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Winter 2010
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Positive Coaching is a nonprofit, whose mission is to educate and encourage positive attitudes and behavior in all athletic endeavors by coaches, parents, administrators, media, and players.
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In The News
Produce, lean protein should substitute for convenience foods
On-the-go mom and teen sons should add vegetables and fruit and cut back on the ice cream.
LA Times
By Jeannine Stein
In this second installment of our ongoing series on nutritional makeovers, we explored the kitchen of Kristy Noble and her sons Scott, 14, and Robert, 17.

Noble wants to prepare quick, nutritious meals on a budget while teaching her sons to eat healthfully. Those good intentions are hampered by erratic eating habits and a diet that supplies lots of fat and sugar but scant amounts of essential nutrients.

Registered dietitian Lisa Gibson, an Irvine-based private consultant, explored the Nobles' cupboards and analyzed their food diaries to get a better idea of where the family needs help.
Kristy Noble's home is a tale of two diets.

 Published by the USDA  

 (Click picture for more details)

USDA Food Pyramid 

Health Issues Specific to Athletes
There are 10 main principles of training to keep in mind: 

Individual Response: Athletes respond differently to the same training.
Heredity, maturity, diet, sleep and other personal and environmental
factors influence the athlete's ability and attitudes toward training.

Adaptation: Subtle changes take place in the body as it adapts to the

added demands imposed by training. The result of adaptation
is cardiovascularimprovements, gains in muscular strength and endurance.

Overload: Training must place a demand or overload on the body's system for improvements to occur. As the body adapts to increased load, more of a load must be added.

Progression: To experience the adaptations stimulated by the overload principle, training must be progressive. If the training load is increased too quickly, the body cannot adapt and will break down. Careful control of the training loads will ensure a steady rate of success and will avoid the dangers of over-training.

Specificity: Anaerobic sports (boxing) must concentrate on anaerobic fitness. Focus on short duration training. Time spent on long distance runs is unlikely to enhance performance.

Variation: Programs must include variety to keep athletes interested and to avoid boredom. The concepts of work/rest, hard/easy are the basis of the variation principle.
Warm-up/Cool down: Every workout must include time to warm up and cool down. The warm-up will reduce injury risk. The cool down helps the body remove waste products generated during training and returns the body to its normal condition.

Long-term Training: Athletes experience long-term effects by regularly and
progressively overloading their body systems. Coaches must be patient and must monitor the progress of their athletes. Avoid pushing too hard, too fast, too soon. Research proves champion athletes train eight to 10 years before peaking.

Reversibility: Adaptation stimulated by training is reversible. When athletes  stop training, they gradually lose the physiological qualities that sustained their sports performances. Coaches must design training programs that maintain fitness gained throughout the year, especially in the off-season.

Moderation: Long-term success is gained through moderation in all things, including training. Keep training in perspective. Give the athlete a chance to meet family commitments, fulfill school assignments and make time for social relationships. Nothing will turn an athlete away from a sport more quickly than on overemphasis on physical conditioning.

By Tom Coulter
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                  Coach of the Year
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Tip of the Month
Check your plate before you eat.  It should have a wide variety of colors upon it.  Deep greens, rich reds, hearty purples.  A color rich diet ensures a balanced one!
Tom Van Buskirk
Positive Coaching
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Offer Expires: February 15, 2010

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Life Dimensions
In This Issue
In The News
Health Issues Specific to Athletes
A Word from the Coach
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A Word from the Coach

Nutrition is one of the hardest issues for sport coaches and sport parents.  The road to a beneficial training table is to educate and train our athletes about proper nutrition. I will offer a few tips from my coaching experiences. 


I have found that I needed to get the athletes, parents and coaches on the same page.  One of the best ways to do this is to find a source within the community that has expertise in nutrition.  Make calls to the local hospitals, universities, colleges and sports medicine clinics.   Since these entities are interested in being active in the community, they will be more than willing to speak to your athletes.     


After you have found a speaker, assemble your athletes, parents and coaches in one room to hear the message on how to initiate proper nutrition.  Make sure you have handouts for all attending.


Formulate a plan for coaches, athletes and parents to follow.  I used to have team parents prepare coolers for all home and away games that contained the recommended food values for the athletes and coaches and implemented a rule that no one was to be seen eating at the concession stands prior to any game or match. 


I don't know how many times I noticed one of my athletes half way during practice having an energy crash.  To keep the nutrition momentum going remind your athletes and parents to have a proper breakfast daily to avoid these types of crashes. This information has proven to be very beneficial to my coaching experience.

       --Coach V