Be The Movement


Issue #103


 May 8, 2012

Runners Live Longer (& Happier)

Uncle Sam Wants You to Get Moving!The CDC released a frightening statistic on Monday: an additional 32 million American adults will be considered obese (not just overweight, but OBESE) by the year 2030. That means 42% of our adult population will be obese - with 11% being severely obese (over 100 pounds overweight). Even in Connecticut which is one of the healthiest states, our obesity rate has increased steadily from less than 10% in 1989 to 22.5% in 2010.


Unfortunately, this disturbing trend is mirrored in our children. One in three kids is currently considered obese, many by the time they are 6 years old. Obese kids become obese adults. The cost to our healthcare system is estimated at over $550 billion. No wonder our health insurance premiums are sky-rocketing.


Contrast this to a study released by Danish researchers that found that those who jog at least one hour a week live an average of SIX MORE YEARS than their non-running counterparts. The findings come from the Copenhagen City Heart Study which began in 1976 and follows the cardiovascular health of 19,329 people.


Since the study's inception, there were 122 deaths among the joggers versus 10,158 deaths among the non-joggers - a 44% reduction in the relative risk of death. An added bonus: the joggers reported a higher overall sense of well-being which the researchers interpreted as those living longer being happier.


What I found impressive is that you need not be an elite runner to gain those additional years of life. The study found the optimum benefit for those who jogged a slow-to-average pace (think 10-14 minutes/mile) for one to two-and-a-half hours per week, divided into multiple sessions. That means jogging for 20 minutes, three times a week can yield a longer, healthier, happier life. You can't get much easier than that - even with our uber-busy lifestyles.


We all know that change is hard, especially when it involves something that might make us sweat and feel uncomfortable. But the benefits of exercise are real and not impossibly hard to achieve. Spread the word: get moving for 20min/3x week. Even better, grab your spouse, your kids or a co-worker and invite them to join you for a 20 min power walk/jog. Not only is it a great warm-up to your own run, but you might just extend a life. Be the Movement!


Be Fit!


Schuyler's Shoe Review


Trail shoes tend to go one of two ways. Some are glorified (or dirt-ified) road shoes: given a bulkier tread, tighter mesh, and a fresh black- or brown-based color. These shoes are great as a rugged looking color for road running, but often fail to perform on trails. The heels are higher than ideal for stability on trail, medial posting that provides pronation control on road can cause turned ankles on rocks, and plastic midfoot shanks can catch on roots and lead to nasty falls. More hardcore trail shoes can hold up to the nastiest terrain, but when faced with a smooth stretch of asphalt they can feel too firm and the grippy rubber outsole can shred down to nothing.


Men's Montrail BajadaThe Montrail Bajada is their second generation of their true hybrid trail shoe. This shoe is ideal for runners or walkers who tackle a variety of terrain, especially within a single run. The lugged Gryptonite outsole can provide traction on a variety of wet or dry terrain while providing more durability than a softer "sticky" rubber on road and sidewalk.


Women's Montrail BajadaWhile most trail shoes feature a plastic rock plate to prevent bruising on the bottom of the foot, the Bajada has a more gentle forefoot Trail Guard. While this might not hold up quite as well over the most jagged rocks, it has the benefit of moving from trail to road with the flexibility you expect in a road trainer. The 10mm heel-to-toe offset sits between the minimal 4-8mm found in most trail shoes and the standard 12mm for road. The slightly lower heel increases lateral stability at the ankle.


With all of these features, the Bajada weighs in at 10.3 ounces for men and 8.5 ounces for women. Compare this to your average neutral road shoe and you'll find that they weigh at least half an ounce lighter than most. The Bajada might be a jack-of-all-trades, but it masters lightweight cushion without breaking stride.

Amy's Gear Corner:  Fuel!

One of the keys to preforming at a high level is maintaining a consistent source of fuel for your body both in terms of calories and electrolytes. Our nutrition selection has nearly doubled with the new space giving you a wide variety of products and brands. But remember, never try anything new on race day - experiment and find what works best for you during training.



Gels: The ultimate fast food! Best when you need fast-acting, easy-to-digest source of energy on the move! Use it before and during exercise (every 30-45 minutes) to keep you going strong. Most packets are about 100 calories with some flavors having caffeine which helps metabolize fat during exercise, giving the body an additional fuel source. We offer four brands: GU, Accel Gel, Hammer and Clif.


