Issue #36
October 13, 2009 |
Spring, Summer & Tri Apparel Clearance (Shop Early for Best Selection) |
40% Off | |
A Tale of 3 Ladies |
The first Saturday of 2009 was cold and windy, but at least the sun was shining. Over 30 people nervously stretched and fidgeted as they waited for the first No Boundaries practice to begin (No Boundaries is our beginner's running program designed to take people from the couch to the finish line of a 5k in 10 weeks). Among the group were three women, one from Glastonbury, one from Cheshire and one from Newington. They didn't know each other but had a common goal: to get active and run their first 5k. Little did these three women know how much their lives would change over the next 10 months.
During that first practice these three women found themselves running at the same pace. The run didn't seem so tough since they had company, so they promised each other that they would come back if the others did. Week after week, even in snow and sub-zero wind chills, these ladies would come to practice and run together. In March, they crossed the finish line of the O'Harford 5k. Two weeks later, they signed up for Fleet Feet's 10k program. Spring turned into summer and their training runs got longer. They gave up their run/walk intervals and learned that the perfect pace is one where you can carry on a conversation. Sometimes I think there was more socializing than sweating going on! They looked forward to their Saturday runs and motivated each other when the going got tough. Somewhere along the way they became more than running partners. They became friends. In May, they successfully finished the Iron Horse 10k and were confident enough to continue their Saturday morning runs despite Fleet Feet not having another running program. By the middle of the summer, 6 mile runs were routine, and they made a pact to run the ING Hartford Half Marathon together in October. The training was harder than almost anything they had done before, but not one of them quit or let the others down. During some of their long runs, they were too tired to talk, but you could see and feel their strength and support with each rhythmic step. No one was out there alone. Last Saturday, they successfully completed 13.1 miles and have the medals to prove it! Shirley Ma, Joyce Mulholland and Joanne Errera - you are amazing!! Congratulations on all of your running achievements this year. Better rest up because I hear Shirley has thrown down the challenge to run the full marathon next year!

Hats off to everyone who went the distance last weekend, especially the graduates of our Half Marathon Training Program! You were an inspiration to many as you ran through the streets of Hartford. Heartfelt thanks to your coaches, Renee, Danielle, Sara, Sean, Lisa, Kerry and Schuyler, who gave so much of their time and energy to help you achieve your goals - awesome job team! Click here to view the photos Schuyler took during the race. If there is one you want, email Schuyler, and he will send you a high resolution file.
Be Fit! Steph |
Schuyler's Shoe Review |
"Shoes" by Mother Nature: In the past few months, books such as Born to Run and prominent articles in the New York Times and L.A. Times have brought the discussion about barefoot running substantial attention. Proponents argue that running more on the forefoot and in more minimal (or no) shoes is more natural, more efficient and less injury-prone. Barefoot can be beautiful, but it must be approached carefully to experience its rewards without unnecessary risk.
An argument that is often raised in favor of minimalist footwear is that, since the advent of the modern, structured running shoe in the early 1970s, injury rates among runners have not decreased. This is entirely true. What is not noted, however, is that the sample pool has drastically changed. In 1970, runners were self-selected, as mostly skinny men between the ages of 15 and 30, to be able to run in most footwear without injury. Where the modern running shoe has more likely provided benefit is to everyone else, those of all ages, abilities and sizes whose diversity makes running the great sport it is today. In 1970, many of them likely could not run at all due to frequent injuries in unsupportive, poorly cushioned shoes.
 Another common point made is that barefoot running is naturally forefoot-striking, with footwear forcing us to heel-strike. Last summer, the Nike Sports Research Lab analyzed high-speed footage of the Olympic Trials 10,000m races, finding that even in incredibly minimal track spikes (very close to barefoot running with almost no cushion or stability), runners still landed on their heel or midfoot until their final sprint. Many other peer-reviewed studies have shown that what part of your foot strikes is more naturally a function of speed than anything else. Further, a conscious attempt to stay on your forefoot or footwear that tries to force a forefoot strike can, due to the subtleties of gait, throw off any number of other movements and cause injuries or discomfort.
What studies have begun to show is that where you land matters more than on what part of your foot. Landing with your foot too far in front of your center of gravity can cause unnecessary shock to the legs. The solution is not to shorten your stride, but to focus on only one thing: mildly quickening it, to about 180 strides/minute (or 90/leg). This faster turnover keeps you bouncing less and landing with your foot more under your center of gravity. Research by Jack Daniels, PhD (in his must-read book Daniels' Running Formula), found that elite runners ran 180-190 strides/minute at paces ranging from slower than 10:00/mile to under 5:00/mile.
Having said that, barefoot running (not necessarily forefoot running) can be of great benefit! At my Thursday track workout group, many runners do part of their cool-down barefoot on the grass infield. This small amount of barefoot running can help to strengthen tendons and ligaments in the foot and the leg. Grass, however, is important here. The foot's proprioceptive mechanisms (those that feel where the foot is and what it is doing) evolved to expect uneven terrain. When running barefoot on three-dimensional, uneven surfaces, the foot expects to feel material connecting with the arch. On even surfaces like tracks or road, the arch continues to collapse, trying to impact something that is not there.
