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"CLIP BOARD!"September 2011

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Positive Coaching is a nonprofit, whose mission is to educate and encourage positive attitudes and behavior in all athletic endeavors by coaches, parents, administrators, media, and players.
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In The News...
Riots were  like a 'warzone'
 Soccer (Football) Riots
By Staff Reporters
The Sun 
A SOLDIER who served in Afghanistan said the violent scenes in Manchester which marred the UEFA Cup final were like a "warzone".
Rangers fan Gregor Moffat, 43, from Dunfermline, Fife, was caught up in clashes between supporters and police in the city centre on Wednesday night.
Mr Moffat, who serves with the Royal Logistics Corps, said: "It felt like I'd swapped one warzone for another.
"The police attacked me with their truncheons as I was bending down to pick up my Rangers hat.
"I think they must have thought I was going for a bottle."
Earlier it was reported baying thugs who attacked riot police after the final acted like "a pack of wolves" - and could wreck England's bid to stage the 2018 World Cup.
  10 Tips for Being a Successful


  • Keep the fun in sport
  • Do no harm
  • Communicate
  • Demonstrate Respect
  • Know your Athletes
  • Know yourself
  • Model positive behavior & attitudes
  • Appreciate effort
  • Empower your players
  • Know your sport
"Tip of the Month"
My wife, when working our side of the scorer's table, once told me before the game began that we had the "W" in the bag!  I asked her why she was so sure even though we had not seen the other team yet.
Her response was, "Their score book is completely disorganized.  I had to ask three times who the starters were and they had wrong jersey numbers for some of the players." 
Being organized is a sure way to have a pleasant game experience. It goes a long way in demonstrating credibility.  Have a practice and game plan.  The old saying, "failing to plan is planning to fail" holds true. 
Look for more about practice plans in the next newsletter. 
Tom Van Buskirk
Positive Coaching

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Email tv@positivecoaching.org for more information about this offer.
Offer Expires: October 15, 2011


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Life Dimensions
In This Issue
In The News
10 Tips for Being a Successful Coach
A Word from the Coach
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A Word from the Coach 
Sports Abuse 
      Sports Abuse
You would not believe how many parents and coaches do not understand the abuse in sports today.  In our clinics we are one of the few organizations that address the evils and causes of sports abuse.  We believe so strongly on educating people on this that we will travel in order to conduct a Sports Abuse Clinic for organizations and schools. 
Sports abuse happens in many forms by parents, coaches, officials, athletes, fans and media. 
Do we live vicariously though our children's sport.  Are we focusing on unrealistic goals?  I hear things like "If you don't score two goals a game you'll never make the big leagues", all the time.  These kinds of things are said to 11 year olds.
"If your not in pain, you're not working out enough", says a coach to his or her players.  Or "If you lose just 10 pounds I'll make you a starter."  Comments like these have actually caused lifetime eating disorders for many athletes.
"I have to get to another game so lets not call much in order to get this game over early."  This can cause injuries to athletes by not keeping the game safe and in control for the athletes.
"If we take out their key player with an injury we can win this game", says one athlete to his/her teammates.
Take a look at our In the News section in this edition and see how scary for all the riot was to fans, athletes, coaches, officials and the media.
How many times have we read or heard of a blitz campaign reporting to oust a coach or athlete using the reporter's own agenda.
Sport should be a fun and educational experience.  I tell our parents and coaches that sports are really about teaching life lessons.  If you remember this you can eliminate sports abuse! 
--Coach V