GU is the original energy gel. It provides 100 calories of high-quality carbohydrates in the form of 70-80% maltodextrin and 30-20% fructose (ratio depends upon the flavor) along with a unique blend of amino acids and electrolytes to fight muscle fatigue, speed up the conversion of carbohydrates into usable energy, maintain focus and prevent cramping. The chocolate mint tastes like a peppermint patty!


ACCEL GEL: Accel Gel is unique because it contains protein. The added protein gives you a head start on the recovery process and may help you feel satiated longer. It has a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrate and protein which has been found to increase endurance, reduce muscle damage, and promote recovery. This 100 calorie gel is best to use during or after your workouts. Kiwi-strawberry is our top-selling flavor!


Hammer Gel: Hammer Gel uses long-chain complex carbohydrates for consistent energy release. There's only a little sugar, so it doesn't set off insulin spikes causing crazy ups and downs! Like other gels, it is easily digested and has a concentrated source of complex carbohydrates with four amino acids. It is also gluten-free, vegan friendly and MSG-free. Kosher Certified too! I love the apple cinnamon flavor-tastes just like apple pie filling!


Clif Shot Energy Gel: Clif is renowned for their less is more approach. Their gels have the fewest ingredients of all the brands, plus the ingredients are 85-90% organic. Their formula has a thinner consistency which makes it easier to wash down and contain 60-90mg of sodium and 50-85mg of potassium to keep your electrolyte supply topped off. Each pack features an ingenious litter leash which keeps the tear tab connected to the main packet to reduce litter on the trail.



Chews, Bloks, Chomps & Beans: When you need something to chew on... Sometimes gels just don't work. Either you can't tolerate the glob or they infuse too much good stuff at once in your stomach which can lead to cramping. These products are great because they taste like gummy bears and can be eaten individually over a period of time which keeps your fuel levels consistent and your mouth occupied.


Honey Stinger Chews: These energy chews are the first to include naturally occurring fiber and protein derived from 100% organic tapioca syrup and honey. The chews are smaller and softer than others and not sticky sweet. They are made with organic ingredients, are gluten and dairy free, contain no GMO ingredients and have zero trans-fats and no partially hydrogenated oils!


Cliff Shot Bloks: At 33 calories a cube and their patented Fastpak packing, it's easy to carry and monitor your nutrient intake. The fruity-flavored Bloks feature organic brown rice syrup which is a minimally-refined source of carbohydrate with naturally occurring sodium, potassium and magnesium. No high fructose corn syrup! Some varieties like Black Cherry contain caffeine while Margarita has extra salt to encourage you to drink more fluid.


GU Chomps: These chomps have the same proven blend of carbohydrates, amino acids, antioxidants and electrolytes as their energy gel, but in a chewable form. These tasty bites have an optimal blend of carbohydrates, the GU amino blend as well as Vitamin C & E. Each packet contains two servings which will fuel 1 1/2 to 2 hours of activity. The peach tea flavor tastes like a Snapple Peach Tea - yum!


Jelly Belly Sports Beans: These yummy beans look - and taste - like regular jelly belly jelly beans, but they do so much more! They are scientifically formulated to maximize sports performance using carbohydrates, electrolytes, vitamins B1, B2, & B3 and Vitamin C! They are naturally sweetened and use six real fruit juices. The Sport Beans come in a resalable pack so you won't have to cry over spilled beans in your pocket.  


Bars & Waffles: They look and taste like decadent treats, but they are chock full of good ingredients to fuel your exercise. These options are perfect for people who can't stand gels, need to switch up their fuel during a prolonged workout/race or want to ingest real ingredients. Use before, during or after your workouts.


Bonk Breaker Bars: The official bar of Ironman! These yummy bars combine sports nutrition with home-style baking! Each super-fresh 250 calorie bar uses all-natural, organic ingredients and contain no wheat or dairy products. It is a favorite mid-day snack for us staffers, though we can't seem to decide which flavor is the best: PB&J, PB & chocolate chip, fig, apple pie, PB & banana or almond butter & honey. Sooo good!


