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Keeping You Informed

Summer Newsletter

August 2012
In This Issue
President's Message
Brown L. Whatley Award Winner
Welcome New Members
Committee Sign Up
Thank You Sponsors
Call for Presentations-Eastern Secondary Market Conference
Qualifying for a Mortgage?
Just for Fun
Closing Time
Chapter News
MBA of Tampa Bay
MBA of Jacksonville
The Power of Today
Florida Realtors Offer Free Friday
2012/2013 Board of Directors
Executive Committee


Daniel Harrison




Alex Castellanos




Jay Ralstin

Hancock Bank Mortgage Division



Sandy Garcia

Terrace Mortgage Co.



Kevin W. Strickland

SunTrust Mortgage Inc



Dana Cummins



Michael A. Culbertson

JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA


Pat Gaver



Tonya Mills



Matthew Goldman, CLO



John Cosculluela

American Bancshares Mortgage


Carole Hendricks



Jane Ashley

Seaside National Bank & Trust


Jamie A. Thornton



Associate Director

Pauldie Howrigan

ServiceLink, FNF's National Lender Platform


Director Emeritus

Margie Fletcher (elected 2005)



Chuck Ivy (elected 2006)



Georges Lussier (elected 2010)

Local Chapter Presidents


Dustin Owen

Waterstone Mortgage Corp.



Joe Adamaitis




Diane Ekberg




Clarita Rosa

North American Title Co.



Ed Erickson

Fifth Third Bank



Dana Cummins




Jay Craig Wright
Thank you for renewing! If your name is not shown we have not received your dues payment. Contact

Alarion Bank


AmeriCU Mortgage

Ameris Bank

Atlantic Coast Bank

Bank of America Mortgage

Branch Banking & Trust Co.

Capital City Bank

Centennial Bank

Citizens First Wholesale Mortgage Company

Community Bank of Destin 


Essent Guaranty, Inc.


Florida Capital Bank Mortgage

Florida Commerce Credit Union

Florida Housing Finance Corporation

Genworth Financial Home Equity Access, Inc.

Green Tree Servicing LLC

Group One Mortgage, Inc.

InHouse Inc.


McCaughan Mortgage Company, Inc.

Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp.

MountainView Capital Holdings

North American Title Co.


Regions Mortgage

ServiceLink, FNF's National Lender Platform

Southern Title Holding Company

Stewart Lender Services

StoneHill Group, Inc.

SunTrust Mortgage

United Lender Services Corp.

VyStar Credit Union

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

William Cannova

Michael P. Azzarello, CMB

Jane Ashley

John Chludzenski

Matthew Goldman, CLO

Sandy Garcia

Dorothy G Negrin, Esq.


 Members Log In Link Below
You are able to view your membership record, search for other members, register for any conventions or conferences when available and view your committees that you are on. The main member contact is able to make changes and pay your dues too!  It's easy and takes just a minute to get started.
Upcoming Announcements
We are working on the dates and locations of our 2013 Eastern Secondary Market Conference (our 10th) and our Annual Convention (our 60th!) We should have these finalized in the next couple of weeks and will let you know.
Member News
Retirement News.

If you have been involved with the MBA of Florida or the MBA of Tallahassee you know this person very well. After many years in the industry and a long time member of both associations, Margie Fletcher of BB&T officially announced her retirement beginning at the end of September. Margie is a MBA of Florida Director Emeritus and she plans to stay active in the association and will co-chair the 60th Annual Convention Committee this year.

It comes from all our hearts that know her, congratulations, but we are going to miss you being around everyday!

Welcome to the MBA of Florida's Summer Newsletter.

We accept your news and consider all articles from our members for submission. Send to

President's Message, Dan Harrison
Dan for Pres pic

One of the duties of the new President is to announce a theme for the next year. This task was made easy for me as this year we are celebrating our DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY and 60th year as an Association.  Given the recent housing crisis, we shouldn't take for granted that we have not only survived as an Association, but our membership is actually growing and we are becoming a louder voice for our industry.  We have a great history to celebrate this year and as we tell our story let's also celebrate the impact our local chapters continue to have in all our communities.


