Wellness News
| September 2010
 Hi Everyone!
month we are 'schooling' you on the benefits of Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a safe and
effective alternative medicine therapy that has been practiced in China
for thousands of years. Just like Chiropractic, Nutrition and Massage, Acupuncture treats the underlying
causes of diseases rather than simply targeting symptoms.
At InnerMovement, we offer you a team approach to your health, utilizing the most
effective alternative medicine therapies available. Our Acupuncturists
are key to this wellness approach. On a daily basis I refer patients to our Acupuncture team to treat insomnia, hormonal imbalances,
chronic inflammation, bowel disorders, migraines and much more. After witnessing our patient success stories I have become a regular patient
of Acupuncture myself.
So, whether you are a person trying to learn more
about ways to stay healthy or if you are suffering from a chronic condition, I
hope you find this wellness newsletter informative and helpful. Until our
next adjustment...
Yours in health, Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team
School is in session!Your Acupuncture PrimerA recent article published on
acupuncture in the Huffington Post* stated, ""Some
folks, including older Western M.D.s, still talk about whether or not they
"believe" in acupuncture. Such thinking is ill-informed and outdated.
One might as well speculate about whether to believe in aspirin, morphine,
insulin, surgery or an MRI. The question is not whether acupuncture works,
but how it works, and whether it is the appropriate therapy for a particular
syndrome, problem, symptom, disease or patient. In a clinical setting and
performed by a licensed professional acupuncture is effective for a variety of
complaints.*" Acupuncture and Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a safe, low-risk form of treatment for all age ranges
offering a comprehensive natural health care system that can effectively
prevent and treat illness, enhance
health by effectively strengthen weakened immune systems, and balance hormones
to bring the mind and body back into balance. Many people don't know that in
California, Acupuncturists are primary healthcare providers and recognized by
mainstream medicine, the World Health Organization, the NIH, and the National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) to effectively treat
illnesses and support preventative healthcare. The National Institute of Health
has stated, "there is sufficient evidence of acupuncture's value to expand its
use into conventional medicine and encourage further studies of its physiology
and clinical value" and the NCCAM has sponsored countless studies that verify
the efficacy of acupuncture for pain, fibromyalgia, post traumatic stress
disorder, and arthritis, to name a few. How Does It Work? Through
balancing the meridians of the body through the use of acupuncture needles
(made from ultra-fine stainless steel which are pre-sterilized, single-use &
non-toxic) and targeted application of customized herbal formulations,
acupuncturists can promote wellness by tapping into a complex network of
charted meridians that exist within the human body. The practitioner will assess the signs and symptoms, conduct
a thorough medical history, observe the tongue, and feel the pulses in order to
assess and properly diagnose the root cause of the chief complaint. A
comprehensive, customized treatment approach will be discussed with each
patient. Here's a list of some of the
common health conditions that can be safely and effectively treated by
acupuncture: gastrointestinal and digestive problems, headaches and migraines, fatigue,
insomnia, allergies, anxiety, depression, sinusitis, skin disorders, colds and
influenza, high blood pressure, musculoskeletal
injuries and joint pain. Women's
health, menstrual irregularities, menopausal issues, and infertility can also
be approached from a holistic perspective, using Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. New Client Acupuncture Special!
$35 initial visit* (includes consultation & treatment) We will also verify your insurance coverage to find out if your plan covers Acupuncture! A special one-time follow-up visit at discounted rate of $50** TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENTS, PLEASE CALL OUR ACUPUNCTURISTS: Dorothy Low 323-363-9785 Veronica Sanchez 818-480-8227*offer valid for new clients only. expires 09/30/10 **$50 follow-up visit is available to new clients that take advantage this special offer and is a one-time offer. non-transferable. expires 10/15/10
Qi Gong ExerciseBreathing exercises are a powerful tool used in Chinese medicine. Try this ....
to each meal: 2 minutes before you
eat, do this
metabolic boosting breathing exercise: For the
first minute of this exercise, place both of your hands below your belly button
and take a few long slow deep breaths.
Feel your hands rising on the inhale and descending on the exhale-this
is focused deep breathing. Do this for the first minute.