Honey Stinger Waffles: We like to snack on these too! At160 calories per waffle, these 100% USDA organic treats are easy to digest. They were inspired by one of Lance Armstrong's favorite Belgian training treats (in fact, Lance loves these waffles so much that he became a part-owner of Honey Stinger)! The best way to eat a waffle? Let it sit on top of your steaming mug of post-workout coffee for a few minutes. Melt in your mouth goodness!


Sport Drink Options 

Liquid Fuel: Sometimes your body needs more than what H2O can provide. These sport drinks are low on sugar and high on electrolytes and energy.


Hammer-HEED:This sports drink is subtle tasting, has complex carbohydrates and goes down easily! And, it supplies you with consistent, long-lasting energy and the electrolytes you need to keep you going strong! Available in single-serve envelopes and multi-serving canisters.


Hammer-Perpetuem: Perpetuem is best for training sessions or events longer than two hours. Its unique formula - complex carbohydrates, GMO-free soy protein, healthy fats, and key auxiliary nutrients such as sodium phosphate - helps maintain optimal athletic performance. It provides consistent, reliable energy, maximizing stored fat utilization, while buffering lactic acid to prevent muscle fatigue. Available in single-serve envelopes and multi-serving canisters.


Generation UCAN Sports Drink: Powered by SuperStarch, this drink provides consistent energy, without spikes, crashes and gastric irritation. It has both carbs and fat for dual fuel which puts your body in its ideal performance state. Best when taken 30-45 minutes before your workout. If you have a sensitive stomach, you need to try this product. It's worked wonders for several staffers whose stomachs don't do well with other energy products.


Gatorade Endurance: This isn't your regular Gatorade! It has 2x the amount of sodium and a unique blend of five electrolytes to keep your muscles cramp-free. It is designed for prolonged activities and is frequently found on marathon race courses.


Nuun:  Want to stay hydrated without adding more calories to your diet?  Nuun is a sugar-free electrolyte drink that recharges your depleted salts without the calories, mess or sticky-sweet taste found in other sport drinks.  What cool about Nuun is that it is a portable effervescent tablet that you add to your own water.  It fizzes as it dissolves (no mixing or shaking needed) and then becomes flat so you can easily drink it down.  Lots of crisp, refreshing flavors to choose from. 


Recovery OptionsRecovery Zone: Your body needs 200-300 calories of specific nutrition within 15 minutes of your athletic pursuits to speed physical and mental recovery since recovery has a direct effect on your performance tomorrow. I think of them as wonder products!


Cliff Rok Shots: Just in! These yummy protein bites are perfect for post workouts or healthy snacking. These gumdrop-sized "roks" deliver much needed protein, maximizing your recovery. In fact, 10 roks (1 packet) provides a whopping 20g combination of high quality whey/milk protein wrapped in a protective, edible shell so there is no melting mess (think M&M's!). Flavors include peanut butter, chocolate and chocolate chip cookie dough!


Hammer Recoverite: Recoverite supplies your body with the proper 3:1 ratio of complex carbohydrates and the high quality whey protein isolate that helps your muscles, immune system, and digestive tract, along with multi-beneficial glutamine to boost your immune system, reduce the symptoms of overtraining, enhance glycogen synthesis, and stimulate muscle protein synthesis for muscle tissue rebuilding. It also contains the antioxidant l-carnosine and plenty of electrolytes. The strawberry flavor tastes like a smoothie!


Generation UCAN Recovery: Like its "sport drink" brethren, this protein-enhanced powder contains UCAN's proprietary SuperStarch that helps maintain glucose levels, enable fat burn, and optimize recovery by using nutrients to restore glycogen stores and rebuild muscles. The chocolate and vanilla flavors are great when blended with ice and a banana for a delicious post-run shake.

Sports Bra Challenge & Cupperware Party

Thursday, May 17

Moving Comfort Fit FestCalling all ladies: Thursday, May 17 is all about YOU! We will be hosting two great events out of the store.


All day long, we will be measuring and fitting for our great line up of sports bras with another Moving Comfort Fit Fest! Those who book an appointment and come in to get measured will receive 10% off the purchase of one bra and 20% off when you buy two bras. In addition, everyone who makes an appointment will get two free gifts from our friends at Moving Comfort!


Did you know 80% of women are wearing the wrong sized sports bra? Stand out from the majority and let our bra experts get you in to the right size so you can perform your best, no matter what you do. Please call the store at 860-233-8077 or email Kristen at to book your appointment.