I looked back and realized that the MBA of Florida has been a part of my entire career.  I started in this business in 1984 and the very first business trip I took was to the MBA of Florida convention in Orlando.  It was obviously a much different convention back then and our industry has changed so much over the last 30 years, but the influence of the Association and the impact to all members are still as strong as ever.  


The previous leadership of this Association has done a tremendous job in working through this recent financial crisis and setting up a great foundation for our continued growth.  The mortgage industry has gone through significant changes in the way we operate and this Association is your voice through those changes.


As we look ahead to the rest of 2012 and next year, we are preparing for the Presidential election in November and potential new regulations from the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) in 2013.  As professionals, it is important that we stay active and are aware of the potential impact that both events could have to the mortgage industry.  I would encourage all members to become educated about the potential changes from the CFPB in 2013 and be proactive when asked to contact your representatives.


There's no question, in my opinion, that the November election will be the most impactful in our lifetime.  No matter the outcome, our industry professionals must be a part of the solution going forward. It is imperative that we have as much influence as possible to help direct the changes that are sure to come.


One of the areas I really want to focus on this year is growing and diversifying our membership. A great way to increase our membership is for all of us to do a better job of telling our members, as well as others, who the MBA of Florida really is.  There is so much more to our Association and it's time that we let everyone know what we do and who we are, especially with regard to our local chapters who make such a difference in their communities.  


I want to share a few examples of WHO WE ARE at our local chapter level:


WE ARE the MBA of Central Florida.  The MBA of Central Florida has been a sponsor of a local charity called the Safe House for the past five years.  The Safe House is a women's shelter in Orlando that provides a safe environment for abused and at-risk women.  Central Florida MBA now hosts events every year to provide donations for this charity and has provided thousands of dollars to the Safe House.


WE ARE the MBA of Tallahassee.    The MBA of Tallahassee has provided Christmas gifts for more than 25 years to children of migrant workers that live in a nearby community. This is the only Christmas these children receive thanks to the incredible generosity shown by these members. Having personally participated in this event for a number of years and seeing first-hand the happiness and gratitude of these families, you would be very proud of the impact that MBA of Tallahassee has made in that community.  This event is credited to our own Kristina Holmen-Mohr after a discussion with one of her applicants.


WE ARE the MBA of Tampa.  The MBA of Tampa has been involved with and donated money to The Children's Home since 1985.  The Children's Home is a local charity that helps with adoption services but also serves as a safe shelter for abused children. The involvement and donations have grown over the years and now they hold an annual auction that has tremendous community support.  Donations from the MBA of Tampa beginning in 1985 through 2012 have exceeded over $340,000.00. What a great partner they are and what an impact they have made in their community!


That's only a few examples of who we are as the MBA.  We are a caring, professional organization that makes an impact in our communities in a positive way.  I hope all of you are impressed and proud to be a member of an organization that does such important and impactful work.


I know I'm proud to be a member of the MBA and it's an honor and privilege to lead this Association.  I look forward to a great year and look forward to working with such a caring and professional team.


Thank you and all the best,


Daniel Harrison 

Brown L. Whatley Award Winner, Tim Allen, CMB

Tim Allen wins BLW
Past President Michael Culbertson awards Tim Allen, CMB the Brown L. Whatley award at the Annual Convention held in Ft. Lauderdale. Congratulations Tim! It is well deserved..

Click this Link to view the 2012 Annual Convention Pictures!

 Welcome Our New Members! 









Financial Institution Members

Ameris Bank

Orange Park, FL

Jim Carithers

Robert Odom

Ryan Repic


Atlantic Coast Bank

Jacksonville, FL 

Ken Jones


Genworth Financial/Home Equity Access Inc.

Jacksonville, FL

George Vrban

Tim Allen, CMB


GreenTree Servicing LLC

Tampa, FL 

Darius Saba

Jeanetta Brown

Christine John

Joseph H. Kelly, Jr.

