On the Bridge
Gesher Jewish Day School 
January 22, 2009 - Issue 16
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Thoughts from the Head
Admissions News
Family Profile
Development News
Alumni News
Mishpachat Gesher (PTO) Corner
Caring at Gesher
Mitzvah Coupon Donations
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Announcements
Join Our Mailing List!
Links and Forms
Shabbat Shalom
Candlelighting  5:10pm
Havdallah  6:41pm

Want a new look at the Torah portion?

פרשה בא  
Parashat  Bo
Exodus 10:1-13:16


Jeremiah 46:13-46:28

שבת שלום

Second Quarter Report Cards to be Distributed on Monday, February 2

We will be distributing our second quarter report cards on Monday, February 2, rather than tomorrow, January 30.  Our two snow days and Meredith's absence have unfortunately delayed their release.  We apologize for everyone's dashed anticipations and request your understanding and forbearance over the weekend.

Upcoming Events

Start Your Day With a Hallelujah!
We welcome parents and members of the greater community to our daily Morning Minyan, and to our Thursday Torah service, starting at 8:30am on days when school is in session.  Your assistance with making a minyan (quorum) is especially needed on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 9:00am when it is time for the Kaddish Yatom (The Mourner's Kaddish).

Thursday 1/29
Torah Service Readers:  Coby B., Zachary N., Jackie W. 8:30am (Beit Midrash)
MAP (Melnick After-School Program) 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Fencing Club 3:45-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)

Friday 1/30
New Student Applications Due
Report Card Distribution Delayed Until Monday, 2/2
Parent Coffee, sponsored by Mishpachat Gesher (PTO) Topic: Connecting Learning to the Real World.  Dr. Zvi Schoenburg, Head of School 8:30-9:15am (Merkaz)

Monday 2/2
Report Cards Distributed
Parent Walking Club, sponsored by Mishpachat Gesher (PTO) 8:30am (Meet at Gesher JDS, walk together to Starbucks)
Basketball Game: Gesher United Boys vs. Burgundy Farms 4-5pm (Burgundy Farms)
Basketball Game: Gesher United Girls vs. Burgundy Farms 5:15-6:15pm (Burgundy Farms)
Siddur Ceremony: Grade 1 6:30pm (Gesher Gym)
Tuesday 2/3
Capital Camps Visit 3:30-4:30pm (Beit Midrash)
MAP (Melnick After-School Program) 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)

Wednesday 2/4
Field Trip: Grade 3 9:15am-12:30pm (Off Campus)
Melton Parent Education Program 9:30-11:30am (Rm. 27)
4th Grade Revolutionary War Play (Community Welcome!) 2:15-3:30pm (Gesher Theater)
Basketball Game: Gesher United Boys vs. Browne Academy 4-5pm (Gesher Gym)
Basketball Game: Gesher United Girls vs. Browne Academy 5:15-6:15pm (Gesher Gym)

Thursday 2/5
Torah Service Readers: Emmett D., Mallory A., Michael S. 8:30am (Beit Midrash)
Field Trip: Kindergarten 9:15am-1pm (Off Campus)
MAP (Melnick After-School Program) 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Fencing Club 3:45-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Friday 2/6
Kabbalat Shabbat 1:55-2:25pm (Kindergarten and Grade 5 Buddies in the Gan; Grades 1 and 2 in the Chadar Ochel; Grades 3 and 4 in the Beit Midrash)
Saturday 2/7
Siyyum: Grade 2 - Havdallah 7-7:30pm (Nash Home)
Sunday 2/8
Kosher Wine Tasting 7:30pm (Stravitz Home)

Monday 2/9
Parent Walking Club, sponsored by Mishpachat Gesher (PTO) 8:30am (Meet at Gesher JDS, walk together to Starbucks)
Field Trip: Grade 8 10:15-1:15pm (Off Campus)
Girls' Basketball Practice 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher Gym)
Tuesday 2/10
MAP (Melnick After-School Program) 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Wednesday 2/11
Adult Beginner Hebrew Class (free!) 8:30-9:10am (Rm. 27)
Melton Parent Education Program 9:30-11:30am (Rm. 27)
Boys' Basketball Practice 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher Gym)
Thursday 2/12
Torah Service Readers:  Casey L., Zach G., Shoshi M. 8:30am (Beit Midrash)
MAP (Melnick After-School Program) 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Fencing Club 3:45-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Basketball Game: Gesher United Boys vs. Greene Hedges 4-5pm (Gesher Gym)
Basketball Game: Gesher United Girls vs. Greene Hedges 5:15-6:15pm (Gesher Gym)
Friday 2/13 - NO SCHOOL - Faculty Work Day