It is
important to note, a primary function of digestion is to break food into
microscopic bits that can be sent to your cells and combusted with oxygen to
release energy into the body. Over
90% of our energy comes from oxygen + food. That is why focused breathing is so important prior to each
the second minute
of this exercise, squeeze all the air out on your exhale by bringing the
abdomen toward the spine. Now do
not worry about inhaling; just focus on bringing your belly toward your
spine. Do it as quickly and as
comfortably as you can. Imagine
you are fanning a fire with bellows of air to make the fire grow.
your meal, do the
following for digestive health and to increase longevity: Bring
both hands over the left side of your rib cage, below the heart. This is where the stomach is located. Circle
your hands over the stomach area about 50-100 times moving from the right
(liver) side of your body toward the left (heart) side of your body.
Congratulations! You just increased your metabolism! This is also a very simple yet powerful
practice you can do each and every day.
Celebrate your LABOR DAY with $20 off* any regularly price Wellness Treatment including:- Massage
- Chiropractic
- Nutritional Counseling
photo of Kumbi Butler: new Mom & owner of Heartbeat House & a dedicated InnerMovement Wellness Client photo by Jeromy Robert ( www.jeromyrobert.com) *limit one offer per client, expires 09/30/10. not valid for purchases of gift certificates, valid for pre or post-natal clients only.
Healthy Nutrition Tip-of-the-Month!
from our Clinical Nutritionist Michelle
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that the balance
of hot and cold in the body can maintain health and help overcome a variety of
illnesses. The easiest and most accessible way to do this is through food. It
is thought that all foods are divided into three basic categories -- cold
(yin), hot (yang), and neutral. Too much of one category can throw the body off
and put out the digestive fire, weakening and slowing the digestive system.
Take a look at the Yin & Yang foods below. If you tend to eat foods
more regularly from one category you may be creating digestive upset.
YANG: Foods to
cold food and liquids, raw foods (especially in the fall and
winter), damp producing foods as seen above Yang (or Warming) Foods walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts, beef, lamb, venison, duck,
turkey, cheese, eggs, butter, beans, black pepper, cinnamon bark, garlic, ginger, cayenne, chai
tea, jasmine tea, chocolate, coffee, garlic, green peppers, chilies, leeks, onions, potato, peanut butter, whiskey, wine.
YIN: Foods to
Avoid hot spicy foods, stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes,
sugar Yin (or cooling) foods barley, millet, kidney beans, black beans, mushrooms,oyster, clam, crab,
octopus, fish, sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, almonds, asparagus, cabbage, celery, tomatoes, cucumber, bean sprouts, artichoke,
pea, seaweed, tomato, spinach, broccoli, apple, pear, grapes, pomegranate, pineapple,
watermelon, banana, avocado, strawberries, lemons, honey, beer.
To learn more about how to maintain a healthier balance in your own diet, please call us at 818-549-1300 to book your appointment
Dr. Broosan's
Research CornerAvoid C-Section with Acupuncture?According to traditional Chinese medicine, a pregnant woman needs the
right balance between energy (Qi) and blood supply for labour to start.
Acupuncture is believed to move your energy and your blood, thereby
encouraging labour to start.
This research article documents
Acupuncture's success for Induction of Labor in long term pregnancies. In another recent study, a 35% reduction in the number of inductions was shown, (for
first-time mothers this was a 43% reduction) and a 31% reduction in the
epidural rate. When compared to a local midwifery practice (with no
acupuncture) there was 32 % reduction in emergency Cesarean Sections and
a 9% increase in normal vaginal births. Read the full study here.
Do you have questions about Acupuncture & Pregnancy? Please contact us to learn more!
Does your health care cover ACUPUNCTURE?
It can!
We recommend Lions Health Insurance Services, Inc. I
Call to schedule YOUR complimentary health insurance consultation at:
Health Insurance Services, Inc. (next to Dr. Heidi's office)
E Broadway, Suite 102
Glendale, CA91205
appointment only - (877) 818-7771
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TWO Herbal products our doctors & patient's love!
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