In the evening, ladies are invited to join us for a fun run out of the store to celebrate fit women of all body types because as Moving Comfort's slogan goes, "A Fit Woman is a Powerful Woman"! The run will start at 6:30 PM.  While we encourage everyone to do the run in their sports bras, you are welcome to run in any type of attire. Be proud of who you are!

Featured Event: East Granby 5k Ridge Run

East Granby Ridge 5k The 4th Annual East Granby Ridge Run will take place on Saturday, May 19 at 10am.  This run/walk is stroller friendly and great for those new to 5ks.  The course is "mostly" flat course and very scenic as it winds its way through East Granby Farms.  There is also a 100 yard dash for kids under 5 with leis for all kids.  The overall male and female winners will receive a CASH prize!
The race is put on by the Women's Club of East Granby with proceeds being donated to the East Granby School's athletic department.  After the race, your family can enjoy refreshments in the park as well as music and a "bounce house" for the kids.  There will also be a 50/50 raffle with great prizes! 
Register before May 10 and pay $25 for the first family member, then $20 for each additional family member (students are $15 and kids 4 and under are free). After May 10, registration increases to $30 per adult and $20 per child (kids under 5 are free!).  Click here to register or get more information.

Brown Rice Crispy Treats

By Aubrey Schulz 

Get Out & Play - & Soak-up Vitiman D

A Twist on Snap, Crackle, Pop


It can be helpful to have a quick, no-bake dessert recipe in your repertoire. This brown rice crispy treat recipe will suit kids hungry for an afterschool snack to adults needing to refuel after a long workout.


Traditional Rice Krispy treats are filled with butter and sugary marshmallows. Here's an alternate version that has some healthier ingredients.


Brown Rice Crispy Treats




  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 cup brown rice syrup
  • � cup almond butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 6 cups Brown Rice Crispy Cereal (Erewhon's brand is gluten free)

Optional Additions: � cup sesame seeds or � seeds or chopped nuts or dried fruit.



  1. Heat coconut oil in a medium-sized saucepan over medium heat. Add brown rice syrup and almond butter. Heat until tiny bubbles form, stirring constantly with a wire whisk. Immediately take the pot off the heat and add vanilla. Stir again.
  2. Pour the cereal and add-ins into a large bowl. Pour the hot syrup mixture over it. Mix together with a wooden spoon.
  3. Pour the mixture into a 9x13 inch pan and press mixture flat. It can be helpful to use a small square of parchment paper to press down mixture.
  4. Cool completely before cutting into bars. Makes about 15 squares.

Source: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook


Aubrey Schulz is a certified nutrition and triathlon coach with Get Out N Play .  She works with clients to help them reach their nutritional and athletic goals, both in the kitchen and out on the road.

Gifts for Mom!

I Heart Mom

To all mom's past, present and future, Happy Mother's Day!  Thanks for filling our lives with love and laughter.


Come into Fleet Feet Sports this week and write why you heart mom on our chalkboard and we'll give you a cool Run Happy candle from Brooks that you can keep or give to mom.



Mon-Thurs: 10-7

Fri: 10-6

Sat: 10-5:30

Sun: 12-5


Phone: 860-233-8077




All events are at Fleet Feet Sports unless otherwise noted.

Wed May 9 @ 6am

 Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities welcome


Wed, May 9 @ 6:30pm

Evening Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities Welcome!


Thurs, May 10 @ 6:30pm

Track Workout

at Saint Joseph College

All Abilities Welcome


 Sat, May 12 @ 9:30-11am

FREE Injury Assements

by Select Physical Therapy

No Appointment Necessary


Sun, May 13 @ 5:30pm

Yoga for Runners

Bring a Mat or Towel

$10 - portion of proceeds

donated to FoodShare


Mon, May 14 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All Abilities Welcome


Mon, May 14 @ 6pm

1st BRINK of the Year!

Hosted by Thomas Hooker Brewing & New Balance

Free to run or bike

$10 for beverages


Tues, May 15 @ 6:30pm

FREE Newton Natural

Running Clinic


Wed, May 16 @ 7pm

Speaker Series #1

Lower Extremity Injuries

w/Dr. Brown & Latasha


Wed, May 16 @ 6am

Morning Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities welcome


Wed, May 16 @ 6:30pm

Evening Fun Run

3-5 Casual Miles

All abilities welcome


Thurs, May 17- All Day

Moving Comfort Bra

Fit Fest & Sale

10% off 1 Bra

20% off 2 or More Bras

+ Free Gift!