Monday 2/16 - NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day
Tuesday 2/17
MAP (Melnick After-School Program) 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Basketball Game: Gesher United Boys vs. Browne Academy 4-5pm (Gesher Gym)
Basketball Game: Gesher United Girls vs. Browne Academy 5:15-6:15pm (Gesher Gym)
Wednesday 2/18
Melton Parent Education Program 9:30-11:30am (Rm. 27)
Boys' Basketball Practice 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher Gym)
Thursday 2/19
Torah Service Readers:  Hannah I., Ianne S., Mimi S. 8:30am (Beit Midrash)
MAP (Melnick After-School Program) 3:30-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Fencing Club 3:45-4:45pm (Gesher JDS)
Friday 2/20 - Tuition Assistance Application Deadline
Siyyum: Grade 3 Amidah (Parents Welcome!) 8:30am (Beit Midrash)
Toddler Open Gym (Community Welcome!) 10am Gesher Gym
Kabbalat Shabbat Grades K-5 (Parents Welcome!) 1:55-2:30pm (Beit Midrash)

Thoughts from the Head

In this week's Torah portion, בא, Bo, G-d visits the last three plagues on Egypt.  By this point the novelty of these terrible punishing blows has long worn off- Pharaoh's magicians are no longer attempting to replicate the effects.  Instead the plagues are followed by negotiations.  After the locusts, Pharaoh says, "Go and serve the Lord your G-d.  מי ומי ההולכים?  Who exactly is going?" 

Pharaoh's attempt to control who would leave -- after he's begged for relief -- is curious... and underscores his lack of understanding the dimension of what is going on.  Moshe's response is also instructive.  Beyond refusing to limit the exodus to some of the people by way of not giving in to Pharaoh, the response also has tremendous meaning in and of itself.  Moshe outlines here a religion and a society that is inclusive of all, old and young, male and female- no one will be left behind:

...בנערינו ובזקינו נלך  בבנינו ובבנותינו
 With our youth and our elders we'll go, with our sons and our daughters...

Everyone must go together because it will be a "holiday of the Lord for us" -- "חג לה' לנו" -- a great inclusive celebration, embedded in the heart of our old-new tradition.

Shabbat Shalom,

Dr. Zvi Schoenburg
Head of School

Admissions News

Admissions Application Deadline Approaches

Our admissions applications are due January 30, 2009.  If you are a current Gesher family with a rising Kindergartener, we look forward to seeing your application this month!  If you know of a family who may be considering a Gesher education, encourage them to contact Debra to arrange a personal visit to the school.  Again, word of mouth is our most powerful recruitment tool.  Here is a link to the admissions application for the 2009-10 school year.

Financial Assistance Applications Due February 20

Financial Assistance Applications for both new and existing families are due February 20, 2009 and can be found at http://gesher-jds.org/uploads/20680910FinancialAssistance.xls

Second Annual
Gesher Jewish Day School
Community Family Fun Day
Sunday, March 29, 2009, 1-4pm

Join us as we again open our doors to the community for an afternoon of art, music, entertainment, Passover activities and fun! Put this date on your calendar now and plan to BRING FRIENDS!  Every Family Bring a Family is the motto for Community Family Fun Day.  This is a great opportunity to introduce others to Gesher and the event is FREE.

Family Fun Day requires lots of volunteers to keep things running smoothly.  If you can help that day, contact the Admissions Department, [email protected].  We will need a number of parents for set-up, running activity stations and clean-up afterwards.  Thanks for your support!

Family Profile 

Meet the Dallas Family

Hillary and Bryan  Dallas are the proud parents of one of Gesher's great Gan members, Madelyn, as well as a preschooler, Rachel.  They have lived in Northern Virginia for about 15 years -- with Hillary venturing here after college and Bryan coming to the area after a stint in the Marine Corps.  Hillary is originally from New Jersey, Bryan from Chicago.