Lauren Perez

Christina Tribble


Associate Members


Eagan, MN

Jamie Thornton

Krista Sabol


InHouse USA

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Deborah Green

Cristina Maduro

Greg Powell


Southern Title Holding Company

Daytona Beach, FL

Shelley Stewart

Lisa Blythe


Stewart Lender Services

Houston, TX

Jennie Craig

Landon Smith

Scott Gillen

Brian Moss

Tom Brady


Individual Members

Dorothy G. Negrin, Esq.

Miami, FL

 Committee Sign Up! 

Committees are gearing up for the year.


Please join us!


For Committee Descriptions - Click Here


BYLAWS Margie Fletcher and Dan Harrison

Jay Craig Wright

Margie Fletcher and Tim Allen, CMB

Michael Culbertson and Carmen Fenn Drake, CMB

Kevin Strickland
Alex Castellanos

Tonya Mills

Pat Gaver


To sign up please email and let us know which committee you would like to join.

2012 Sponsors List  
Eastern Secondary Market Conference - Call for Presentations

This is a Call for Presentations for the MBA of Florida's 10th Annual Eastern Secondary Market Conference. We have had some great success with our speakers at the conference and also realize there is a wealth of expertise and professional experience within our circle of contacts. We have included a list of proposed session topics that are important, however we are open to your ideas.


Please provide your choice(s) and contact information by Friday August 17th. We will contact you after reviewing the responses with the committee in the next few weeks. The conference will again take place in February but the exact dates and location are still being finalized.


If you have any questions please contact Brenda at the state office at 407-855-6155 or email Thank you on behalf of the conference committee!
The 10 Commandments of qualifying for a mortgage......




Change your job, quit your job or become self-employed.


Buy a car, truck or van. (you may have to live in it.)


Use credit cards excessively, or let current payments fall behind.


Spend money that you have set aside for closing.


Omit debts or liabilities from your loan application (i.e. child support, alimony, loans.)


Buy furniture before closing.


Originate any inquiries to your credit.


Make large deposits without first checking with your loan officer.


Change bank accounts.


Co-sign a loan for anyone!!!

Just for Fun
Lending Funny 

Contract Closing Time Frames

by Dana Cummins, President and Brett Bosarge, President-Elect

of the MBA of Tallahassee


You want to close on that contract in how many days???!!


The Mortgage Bankers Association of Tallahassee and member lenders are requesting real estate purchase contracts to be written with a 45-day projected closing date. Recently, at TBR's May 15th marketing meeting, local lenders attended to communicate the need for closing time frames longer than 30 days.


In today's lending world, 30-day closings are most often not possible. This is due to a variety of reasons such as documentation requirements, appraisals, constant guideline changes, type of financing, and a lender's current volume. Here are some examples of how and why loan closing timeframes now take longer than 30 days. We rely on the borrower to return the required documents within a few days of the request. Sometimes they are expeditious with these requests; other times we have to follow up constantly. As their REALTOR®, encouraging your buyer to timely comply with documentation requests would be very much appreciated.


By federal regulations, a lender cannot request documentation or payment for the appraisal until the borrower gives us their intent to continue with the loan application. The regulations allow the borrower up to10 days from application to make up their mind on which lender they intend to use, if they happen to be shopping. All of this usually means the appraisal cannot be ordered on the same day the contract is received. Once the appraisal is ordered, receiving the completed report can easily take five to seven business days, sometimes longer, depending on the complexity of the report. Once the file goes to underwriting for review, there may or may not be additional documentation required from the borrower, a required change/correction to the appraisal, or sometimes an issue comes up where we have to change loan programs in order to keep the client qualified.


With conventional loans that require private mortgage insurance, the loan is approved subject to the mortgage insurance coverage being issued. Then the file is sent to the mortgage insurance company to have the loan reviewed and a private mortgage insurance certificate issued. This mortgage insurance approval can add two to three business days to the process. With USDA financing, the loan has to be sent to the USDA regional office for approval. Depending on volume, it can take three to five business days before USDA can issue a conditional commitment.