Call Store to RSVP


Thurs, May 17 @ 6:30pm

Sports Bra Challenge

Fun Run

Ladies Only!


Thurs, May 17 @ 6:30pm

Track Workout

at Saint Joseph College

All Abilities Welcome


 Sun, May 20 @Noon

Stand Up for Tom 5k

Hall High Scool


Sun, May 20 @ 5:30pm

Yoga for Runners

Bring a Mat or Towel

$10 - portion of proceeds

donated to FoodShare

FREE Injury Assessments

Sat, May 12


Select PT Hotline

Injured?  Don't know whether you can run/play sports or if you should really see a doctor?  Come to our FREE Injury Assessment Clinic staffed by certified Athletic Trainers from Select Physical Therapy.


These free clinics will be offered every other Saturday.  No RSVP necessary - but you can call us to reserve a time (860-233-8077).


Can't make the clinic or need an assessment sooner?  Call and leave a message or email Stacy at Select's Free Injury Hotline:





Stacy is a licensed athletic trainer and Select PT's Director of Sports Medicine.  Depending on the severity of your injury, she may give you instructions on how to care for your injury at home or direct you to one of Select Physical Therapy's 30 clinics in CT for a free evaluation.

Injured Runner

Yoga for Runners

Sundays @ 5:30pm

at Fleet Feet

May 13 & 20

 Got Yoga

Running + Yoga = Strength and Flexibility ... AVOID INJURY!


Yoga for Runners will help you to balance strength, increase range of motion, and train the body and mind. Learn how to coordinate your breath with movement. Develop a stronger body and mind connection. Use consistent and systematic conditioning to engage, strengthen, and place demands on all of your muscle groups to support and stabilize your skeletal system. Counteract the effects of your current workouts.


Yoga classes will be taught by Meghan Fanning - a runner, triathlete, certified yoga for athletes instructor & USA Cycling Level 3 coach. Meghan is currently training for her first ultramarathon 


This series will focus on:





Please bring a Yoga mat, blanket or towel, and wear comfortable clothes. Classes and exercises will be available online


 Join the 5 week series for $45 or drop-in at $10/class

 A portion of the proceeds will go to FoodShare

BRINK! & Good Form Running Clinic

Mon, May 14@ 6:00pm

Bike + Run + drINK = FUN! 

Join us for our first BRINK (bike, run...drink) of the year! We'll be meeting at Thomas Hooker Brewery at 6pm for a mini-Good Form Running Clinic with New Balance, followed by a run (2-4 miles) or a bike ride. At 7pm, we'll head into the brewery for bevs and fun!
New Balance Logo
A $10 donation to The Villages for Children will earn you a pint glass and some of Thomas Hooker's finest. You need to be 21 years or older to partake in the beer. For those under 21, we will provide a nice selection of NUUN for you!


Please RSVP to

Thomas Hooker Brewing

Newton Natural Running Clinic - FREE

Tues, May 15@ 6:30pm

Newton Natural Running

Newton Running Educator Michael Blanchard hosts a monthly clinic on Natural Running every third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. This free clinic is designed for those who have recently purchased a pair of Newton Running Shoes or are interested in trying the shoes out (Mike will have shoes available to demo).


During the FREE clinics, Mike will cover the basics of foot biomechanics, how to achieve natural running form and explain the science and technology behind Newton Running shoes. Learn how you can run faster, stronger, more efficiently and with less injury.

FREE Speaker Series

 From the Medical Tent: Prevention & Treatment of Lower Extremity Injuries

May 16 @ 7pm

Dr. Brown


One of our goals this year is to have local experts give in-store presentations and clinics about topics relevant to runners, triathletes and anyone looking to live fit. Our first speaker is Dr. Jeffery Brown, Sports Medicine Director of the Hartford Medical Group and team physician for Central CT State University.