Hillary and Bryan's marriage, in February 1999, took place in a setting similar to somewhere they can be seen regularly -- a synagogue.  The difference, though, was that Hillary and Bryan were wed at the Hebrew Congregation of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands -- a national historic landmark.

"We highly recommend visiting the synagogue if you are ever in the vicinity," they said.

Their destination wedding follows one of their most adventurous hobbies: traveling.  This summer, for example, the family will venture to a cousin's Bat Mitzvah in Jerusalem.  But that's not all they do when they're not at Gesher.

"We enjoy reading, cooking, swimming, visiting with family and friends," Hillary says.  "And Bryan still gets to squeeze in football and baseball even with a house full of girls!"

Hillary and Bryan are active members of Congregation Olam Tikvah in Fairfax (Bryan is on the board of directors there) and live right around the corner from the school -- a hop, skip and a jump from Wegmans and Fairfax Corner.  Gesher remains a major focus of their lives.

"We chose Gesher because we believe that the curriculum, both general and Jewish studies, provides an excellent opportunity for our children to develop their education," Hillary and Bryan said.  "Further, the value [set] in which the program is based is what we already have been practicing in our own home and we felt it would be the best environment to build on."

Hillary works for Booz Allen Hamilton, sourcing supplier agreements for their global travel program.  Bryan is a development director for a commercial real estate firm.  Additionally, Bryan and Hillary own and operate Mitzvah Tree Gifts, the Judaic and specialty gift shop at the JCCNV (which also has a showcase in the Merkaz at Gesher).

Development News

Periodically we will publish a "WISH LIST" from our faculty and staff.  These are items that will enhance and expand upon our students' experiences at Gesher Jewish Day School.  If you are interested in providing a donation to cover the cost of any of the items below (or if you are able to donate any of the items), please contact Stew Bromberg at 703-978-9209 or [email protected].
  • (6) Casio fx-9750G Plus graphing calculators $300
  • Additional Bulletin Boards $200
  • Lighting System for our stage (including installation) $3,500
  • Sound System for our stage (including installation) $7,000
  • LCD classroom projection systems (7 @ $300 (+$150 install)) $3,150
  • Laptop Mobile Computer Lab (includes 15 laptops, wireless hub, recharging station) $4,500
 Thank you for your support!
Alumni News 

Parents and Friends...
We Want to Hear from You!
  Please help us keep our alumni records current by sending us names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses for alumni that you are in contact with to Melissa Hill Jones at [email protected].  Please be sure to include news of latest achievements.

GesherJDS on Facebook

Mishpachat Gesher (PTO)

Mishpachat Gesher (PTO) Coffee

Please join us for PTO's Monthly Coffee this Friday, January 30, at 8:30am.  Dr. Schoenburg will discuss "Connecting Learning to the Real World" and a question and answer session will follow.  As always, enjoy coffee, pastries and the charming company of your fellow Gesher parents. 
PTO logo
Caring at Gesher

Mazel tov to Tania Tretiak on her conversion to Judaism.
Condolences to the Watts/Recht Family on the death of Linda's uncle, Milton Recht.

Mitzvah Coupon Donations

Due to the snow days making this a short week, Mitzvah Coupon donations will be listed next week.  Gesher is truly grateful to its family and friends who support each other and our school.

Volunteer Opportunities 
Volunteers are needed for ongoing events and projects at the school.  Make new friends, meet and work with Gesher parents and staff.
Mishpachat Gesher (PTO)
To volunteer for PTO events and activities, please contact Jeanette Astrow at (703) 795-4395.
Gesher Board of Directors
Volunteers are needed to interview and help write articles featuring new families and various faculty/staff members.  Please contact Miriam Berkowitz, Chair of the ad hoc Communications Committee, at [email protected].

Community Announcements

Super Sunday 2009  Please join me on Sunday, Feb. 22 at the JCCNV in Fairfax for Super Sunday 2009.  We will be calling the No. Va. community to help raise critical funds that address our community's needs locally, in Israel and around the world.  This year the needs are so great, and the Jewish Federation is helping so many in our area who need extra help.  Did you know that the Federation provides meals to aging seniors, financial assistance to avoid home foreclosure, career counseling, scholarships for religious school, and so much more?  Please join us to help make the calls.   We will train you; if you prefer a non-phone job, we have those too!  
Sign up at http://www.supersunday2009.org for a 2-hour shift.  I'm looking forward to all of us making a difference in our community.  Thank you, Miriam Berkowitz, Super Sunday - Va. Vice Chair