Once the loan is fully approved, the file moves on to the lender's closing department. This preparation takes about two days, then another day for the title agent to get the HUD-1 prepared and approved by the lender. Then, if the property is a short sale or foreclosure, the seller generally needs two to three days to get the settlement statement approved by the selling authority. So, all of these closing details require a fully approved loan at least a week before the scheduled closing date. This is just not possible if the sales contract is a 30-day timeframe.


There are some benefits to a 45-day closing. Clients will have ample time to gather the necessary documentation. Closings will be smoother and have fewer problems. All parties involved in the transaction are less stressed and clients will usually get to review the closing statement one or two days prior to closing. This would be a major improvement to receiving the closing statement at the table. We all need to remember that we are working towards the same goal: exceptional customer service and satisfied clients. We all earn our living when the sale is complete. In most cases, loan officers are compensated at the end of the month on the month following the closing. It is in the interest of all parties to close as soon as possible.


Unfortunately, the realities and challenges of today's lending environment are dictating longer time frames. Thirty days is just not enough time. Please review this article and discuss the timeframe needed with your bank or lender. 

Chapter News!
There is plenty of work going on this summer with our chapters. Jacksonville and Tampa provided some thoughts for us as well as submissions from MBA of Tallahassee with some funny and great articles.

MBA of Tampa Bay 

by Jay Craig Wright, President, MBA of Tampa Bay 


It is time to give back.


For as long as I can remember, the financial industry has intrigued me. As a child, I wondered where the money goes, who decides where, and who keeps track of it all. I wanted to always make a good impression when going to the bank. It was quite an impressive sight riding my bicycle to the local branch wearing my Sunday clothes, just to make a deposit. People spent time with you back then, like that silver haired account manager that answered my endless questions, or that bank teller that accepted my deposits of nickels and pennies. Now that I am older, I reflect more on my past and those who have enriched me with both assistance and challenges. In my career spanning the past three decades, there has always been help for those who look.


How do you thank the many? The mortgage industry requires a multitude of professionals to work in harmony in order to function properly. You don't have to look very hard to find someone to thank. Thank the Realtor who made the late night run for signatures.  Thank the Mortgage Originator who helped the borrower navigate and endless stream of changed rules and guidelines. Thank you Processors, Underwriters, Closers who made sense from chaos and stayed late to meet the deadlines. Thank you Insurance Agent who made changes to your binder in the 11th hour. The PMI Representative, Title Rep, Account Executive, or all of the unsung heroes that make this highly complex symphony perform. Sincerely, thank you.


Your Mortgage Bankers Association is full of opportunities to show your thanks. This organization is yours. It was built on the philosophy that together we are stronger than we are alone. It grows with the people who want to give back. Do you want to give back? You owe it to yourself and your community to do so. Too many times I have heard prospective members say, "what do I get out of this M.B.A.?" Besides the ability to network and grow your career, you get the opportunity to give back. Mentor and grow a new generation into this ever changing world of finance by giving back.

On behalf of the entire board of 2012-2013, we look forward to serving you in this exciting year.


My Theme for 2012-2013, Give your thanks, by giving back.

MBA of Jacksonville
by Diane Ekberg, MBA of Jacksonville President

The MBA of Jacksonville has kicked off its new year with a new website!  Brian Hendricks, last year's Technology Chair, has been building the site for several months.  Brian and this year's Technology Chair Mike Azzarello are still adding content and enhancing functionality, but come take a look:


We have an enthusiastic board this year:

2012-2013 JAX board  

*VP Randy Galloway is working with Teresa Hale on building our relationship with realtors and builders and is serving on our nominating committee.


**Immediate Past President Carole Hendricks remains active, chairing the nominating committee and MPAC and providing support to our sponsorship and LO awards programs.


Meetings confirmed to date are as follows:

August 7:  Enhancing the performance of smart phones & tablets with Morgan Terrell of Sprint

September 4:  A CFPB update by Valerie Saunders

November 6:  Local and national economic update by UNF Professor of Economics, Dr. Paul Mason


A state senate/representative candidate forum is tentatively scheduled for October 2.   


The Power of Today

provided by Kristina Holmen-Mohr, CMB 

 The Power of Today

The Power of Today - Change Your Life Today, not Someday!!

