Clip Board Newsletter       

February 2012




Positive Sport Coaching is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to educate and encourage positive attitudes and behavior in all athletic endeavors by coaches, parents, administrators, media, and players. Please take a moment to look over our newsletter and enjoy.

Quote of the Month 

"The trouble with referees is that they just don't care which side wins".

~Tom Canterbury

In The News

Hockey Referee Abuse
(Click On Image for the Video)



CBC's John Lancaster looks at the prevalence of abuse taken out on hockey referees
from Yahoo! News

Tip of the Month :

We are entering the season of danger from lightning. so we have included safety tips for coaches, parents and athletes.

Lightning Safety for Organized Outdoor Athletic Events

~ National Lightning Safety Institute ~

Practice and training increase recreation performance. Similarly, preparedness can reduce the risk of the lightning hazard. Lightning is the most frequent weather hazard impacting athletics events. Baseball, football, lacrosse, skiing, swimming, soccer, tennis, track and field events...all these and other outdoor sports have been visited by lightning.


Education is the single most important means to achieve lightning safety. A lightning safety program should be implemented at every facility. The following steps are suggested:



1. A responsible person should be designated to monitor weather conditions.

Local weather forecasts - from The Weather Channel, NOAA Weather Radio, or local TV stations - should be observed 24 hours prior to athletic events. An inexpensive portable weather radio is recommended for obtaining timely storm data.


2. Suspension and resumption of athletic activities should be planned in advance. Understanding of SAFE shelters is essential. SAFE evacuation sites include:


a. Fully enclosed metal vehicles with windows up.

b. Substantial buildings.

c. The low ground. Seek cover in clumps of bushes.


3. UNSAFE SHELTER AREAS include all outdoor metal objects like flag poles, fences and gates, high mast light poles, metal bleachers, golf cars, machinery, etc. AVOID trees. AVOID water. AVOID open fields. AVOID the high ground.


4. Lightning's distance from you is easy to calculate:

if you hear thunder, it and the associated lightning are within auditory range...about 6-8 miles away.


The distance from Strike A to Strike B also can be 6-8 miles. Ask yourself why you should NOT go to shelter immediately.

Of course, different distances to shelter will determine different times to suspend activities.

A good lightning safety motto is: "If you can see it (lightning) flee it; if you can hear it (thunder), clear it."


5. If you feel your hair standing on end, and/or hear "crackling noises" - you are in lightning's electric field. If caught outside during close-in lightning, immediately remove metal objects (including baseball cap), place your feet together, duck your head, and crouch down low in baseball catcher's stance with hands on knees.


6. Wait a minimum of 30 minutes from the last observed lightning or thunder before resuming activities.


7. People who have been struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to handle. Apply first aid immediately if you are qualified to do so. Get emergency help promptly.


Teach this safety slogan:

"If you can see it, flee it; if you can hear it, clear it."


Thank you for taking the time to read 'The Clip Board' Newsletter. We appreciate your support.
Tom Van Buskirk
Positive Sport Coaching

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In This Issue
Quote of the Month
In The News
Tip of the Month
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     So a few easy links for you to scout what's playing out there.




Winning State Mental Toughness Books

By Steve Knight




Sports movies are metaphors for meritocracy: Play well, do well. You gotta have heart, and if you do, you win, even against underfunding, injuries and overwhelming odds. It's how we'd like to think about politics, although we'd sooner believe a 3-D alien-invasion movie.

The Manassas Tigers football team of West Memphis, Tenn., in the Academy Award-nominated documentary


For the "real" realities of high-school sports, one can turn to "Undefeated," a current Oscar nominee for best documentary and a political film by default. Directed by newcomers Daniel Lindsay and T.J. Martin, it follows the 2009 season of the Manassas Tigers, based in downtrodden West Memphis, Tenn., and a team which-as part of a curious custom among Southern schools-used to rent out its players as tackle dummies. Bused into wealthier districts, they would play and get beaten up, while the school would pocket a few thousand dollars and use the money to fund its own poverty-stricken athletics program.


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