Need a Babysitter? Want to do a Mitzvah?  You can have a night out and support a great cause.  I will babysit your children to benefit children across the globe.  Who-- My name is Ana Mendelson and I'm a Freshman at Woodson High School and a Gesher alum.  I am an experienced and certified babysitter.  It was at Gesher that I learned the importance of tikun olam.  What --I will be part of a volunteer trip to Kenya this summer with twenty Maywood, NJ Rotary Club volunteers. We will be working with students at the Empopongi Primary School in the Maasai Mara in Kenya.  Why -- To do my part, I am offering my babysitting services to you and will donate 100% of the money I earn to the school.  How --Contact Ana at home (703-978-0246) or by email at [email protected](Flyer)

HELP WANTED FOR CAMP RODEF SHALOM 2009:  Do you like working with children?  Looking for a summer job?  CAMP RODEF SHALOM, a Reform Jewish day camp in Falls Church, VA, is hiring counselors, sports/art/music/drama/swim specialists, an extended day supervisor, assistant counselors, and C.I.T.s for this summer-anyone age 13 to adult may work!  Camp is a weekday program that runs from June 29 through July 31 (with a bonus week from August 3-7), and staff hours are 8:30am-3:30pm daily.  Camp is messy, exciting, and fun! If you are interested in working at camp, please write a letter describing your experience with children and/or other work, why you are interested in being a part of camp, and what you think you can CampRodefShalombring to the program.  Students should include age and current grade.  Email your letter to Jay Rapoport at [email protected] or send it to the temple, ATTN: CAMP.
Camp Rodef Shalom is now accepting applications for campers from preschool-7th grade.  Please visit www.templerodefshalom.org/camp for applications, brochures, and more information.

Eileh HaDevarim Torah Writing Project SAVE THE DATE - SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2009 Noon-3pm.  Join us as we embark on our Torah Project.  We will do some fill-ins of letters on our parchment (the one which will be part of our new Torah), under the direction of our scribe, Rabbi Menachem Youlus (contact Julia Pitkin-Shantz [email protected] to arrange for a dedication and to schedule an appointment to participate in filling in a letter on a panel).  Rabbi Youlus will enthrall us with his personal stories about the Torah - we'll have music, Hebrew writing activities, a special children's program, and lunch (reservations required for lunch).  For more information, contact [email protected].  Agudas Achim Congregation - 2908 Valley Drive - Alexandria, VA 22302. To RSVP, contact the office at 703-998-6460(Flyer)

Art Classes by Fiber Artist Julie Booth
Create a fanciful animal of your choice by wrapping colorful fabric strips over padded chenille stem armature.  Instructor will demonstrate how to make a variety of animal "skeletons" and will work individually to help students create their one-of-a-kind creatures.  Cost: $28M/ $35NM (Kit includes instructions and supplies.)  Children 7-8 Years Old with an Adult: February 8, 12:30-2:30pm.  Children 9 Years Old and Older: February 8, 2:30-4:30pm.  Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA 22031. 703-323-0880 www.jccnv.org  (Flyer)

The Jewish Federation Wants to Help
  If you are in need
of financial assistance at this time, or if you know of anyone in the community who is in need, please do not hesitate to contact the Jewish Federation's Warm Line at 1-866-950-4AID.


Join Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts Pack and troop meetings and other activities are scheduled to avoid conflicts with Shabbat and Jewish holidays, dietary laws observed.  For information and to join Pack 1818, please contact:  Steve Lamar, 703-846-0373, [email protected].  Cub Scout pack meetings are once a month on Sundays at Olam Tikvah.  Boy Scouts usually meet once a week.  To join Troop 1818: Robert Book, 703-766-0187, [email protected].

We welcome your inquiries.  To schedule a tour, or for more information about admissions or making a donation to Gesher Jewish Day School, please contact us at (703)978-9789.
Gesher Jewish Day School
4700 Shirley Gate Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
phone: (703) 978-9789
fax:     (703)978-2668



 Address or Email Changes
If you have changes to your email or mailing address, please send them to [email protected]  so we can update your information.  If you wish to be removed from the "On the Bridge" e-letter distribution list, please do not use the "SafeUnsubscribe" link below unless you wish to be removed from all email correspondence from Gesher Jewish Day School.