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"CLIP BOARD!"Summer 2010

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Positive Coaching is a nonprofit, whose mission is to educate and encourage positive attitudes and behavior in all athletic endeavors by coaches, parents, administrators, media, and players.
In The News...
College football already getting serious 
Player-run 11-on-11 football drills, without coaches, have become a campus staple
By Natalie Meisler
The Denver Post

Colleg Football
Consider it part of summer football conditioning's growth spurt. The summer staple generically known as 7-on-7 passing drills has grown into full 11-on-11 workouts. It's happening at Colorado and Colorado State and at schools throughout the country. While NCAA rules governing offseason "nonmandatory" workouts have changed little over the years, participation has jumped. 

What used to be viewed as optional summer workouts for players able to stay on campus are becoming all but mandatory at some programs. Athletic departments are funding expanded budgets to help football players achieve necessary academic progress in the summer, and increased scholarship and housing allowances alleviate the need for summer jobs.


                    EVENT HIGHLIGHTS!

As an effort to raise money for Positive Coaching we participate in several festival events throughout the year. 
This year we worked beverage booths at the Capital Hill People's Fair and Pride Fest in June, the Cherry Creek Arts Festival during the 4th of July weekend, and we'll be working at Oktoberfest in the fall.
Check out our event photos on Facebook.
Click here to get involved in these and other Positive Coaching volunteer events.
"Tip of the Month"
As a coach, think of some ways to put fun into your practices.   For instance, at one practice we had the players wash the coaching staff cars along with one lucky student whose car was voted the dirtiest.  All car radios were tuned to the same station and we bought pizza, healthy snacks and water.    
At our next practice all of the players were focused with purpose!
Tom Van Buskirk
Positive Coaching

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We would like to invite you to take a free online clinc with Positive Coaching!   Visit us at www.positivecoaching.org and go to our Online Clinic section  to sign up for our Parent Clinic.  Email tv@positivecoaching.org to obtain log in information. 
Offer Expires: August 15, 2010


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In This Issue
In The News
Event Highlights!
A Word from the Coach
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A Word from the Coach  
Hands In
What makes a good Coach?  This is a query that I, as a coach, parent, fan, and citizen ask. 
As a coach, I pray that I might have a positive influence in the lives of my players.  It reminds me of a famous coach that had an influential booster club  member come into his coaching office and asked him, "how does the team look this year?"  The coach responded with, "I won't know until about 10 or 20 years from now!"
This is how I want to coach, not solely focused on the win/loss ratio. 
In my 25 years of coaching I had three seasons that my teams went undefeated.  On the other hand, I had another team that did not win a game all season.   Yet, the team that had the most positive impact  was the team that never won.  It was an inner city school with many  negative diversions.  It was a team that  led the league in steals that year.  Stealing cars that is.  We were successful in keeping all the players going to school that year and the next season our win/loss record was .500.
What I look for in a coach is whether he or she is teaching the following life lessons: How to win and how to lose.  How to play hard within the rules. Teaching  cooperation with others despite their differences. 
What it means to work through the losses and to not give up.  That it takes  team cooperation and giving your talents to the cause in order to win.  That there is no "I" in the spelling of TEAM.   They teach that virtuous character is what you do when no one else is looking.
I had a coach that helped teach me all of these lessons.  It helped me in my marriage, my businesses, being a father, and even safely flying airplanes as a commercial pilot  for 35 years.
All that being said, a good coach is not about pushing the win/loss record, its about teaching positive life lessons to the athlete that will influence their sojourn in life. 
-Coach V