Corners update
Friends of Kawartha Conservation continue fundraising for the development of an off-leash dog park in Ken Reid Conservation Area. To date, they have raised almost $5,000!
Friends are currently working with Kawartha Conservation staff to identify the fence perimeter, ensuring the park is in an area that will be safe and enjoyable to use. If you would like to support Howler's Corners, consider obtaining a membership with Friends. There are also great sponsorship opportunities; and, as always, donations are welcomed.
Click here for more information.
Learning about environmental health from insects
Resource Technician Sarah Quesnelle identifies the types of insects recently collected from 10 watercourses throughout our watershed.
Insects and other organisms that live in creeks and rivers help us determine the health of our environment. When you find insects that are sensitive to pollutants, that means the pollutants are not present.
We recently sampled 10 watercourses throughout the watershed.
Caddisflies are generally intolerant to pollution, making them a good find.
These samples will help us determine the grades in our 2012 watershed report card, and contribute to the characterization of watershed health as part of lake management planning.
We will also share our findings through the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network, an initiative to standardize sample collection procedures and share expertise and data, and the South-Central Biocriteria Project, a multi-year partnership between the province, neighbouring conservation authorities and other organizations. |
Want to improve your property and help protect your lake? We are going door-to-door and setting up information centres in several lakeside communities in the City of Kawartha Lakes between August 6 and 12. In partnership with the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations, we will be providing free advice and tips on how you can protect your shoreline and water quality, identify grants that are available to assist with shoreline work, and distribute information about lake management planning on your lake. The communities, dates and times include the following: Sturgeon Lake
- Greenhurst-Thurstonia - Information centre at McLaren's Marina (111 Hazel Street, Dunsford) on Sat., Aug. 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- North and South Bayou Roads - Information centre at 27 South Bayou Rd. on Sat., Aug. 6 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- Pleasant Point - Door-to-door the week of August 8, early evening
Lake Scugog
- Washburn Island - Information centre at Lakeview Park on Sun., Aug. 7 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Ball Point - Door-to-door the week of Aug. 8, early evening
For more information, click the links below: |
Helping property owners protect municipal drinking water sources
 Stewardship staff are meeting with property owners who can access grants for projects which help protect municipal drinking water sources. So far, we've visited with over 200 property owners, and will be meeting with another 300 in the coming weeks. These door-to-door visits are with those who have received information via Canada Post discussing the Clean Water Act, Drinking Water Source Protection and what it means to them.
This pro-active outreach is part of the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program. The projects eligible for funding are those which reduce or eliminate the significant threats to municipal drinking water sources identified in the Proposed Trent Assessment Report.
Click on the links below for more information:
Grants of up to $8,000 available for your farm project
Fencing livestock from the creek reduces erosion of the bank and helps keep nutrients out of the water.
The Scugog WATER Fund provides grants for projects that help protect water quality in Lake Scugog, and in the creeks and rivers that drain to the lake. This funding can be used to top up grants from the Environmental Farm Plan.
Grants are available for:
- Manure storage, 50% up to $8,000
- Erosion control, 50% up to $2,000
- Clean water diversion, 50% up to $1,000
- Well decommissioning, 100% up to $1,500
- Other agricultural beneficial management practices, 50% up to $8,000
Projects must be within the area where the Kawartha Conservation watershed overlaps the Region of Durham. Other conditions may apply.
See more information about the program at kawarthaconservation.com/waterfund or call us at 705.328.2271 ext. 223.
The Scugog WATER Fund is an outcome of the Lake Scugog Environmental Management Plan. |