Dr. Brown will be joined by one of our favorite past-staffers, Latasha Jarrett-Raineault. Tasha worked at Fleet Feet while pursuing her doctorate in Physical Therapy at the University of Hartford.  There she was a standout athlete, earning the America East Conference championship in the Heptathlon and being named 2008 NCAA Sportswoman of the Year. Tasha is now a physical therapist with Eastern Rehabilitation Network.


Together they will speak about common injuries of the hip, knee and foot. In addition to learning the mechanisms that cause these injuries, you will learn tips for treating the injury as well as how to avoid getting these injuries. The presentation will last about 45 minutes with time for Q&A afterwards.


RSVP by emailing

 Stand Up for Tom

Stand Up to Cancer

Sunday, May 20 @ Noon

Stand Up for Tom 5k

Join us to help raise funds and show support for Tom Scalise, a young member of our community who is battling cancer.


Tom is a West Hartford native and graduate of Hall High School. While at Hall, Tom was a three-sport athlete and captain of the wrestling and football teams. This spring he was diagnosed with T-Cell Lymphoma and is currently undergoing aggressive treatment. The goal of this event is to raise funds to help defray his mounting medical costs and to show Tom that he has the love and support of the community. Together we will stand with Tom as he battles this disease.


The non-competitive, family-friendly 5k will wind around the campus of Hall High School and include both pavement and off-road portions along the famous "Hall Berm". The first 500 registered runners will receive a 100% cotton t-shirt, ilicon bracelet emblazoned with T56 to show support for Tom (56 was Tom's football jersey number) and a coupon for a free ice cream cone courtsey of AC Peterson's. Participants will also be entered to win great prizes like a flat-screen TV, running shoes, ROAD ID's and gift certificates from local restaurants.


Click here to register online. You can also register the day of the event beginning at 11am. Questions or to volunteer your support, email us at


All money raised will help defray Tom's mounting medical bills.

Wed Night Fun Runs
6:30pm (at the store) 
Fun Run Crowd

Join Duncan & a great group of Fleet Feet Friends for a casual fun run each Wedensday night at 6:30pm.  We go between 1-5 miles (a route for all abilities).  All paces (including walkers) are welcome to join us. 

It's a great way to meet new friends and running partners.  


Meet at the store.  Now that it is dark when we run, please wear reflective gear and lights so everyone is seen and safe! 

Note: Fun Runs are canceled during snow and thunder storms and when roads/sidewalks are too icy and dangerous.  Check our Facebook page on Wednesday's for status of run.
Thursday Night Track Workout
Track Workout

Track workouts are back!  

Do you feel the need for speed?  Or maybe your workout routine needs a little spice.  Join Coach Schuyler each Thursday for a fun track workout.  Last week we had almost 100 people - from beginners to more experienced runners!

Join us every Thursday - 6:30pm at Saint Joseph College Track.   Please park in the upper parking lot (NOT the O'Connell Gym lot or we risk losing our permit to use the track).


 These workouts are designed for runners of ALL abilities.  The goal is to introduce you to different types of running (intervals, hills, tempo runs) and help you get stronger and faster.  This is your opportunity to get professional coaching for free - and meet some great fellow runners. 


Can't make it to the workout? Email Schuyler to receive his Weekly Workout email so you can still get your speed-fix in!

We're on Facebook!
Facebook Logo
Become a "fan" of Fleet Feet Sports Hartford and be the first to know about new events, participate in interesting discussions and view great photos of our Fleet Feet Peeps in action. 


Check out our page by clicking here.
Return Policy
Save $15!
We believe in the PERFECT FIT - it's part of our Fitlosophy.  If you are not 100% satisfied with the fit of your shoes, socks, sports bra, insoles, etc, we invite you to bring the item back within 30 days of purchase.  Even if you wore the item outside. 


Give us an opportunity to find a better solution for you.  We want to help you get the proper tools to live fit!
Join Our Mailing List 

Buy 3 Socks,

Get 1 Free!

Clean out your sock drawer and toss out those old worn, greyish socks and replace them with fresh new socks.  Use this coupon to receive your 4th package of socks FREE when you purchase any 3 packages (least expensive sock is the free one).  You can mix-and-match styles, colors and sizes. This coupon may not be used on previous purchases and may not be combined with other discounts or offers, except your $15 Personal Reward vouchers 


Go green and show us this coupon on your phone instead of printing it out!

Offer Expires: Sunday, May 13, 2012