Newsletter - January 2011 

The Resource Group Newsletter for Microsoft Dynamics GP        425-277-4760 
In This Issue
Microsoft Office and The Cloud
New BI Training Class for Dynamics GP
Microsoft Dynamics GP Events
Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Dynamics GP
RG Connect 2011 Is Set
Sharing a Excel Workbook
Microsoft Convergence 2011
Convergence 2011 Atlanta


View the latest agenda for sessions on Microsoft Dynamics GP




Register by February 21st to Save $300!




 Register for Convergence 


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Microsoft Dynamics Community 


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Use the official tag: #CONV11  



Microsoft Dynamics GP Training Classes

Did you know that
The Resource Group
offers classes in our Microsoft Learning Center
for Dynamics GP?


Take a class for an introduction to Dynamics GP or for deeper knowledge on how to use your system more efficiently.  The time and money investment will pay for itself!


Microsoft Dynamics GP
Training Schedule


PLUS, you can re-take the class for free up to 12-months. 

View detail.


Highlighted Partner:  Altriva for Microsoft Dynamics CRM



Altriva Solutions delivers implementation success with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  As a professional services firm we partner with clients to achieve their strategic business objectives by applying extensive experience and expertise in delivering integrated, customer-centric solutions.  Altriva is founded on principles of dedication, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence that translate into value to our customers on every engagement.



Attend the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Launch Event Feb 1st at Microsoft Civica in Bellevue.

Register for MS CRM 2011 Launch



Payroll Garnishment Management Made Easy in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

Did you know that Microsoft Dynamics GP includes features to handle complicated payroll garnishment calculations?  In the Payroll module, garnishments are handled as a separate deduction type with a completely separate set of features to make garnishments easier to manage. 


Read our blog post and learn how easy Dynamics GP 2010 makes managing payroll garnishments.

Fun Fact

U.S. sales of organic food and beverages has grown from $1 billion in 1990 to $24.8 billion in 2009 according to the Organic Trade Association's 2010 Organic Industry Survey.

Shortcut Keys for Excel

Become faster and more efficient with Microsoft Excel by memorizing these short cuts. 

  • Ctrl+N will open a new workbook
  • Ctrl+Tab will move to the next open workbook
  • Shift+F11 will insert a new worksheet
  • Ctrl+B will bold the text in the cell you are in
  • Ctrl+U will underline the text in the cell you are in
  • Ctrl+~ will show you the formulas that are in your workbook





Refer a Company to
The Resource Group for Microsoft Dynamics GP and Earn Up to $550! 

 Refer a company to The Resource Group


Click here to view our  

referral program and submit a referral online. 


You'll instantly earn $50 by submitting a qualified lead!

Microsoft Dynamics ERP Blog

View The Resource Group's
latest ERP blogs for
Microsoft Dynamics GP:


Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010 and ERP System Considerations  


Dynamics GP 2010 Reports with Some Heat!!!



2 Tax Incentives to Enable Your 2011 ERP Project   



Frustrated with the Excel Budgeting Process? Microsoft Forecaster can help.    



Payroll Garnishment Management Made Easy in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010    




Join Our Social Network!

The Resource Group has become a part of the social media forum.  You can now follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and the ERP Software Blog.  We will be posting content regularly, including upcoming events, promotions, articles concerning ERP solutions, Microsoft announcements, industry news, etc. We would love for you to follow us.



We tend to think of thorough cleanings at certain times of the year. Spring cleaning is pretty common.  Fall cleaning is becoming more popular as we put away the summer toys, clothes, boats, and vacation cabins.  Start the 2011 year by doing a good scrubbing of your business.  Not only is it necessary to take the time to look back at 2010 and make strategic decisions based on what we learned, but it's a great time to purge the "debris" of the past year.


A well renown business writer named Jim Blasingame from The Small Business Advocate wrote an article on Manta titled "It's Time to Do a Year-End Business Cleanup", he advocates a December "baggage elimination" such as....

  1. Retool your organization - Don't let an unproductive employee - or unproductive software and systems - hold you back for another year.
  2. Fine tune customers - Use the ABCD approach. Identify the most profitable As to the least profitable Ds. Worship the As, cater to the Bs, encourage the Cs and teach the Ds about self-service.
  3. Scrub accounts receivable. Take the hit, and write off uncollectable A/R this year so you can start the new year with a clean list.


