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Clip Board Newsletter

 October 2011

   Autumn Soccer



Positive Sport Coaching is currently running a fundraising campaign to insure the continued education of coaches and parents to be positive influences and prevent the abuse of young athletes. 

Please help us in our campaign by visiting our
"Help Prevent Sports Abuse" campaign at and making your contribution today. In return for your donation, you will be given a gift for helping support Positive Sport Coaching, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. 


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In The News
knee injury 
New Steps to Help Prevent
Knee Injuries in Teen Sports
The Wall Street Journal, Health
September 20, 2011  

A torn knee ligament is one of the most debilitating injuries that routinely hit young athletes. Now, medical researchers are deciphering why women are at much greater risk for the problem than men and how it can be prevented.


An estimated 90,000 varsity high-school and college athletes a year suffer an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, which connects the thigh bone to the shin bone. Women are between four and six times as likely as men who play the same sports to be injured, partly because they rely more on ligaments to compensate for less-developed muscles, researchers say. The riskiest sports for ACL tears are soccer, basketball, volleyball, football and skiing, all of which involve sudden stops, changes in direction and jumps.


An ACL tear can have big consequences. Surgeons usually replace the torn ligament with a tendon from another part of the patient's body or from a cadaver. Months of recovery time follow. And years later, patients, especially women, face an increased risk of osteoarthritis. Partial ACL tears may heal without surgery.

Tip of the Month

How to Become a More Effective Coach


Positive Coaching



All Coaches want to win. I do. So knowing this, how do I become more competitive against the opposing coach. Its the same method that we coach and train our athletes. I have listed some points to reference and enhance your coaching abilities.


1. Know all the rules that regulate your sport. This is the most

     common complaint from umpires and officials.


2. Learn at a faster pace. Know your sport, are you current

     and more knowledgeable than other coaches and your    

     athletes about new skills and strategies. The

     internet is a wonderful tool. You can compare ideas from

     one coast to the other, from one country to another.


3. Know each athletes physical and mental limits during

     practice. You do not want to find this out during

     competition. Your training should be more challenging

     than the actual competition event.


4. Know each of your athletes passion for your sport. This is

     only accomplished by spending time with each individual

     athlete. Engage with your athlete, know there fears and



5. Become a creative coach. When it comes to playing time,

     I admire coaches that play the whole bench and remains

     competitive. This is done by a creative coach.


6. Do not become set in your strategies during your season.

     Because each season is like a game or meet, it changes as

     the clock ticks.


7. Most coaches video there games. Effective coaches video

     there practices. You can evaluate your effectiveness of

     drills, teaching skills, discipline, and assistant coaches.


8. Effective coaches are not talking 24/7. Effective coaches

     observe 24/7, not just during practice, matches or games.

     Observe how your athletes, coaches, parents, administrators

     interact in public.


9. Wining in sport is not just being the fittest athlete. It is an

     effective coach that teaches each athlete to be the best in all

     the dimensions. Physical and mental training, skills, school,

     attitude, sleep, nutrition, recovery, self management, etc.


10. Use short term performance goals. Make sure your

     athletes and team can reach them. This builds a wining

     momentum and that's hard to stop


           I hope that there are tips in the above that will help you become an effective coach. Talk it over with your staff,

athletes, parents and administrators. An effective coach is a great communicator.


Coach Tom Van Buskirk




It's 5 o'clock. Do you know where your athlete's at?





     It is easy to get wrapped up in the routine and schedules of practices, games, competitions, school work ect. However, it is important to be sure that you are checking in with your athlete on a regular basis. Sitting down with them to discuss how they are doing and feeling not only about their participation in sport, but school and other activities as well. Are they feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious? Are they enjoying their activities? Burnout is very common in athletes and needs to be carefully monitored, not only for their success in the sport, but for their quality of life. If burnout or its beginning stages goes unnoticed and changes are not made, it can manifest in a variety of ways including taking a toll on their health.

     Burnout is defined by Raedeke as, "a syndrome of physical/emotional exhaustion, sport devaluation, and reduced athletic accomplishment." Thus, these physical and emotional stresses can come from overtraining, changes in an athlete's physical regimen, pressures to perform applied by their family, social circles, coaches, or self, having too many things on their plate including school work, or a combination of social, physical and emotional stresses. A common stressor in youth athletes is the feeling of not being allowed time to find themselves a role in social circles, or not having enough time to be a kid and be with friends. This can turn into negative emotions and attitudes toward the sport participation that is keeping them from that. Recognizing symptoms early on can make a world of difference.

