Partner On Call

The Business Buy-Sell
and Growth Advisor TM


My blog:

I recently was featured on 97.3 KIRO radio's CEO Spotlight with Jason Brooks. Here's a link to the broadcast:

| John Martinka interview |

“John is the guy who helps execs buy a business™” – While helping me formulate my business growth strategy, a group of people who have referred clients to me and worked with me on deals came up with this. Keep this in mind for when you meet people who want to buy a business – preferably a mature, profitable and fairly priced business; there is nobody who knows, specializes and understands this market better.
The first 100 days™ - this is the most important time post-acquisition. It’s important that the buyer have a transition plan (created prior to closing), to start implementation the day after closing and to stay on track. I help buyers during this all-important “First 100 days” whether or not I assisted the buyer with the deal.
Second opinion – sometimes all it takes is the objective business advisor who has seen hundreds of deals to be the “other set of eyes” that a buyer needs. My eyes may spot risk, opportunity or both. I have maintained for years that I can add as much value to someone who has already found a company to buy as I can when I help clients locate, analyze and structure a deal. It just takes less time and less money. Think of me when somebody you know wants to get a deal done (and/or stay out of a bad deal).
Preparing for Your Great Escape- Putting companies through a mock due diligence — to find any holes a buyer would drive a truck through — can increase the value, price and downpayment; and streamline any future sale. It doesn’t matter if that sale is in six years or six months; if the seller will use an intermediary or not; or if the business will sell to family, management or an outside buyer.
Growth by Acquisition – double sales in a year? Yes! Buy a competitor, supplier, customer or even a business in a different industry. This is not mega-corporation M&A; this is small and mid-sized businesses buying another firm to fill capacity, add customers, add a geographic area, find good talent or to find synergies and reduce overhead. When “L” bought “S” they were able to sell their products to S’s customers, S’s product to their customers and move the operations into their facility. As a bonus they got a proven sales staff.

Also check out these blogs:

The Business
Seller Advocate



The Business
Buyer Advocate



This website only promotes the BEST business brokers and the BEST businesses for sale ONLY




We are recruiting “Partners” in every state. Please see more on this at the end of this e-newsletter.

Issue 133 - Case Study - Escape Your Business With Style, Grace and More Money

Client Spotlight - National Concrete Cutting, Milton, WA

National Concrete Cutting, Inc. (Matthew Finnigan, owner) National Concrete Cutting Inc. is a union affiliated concrete sawing and drilling company headquartered in Milton, WA. Founded in 1946 under the name of National Concrete Sawing, the company is known for its reputation for superior industry knowledge and quality customer service. Operating throughout the greater Puget Sound region, NCC is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure that the work required can be done with the least interference to the customer’s schedule.

Working as a licensed general contractor in the state of Washington, National performs diamond sawing and drilling work on concrete, asphalt, brick and masonry surfaces. Main services include flat sawing, core drilling, wall sawing and hand sawing.

NCC employs between 15 and 20 people full time and has a complete and well maintained array of equipment and trucks that enable the company to respond to customer needs in a prompt manner. Included in the equipment fleet are saws and drills that operate hydraulically, on gas or diesel power, or electrically thus enabling the firm to work indoors or outdoors, including while buildings are occupied.

Sell your business for more than you imagined

Have a plan  - When speaking to a group I will draw a Venn diagram with three circles. One circle is "Vision," another is "Plan" and the third is "Implement." If you are a cross between vision and implement you get no results. If you are a cross between plan and implement you have no destination and you'll get lost. If you are a cross between vision and plan you'll be stuck because there is no action. It's only in the middle, where all three circles intersect that you can sell your business faster and for more a higher price.

Who will buy your business?

“Nobody is going to buy your business” is a statement that can deflate an owner with devastation as similar as the Hindenburg’s exploding.

George (not his real name) was referred to me by his CPA as he was interested in selling the business he had started a decade earlier. We had a thorough discussion about the business and I reviewed five years of the company’s financial statements and tax returns. It was at this point that I made the above statement.