We are all waiting and hoping for someday in the future when our lives will be different or we will have the time and resources to pursue our hopes, goals and dreams for our lives. However, for most of us someday never comes. We just keep postponing our lives waiting for that perfect time in our lives.

As a result, we miss out on the most important day of our lives, TODAY! We are so consumed with the worries of tomorrow, the regrets of yesterday and the busyness of today that we miss out on using the only day we have to change our lives and that is Today.

Therefore, I urge you to review these points I have listed below and use them as a catalyst to start living differently today. Take control of your life, your future, your hopes, goals and dreams for your life, Today.

More importantly, I urge you to live today in way that touches and inspires you and others around you. Live today with no regrets. Live today fully self expressed, laughing and loving every moment of your life.

"Thoughts on Today"

Today is "The Day"

Today is the day to sit down and commit your goals and dreams to writing with a date when you will achieve your goals

Today is the day you preplan your day to ensure you love every moment of it.

Today is the day to take action to accomplish our goals

Today is the day to spend some quality time with the people closest to you in your life

Today is the day to perform a random act of kindness without expecting anything in return

Today is the day to be generous with your time and money

Today is the day to use your unique gifts and abilities to touch and impact the lives of those less fortunate than you

Today is the day to invest your time and money in something bigger than your personal needs

Today is the day to say "I Love You"

Today is the day you write a hand written personal note or card to someone special

Today is the day to tell someone "I appreciate you more than you will ever know"

Today is the day to call someone and say "I'm sorry, do you forgive me"

Today is the day you forgive yourself and let go and start living and loving life

Today is the day to take control of your health and fitness

Today is the day you make choices in every area of your life that are congruent with your hopes, goals and dreams for your life

Today is the day to "design your perfect day" and live it to the fullest

Today is the day you live with no regrets

Today is the day you do not waste your time, energy or resources on senseless or needless off purpose activities

Today is the day you take control of your personal finances and your future

Today is the day you spend some time growing spiritually

Today is the day that you find humor and laughter in every moment like a child

Today is the day you stop and count your blessings

Today it is my hope that your life will be changed forever. Today is the day I hope you will look back on your life and say "That was the day." That was the day my life changed forever. That was the day I started living differently. That was day I started living my life to the fullest every day and moment of my life.

by:  Fiscal Literacy

Florida Realtors Offer Free Friday! 

Florida Realtors is once again offering "Free Friday" - free admission to their Trade Expo on Friday, August 10 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Marriott World Center in Orlando.  It's FREE if registration is made in advance - $10 cash if they wait to register on-site.


Everyone who registers for "Free Friday" will receive one complimentary pass to an education session on Friday.  Attendees will be given this pass in their packet at the convention registration desk (open 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Friday).


It is highly encouraged that individuals register in advance (free in advance - $10 cash on-site).  Not only do you save $, but you will save time standing in line at the registration desk. Those who register in advance, simply go to the pre-registration lines and give their last name and are given a packet. Based on previous years, those who wait to register on-site will be standing in the on-site line for awhile.


Here's how to take advantage of this fantastic "Free Friday" offer....  Just go to  It's that simple! 


Through the website you can register online and also see the current listing of exhibitors (this list is continually updated as vendor contracts are received).  You may also register via phone, at 800/669-4327.


This year's Thursday evening entertainment session is a 60s Surf & Beach Party featuring the Beach Boys Tribute Band, Papa Doo Run Run (details on website). Tickets for this event can be purchased for $30 by those who register for "Free Friday". 

Celebrating 60 Years

Since 1952, the Mortgage Bankers Association of Florida (MBAF) has integrated the state's diverse real estate finance industry into a unified service organization.  The MBAF is committed to promoting sound and ethical business practices in the mortgage banking industry; providing a powerful and responsible presence in Florida's legislative arena; educating its members in the most up-to-date practices and methods, so members can grow and mature in their careers; serving as a forum for communication and social interaction among peers; and adapting to change in a mercurial business environment, in order to help mortgage bankers succeed in that environment.

60 years constant contact 
Brenda Thomas
Mortgage Bankers Association of Florida