Chester, NH
April  2010
Newsletter of NHCSA
In This Issue
Latest News
Notes from the Dietitian
veg bowlSubscribe to Our Newsletter!

sunflower girls

On the fence to join CSA?

Now is the time to join for the 2010 CSA Summer season. If you still have questions please call or email and we'd be happy to answer them. We will also be at the Natural Health Fair at the Derryfield, Mammoth Road Manchester on Saturday May 1st.
We need to get a close count so we know how much to plant for the coming season. CSA is an enlightening experience for many after coming from only dealing with the chain markets. We feel our distribution is a very social affair each Friday with members coming and going sharing ideas and recipes.

Pick your own update.

This is the last chance to give us input as to what you would like to see at this years pick you own field. We have Basil, Cilantro, Green Beans, Cherry tomatoes, Sunflowers, Oregano, Zinnia, Cosmos so far.

Just email for a 2010 sign up form. email here

FOOD INC. is out on DVD you can order it here

food inc.


Here are the location instructions for distribution.  click here and we also have a map to get there.
    Here is Gary's cell phone if you have questions 603 548 5550.


For those of you that enjoy farm fresh eggs, the ones with deep yellow yolks that Organic Eggsstand up firm, we have made arrangements for a weekly distribution if you wish to have them added to your share. We have partnered with Field to Fork Farm in Chester, NH for these great eggs.

Field to Fork offers Organic meat and dairy products and the link to the site is above. We visited Patrick and his family at the farm and he has a wonderful operation going there, all the animals are really free range on his 80 acres. The eggs will be on a first come first serve basis each week.
If Pests Won't Eat it, Maybe You Shouldn't Either...

by Fran Van Geyte

Fran Dietician

If a pest (insect) won't eat the veggies and fruit, maybe they are trying to tell US something!

Based on a new study this year in the American Journal of Public Health, a commonly used pesticide named chlorpyrifos has been shown to have an associated negative effect on physical and mental development of children.  The study included over 200 children  living in areas of NY where chlorpyrifos was widely used up until the turn of this century when it was banned for household use/products.  The researchers report elevated level of this pesticide in cord blood ( at the time of a child' s birth to correlate exposure) was associated with greater than a 6 point decrease in psychomotor development index and over a 3 point decrease in Mental Development once a child reached 3 years of age.  As mentioned this pesticide is banned for your household products but is commonly used in the agricultural industry on fruits and vegetables.  It's use however even in this manner continues to be investigated and allowed.

Do we even know what's on imported produce? ed.



Look for our soon to be page on the website of corn syrup free products!


Ever get home and forget what that new vegetable is,
check out our veggie ID chart here.

Thank you to all the membership, we look forward to seeing our returning members and meeting all the new ones.

Enjoy and Eat Well.

Warm regards,
Gary and the crew
603 548 5550

The NHCSA is a multi-farm CSA. We have created an alliance with accomplished growers who are either certified organic or growing
organically. By supporting us, you're helping to sustain multiple small farm growers in their quest to provide quality produce to people in Southern New Hampshire. Together, we'll provide you with a colorful array of vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers that are fresh-picked and grown without