The company’s sales and profits had been on a roller-coaster ride. Six-figure losses one year and six-figure profits the next although never enough to recoup the prior year’s loss. The net was that there was a large negative retained earnings, accounts payables in excess of cash and accounts receivables plus substantial bank debt.

Treat your business like a business

You see, George had an outside interest (hobby) and when business was good he got very involved with his other interest until business became bad and he was forced to return to managing the company. The wide swings in revenues and profits were because George was the primary salesperson for the company so when he wasn’t working sales declined. In other words, the business had a huge dependency and it was George.

This wasn’t the only problem with the business. George had hired his romantic interest, paying her an executive salary for doing administrative work and running errands. There was no business plan, no marketing plan and no budgeting. Actually there was no planning of any kind; everything was done on the fly. It didn’t take very long to figure out that we needed to do some planning, budgeting and monitoring.

It pays to plan your escape

Our first meeting was about July 1, a very, very slow time for George’s industry. Within a few weeks we had a sales and marketing strategy outlined and in place. I insisted they monitor every activity related to sales whether it be marketing letters, telephone calls, in-person sales calls, proposals, etc. For the six weeks until Labor Day the company turned into a marketing machine (instead of just coasting through the summer as they usually did). Their last six months of that year ended with sales 33% above their forecast and that momentum continued into the next year.

By the next summer George was entertaining interest from two industry buyers and one outside buyer. He received an offer, which he turned down. Now that there were some systems in place, momentum and consistent profits he decided he didn’t “have to” sell and would continue to operate and grow the business, making small improvements along the way. Five years later he sold to a competitor for substantially more than the offers years prior. In fact, the downpayment was significantly higher than the price in the original offer he received. 


Did George have a business or a lifestyle? When we met it was definitely a lifestyle, and an erratic one at that. George also did what a lot of small business owners do and that is not pay attention to the company’s balance sheet. I recently met the owner of a firm that had significant debt (for their size), was paying nice bonuses and doing nothing to reduce their debt. Now that it’s time to sell the owner “needs” to get enough money to pay off the debt (whether the business is worth this much or not, he “needs” it).

This often happens because owners see their business with the optimistic glasses on. Buyers want to see future growth and cash flow. Bankers want to see how they’re going to get paid back. Business owners should pretend they are buying their own company and ask themselves if they’d believe what they’re being told.

This Month's Business Buying Don't (this one is especially true in today's economy)—From 422 Business Buying Don’ts™ by Ted J. Leverette, “Partner” On-Call Network LLC

Don’t forget the most important question. What is the competitive advantage of this company? What are the dependable drivers that create customer demand for its product? From these questions will come many others. Follow the string until its end to discover the truth about the business. Do these things before you buy it.

| See a Business Buyer Protection Report of more Business Buying Don'ts. |


Getting the Deal Done Audio

Listen to a live talk as I tell audiences (of the leading advisors and dealmakers) what it takes to close buy/sell transactions. The talk is titled, "Getting the Deal Done."
Listen to Audio |


“Partner” On-Call Network is expanding

Please contact me if you or someone you know might want to be a “Partner” in our national business-consulting firm. It’s an opportunity to own a local office and serve a national clientele (without traveling to remote clients). If you have anybody in mind (anywhere) please call or write me.


New and/or Upcoming

A blog at

January 28 - Without and Exit Strategy You Have No Strategy for the Society of Financial Service Professionals, 7:30-10:00 am at the Harborside

February 9 - Master Builders Association on Preparing Your Company for Your Great Escape.

March (date TBD) Roundtable Discussion with Bernstein Global Wealth Management.

Future topic ideas are appreciated (and I will use them if they are in my area of expertise).

Please share this newsletter with your friends and associates. Have them e-mail me to get it directly. If you know of anybody who wants to buy, sell or grow their business please send them my way. It will be very much appreciated.


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Copyright John Martinka, 2000-2011 All rights reserved.

John Martinka
"Partner" On-Call Network

An Original Business Buyer Advocate ®
The Escape Artist
Creating Large Exits for Small Businesses

The Business Buy, Sell & Growth Advisor TM or
PO Box 8146; Kirkland, WA 98034
425-576-1814; fax 206-374-8262


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