Take this advice to heart and let us help with your business clean-up. This could be the year that you eliminate the "work-arounds" in your business processes.  Take out the manual and repetitive data entry, and the ongoing frustration come month end reporting. There's no reason your business can't jump into 2011 with a fresh start!

For the rest of Jim's clean-up advice, click here.



Kim Anselmo

The Resource Group 

Microsoft Office and The Cloud


Have you wondered how the Cloud affects you?  Microsoft is making it easier for you to incorporate the cloud into your routine with one of their tools you use every day-Microsoft Office. The latest version of Microsoft Office is designed to work well with documents that are stored on Microsoft SharePoint, whether on premise or online. One of the ways they have done this is to incorporate a new feature that is called Delta Sync.


So, what does this all mean to you? In previous versions of Microsoft Office you would create your document and upload it to your SharePoint server. But undoubtedly, you are away from the office and need to make a change to your original file. This means having to download the entire file, make your change, and upload the revised version to your SharePoint server again. This could take a considerable amount of time if it is a large file, or you have a slow connection. This new feature allows you to upload the original file to SharePoint. Later,  when you open the file from SharePoint, it only transfers changes between a temporary copy stored  on your computer and what is stored in SharePoint, saving you time of having to upload and download the full document over and over again. This same technology allows for users to collaborate on documents and presentations by allowing multiple users to edit a single document at the paragraph level or on individual slides. This can be done whether down the hall or across the country.


From the end user's perspective the combination of Microsoft Office and SharePoint 2010 will perform better.



New Business Intelligence (BI) Class for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Next BI Class is February 24-25th


Register for BI Dynamics GP Class


In this new 2-day class you will obtain knowledge and skill on the current Business Intelligence Tools and delivery methods available within Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and the Microsoft suite of products. Learn how to modify existing reports or create your own custom reports. Analyze data using SmartList, SmartList Builder, Excel Reports, Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, Analysis Cubes and Pivot Tables.


Class Agenda:

  • Business Intelligence Overview
  • Monitoring
  • Analyzing - SmartList
  • Analyzing - Excel Reports
  • Analyzing - Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Analyzing - Analysis Cubes and Pivot Tables


*Should have Microsoft SQL server knowledge prior to attending class for best results.


Class cost:  $900 per person.   


Upcoming Microsoft Dynamics GP Webcasts, Training Opportunities & Industry Discussions


Microsoft Dynamics Webcast:  Why Should You Upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010?   

January 27th | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  Register now 


Industry Webcast: How to Grow Your Distribution Business in 2011 Without Borrowing Money  

January 25th | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  Register now 

Presented by Jon Schreibfeder, a 30-year industry expert. 


Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer Workshop:
The Power of Microsoft Dynamics GP Excel Reporting Tools  

February 9th |9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 

Location:  Microsoft Civicia Office in Bellevue Register now  


Microsoft Winter Webcast Series:  

Microsoft Dynamics GP Tip:


Required & Linked Fields in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Is it hard for you to distinguish between the fields in a window that are Required and Link Fields? Use the User Display Preferences window to change the color of the Required Fields and Link Fields so you can easily recognize these fields. These settings are per user basis only and not system wide. In order to change your display, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP >> User Preferences >> Display button.


In the Link Fields, specify which color you would like your Links to be. In the Required Fields, specify which color you would like your Required Fields. Click Apply and use the Preview window to view your selections. Choose OK to save your changes. Choose OK again to close the User Preferences Window.


These changes will take effect the next time you log into Microsoft Dynamics GP.  


RG Connect 2011 Set!


RG Connect is The Resource Group's annual existing Microsoft Dynamics GP customer conference in Seattle.  


This day-long event offers Dynamics GP specific learning sessions, tips and tricks and networking opportunities with fellow Microsoft Dynamics GP users in the Pacific Northwest.

Mark your calendars to save the date!


RG Connect 2011 

Friday, September 23rd 

8:00-5:00 p.m.

The Bell Harbor International Conference Center


Get more information



Sharing a Microsoft Excel Workbook 


Everyone who has used Microsoft Excel when working together as a team knows that it can be tedious to maintain information in a single spreadsheet. Microsoft has built-in a feature to allow you to share a Workbook stored on a network. Sounds complicated? No, actually it is really straight forward. On the review tab of the Workbook you want to share, click on "Share Workbook" under the Changes section. Make sure the checkbox is marked and you are all set. Give it a try today.