     There is a fine line between challenging an athlete and pushing them over the edge. It is important to check in with them verbally, as well as observe them, as some athletes may not even be aware themselves that they are having trouble handling everything on their plate. Ask your child how they are handling things. Are they enjoying it? Are they putting too much importance on certain outcomes? Look for changes in mood, eating, and social behaviors. Do they seem unmotivated or withdrawn? Have they lost interest? Look for opposite reactions as well such as over anxiousness or lack of a level of seriousness that indicates a lack of enjoyment.

      If burnout goes unnoticed and no changes are made your athlete may cease to excel or go further in their sport, experience depression, or even experience health issues or injury. Steps for prevention from parents and coaches include being aware of the optimal amount of "pushing", showing support for your athletes efforts, be sure to separate roles from coaching and parenting, understand your athletes perspective and feelings, be sure there is a two way line of communication, and value the athletes input and involvement. Be sure that your athlete is playing for their own reasons, that they are enjoying it, that they have a good life balance, and that there is time for rest.

       If burnout has already begun, take time off, back off a training regimen, remove one or more activities from the schedule so that they may socialize or have time to cope with emotional stresses, or practice relaxation skills such as deep breathing techniques or progressive muscle relaxation. As a family, release any extraneous pressures put on the athlete, perhaps lessen your involvement for a short time, help them with relaxation techniques, and show your support for their well being. Get the coaches or parents support in these actions as well. Sport should be a positive experience with a multitude of personal growth and lessons learned. Take the proper actions to protect your child from burnout.


We are here to keep you informed.  If you have any information that you would like to share with our readers, please email me at:

Jamie Nelson, Board Member
Positive Sport Coaching
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End your newsletter with a kick — consider a postscript to reinforce one of the key product or service benefits.
Tom Van Buskirk
Positive Sport Coaching
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In This Issue
In The News
Tip of the Month
It's 5 O'Clock. Do you know where your athletes at?
A Word from the Coach
Quote of the Month
Quick Links


    We like to give our readers a few looks at what we at Positive Sport Coaching think would interest our parent and sport minded team.

     So a few easy links for you to scout what's playing out there.



Fever Pitch

By Nick Hornby

Fever Pitch
A book about the gunners of Arsenal Football in England and the Red Sox in New England.


by Andre Agassi

Andre Agassi
A book that is revealing about the struggle between Agassi and his father in the sport of tennis.

"The Mighty Macs" 

The Mighty Macs
A movie that combines Hoosiers and Nun Sense. True story about women's high school basketball coming of age, very uplifting and positive


A movie about putting in the computer geek factor of stats into big league baseball. Brad Pitt stars. True story.
Life Dimensions, Inc.
Life Dimensions

Aviation Property Management
A Word from the


     Last week, I attended a benefit for a local non-profit called Save Our Youth. The program had a great speaker by the name of Joe Ehrmann. He was a Colts football player and a coach. The theme was becoming a mentor to our trouble youth.

   I sat there being energized by Mr. Joe Ehrmann about what it means to be a coach. If we do it right we are mentoring our youth in a positive way. One of the main points in his talk that stood out for me was the rampart existence in our society of apathy and indifference.

     I believe the people that subscribe to this newsletter do not have apathy and indifference. That being said, are we bold and confident enough to soldier on this cause or sit on the bench and hope someone else will. Our youth need us as coaches/mentors to teach and reaffirm positive life lessons. To become important to the community and not have apathy and indifference to mankind.


-Coach Tom Van Buskirk


 "Quote of the Month"  



"Sport is where an entire life can be compressed into a few hours, where the emotions of a lifetime can be felt on an acre or two of ground, where a person can suffer and die and rise again on six miles of trails through a New York City park. Sport is a theater where sinner can turn saint and a common man become an uncommon hero, where the past and the future can fuse with the present. Sport is singularly able to give us peak experiences where we feel completely one with the world and transcend all conflicts as we finally become our own potential."


~George A. Sheehan