A mild effort to slowly increase cadence (stride rate) and some amount of barefoot running on grass can do wonders to reduce injury risk and improve performance. In colder weather or on surfaces that might have broken glass or nails, barefoot-mimicking shoes like the Vibram FiveFingers or Nike Free can help as well. As with anything in running, a little change can go a long way.
For more on barefoot running, read Coach Al Lyman's article here.
Editor's Note: We will have Vibram FiveFingers available to demo during our track workout on Thursday, Oct. 29 - 6:30pm at the St. Joseph College track. |
Now in the Store: |
Stuffitts Shoe Savers: Did you know that there are almost one quarter of a million sweat glands on the bottom of your foot that produce about 8oz (1 cup!) of sweat during every hour of exercise? No wonder our shoes are stinky and wet after a workout! If you don't properly dry out your shoes in between uses, your shoe becomes a breeding ground for bacteria which is not good for your foot and can break down your shoes faster.
 Enter Stuffitts! This ingenious product is filled with 100% natural cedar chips that absorbs the moisture in record time (removes 60% of the moisture in just one hour - that's eight times faster than air-drying) AND gets rid of the stink! They are environmentally-friendly too and come with a 1-year warranty. We've got Stuffitts to fit kids' shoes too!
FitBooks: Sometimes the best way to make a healthy habit stick is to track your progress and hold yourself accountable. Research found that people who write down their goals are 75% more likely to achieve them. I like logging my workouts since the threat of a blank page in my book is usually enough motivation to get me moving. Our kids running program director, Lisa, found this awesome logbook while she was training for the Iron Horse Half Marathon. She thought it was so cool, that she set-up a meeting with the author who then created a custom version of her Fitbook Junior that was given to all the kids in our running program. The kids love their books and are so proud to show off all their entries.
Both the adult and kids' versions are setup for a 12-week program - perfect for those just getting into shape and for those training for a specific event. Every day has its own page to record your workouts and food intake (my favorite part is a "nutrient tracker" checklist that reminds me to eat my RDA of fruits & vegetables and drink more water). The books are sturdy and small enough to fit you're your purse, gym bag or briefcase, features a pocket in the back to stash some cash and includes a pen so you can fill it in wherever you are.
BornFit: Thanks to the suggestion from Kerry, one of our half marathon coaches who is also a regular Wednesday night fun runner and is due later this year, I am excited to announce that we will soon be carrying the BornFit line of apparel for active moms-to-be! BornFit clothes are not only comfortable, and functional, but they are stylish too so you can wear them outside of the gym. All pieces are made from technical, moisture-wicking fabrics and have special features like a wide waistband with drawstring, hidden key pockets and design details that flatter a pregnant woman's beautiful body.  Due in this week are short sleeve shirts, jackets, shorts, a very cute skort, pants, and an eight-panel bike short that is perfect for spinning. We will also have BornFit moisture-wicking onesies for baby screened with either the Fleet Feet Sports logo or the phrase "Born to Run" and packed in a water bottle, making it a neat baby shower gift!
Mizuno Breath Thermo: Last week we received our first shipment of Mizuno's Breath Thermo apparel (tops, vest, sports bras and pants - the tights, socks, hats and gloves are coming soon). I first thought, "what was I thinking" bringing it in so early", but then I looked at the extended forecast and saw temps in the low 30's and a chance for snow later this week. Maybe my forecasting skills aren't too rusty after all!  Last year, Breath Thermo was our best-selling line of winter gear. Like many of you, I am a big fan of Breath Thermo which is comprised of a unique material that generates heat from the absorption of moisture (i.e. when you perspire or run in the rain/snow, the fabric gets warm, so you're damp and warm instead of damp and cold). It's great for runners, walkers, sled-riders and, especially skiers who sweat as they zoom down the hill, but freeze as they ride the lift back up the slope. Come into the store to try a sample of Breath Thermo material and see how it works for yourself. And now through next Saturday (October 24, 2009), say the code word "SNOW" when you checkout and receive 20% off your Mizuno Breath Thermo purchase! |
Featured Race: Nike Human Race 10k |

Last year over 780,000 people from around the world participated in Nike's Human Race, making it the world's largest running event. This year, Nike is hoping to have 1 million people run a 10k on Saturday, October 24. Be a part of history and join us for an informal, but fun 10k around the streets of West Hartford on Saturday morning, October 24 at 8am. The run will be lead by Schuyler and will begin and end at the store. Light refreshments will be served after the run, and we'll raffle off some Nike prizes too. The event is free. Note: to be officially counted as a Nike Human Race participant, you will need to have a Nike+ Sensor and register to run here (there is no charge to register). If you do not have a Nike+ Sensor, you can still join us for the fun. Just bring your running shoes and be ready to go the distance! |
"Mizuno Predict the Snow" Contest |
 Our famous "Predict the Snow, Win Mizuno Breath Thermo" contest is back! Kathy Brodsky of Tolland won last year - who predicted our first inch of snowfall within 7 hours. Do you have what it takes to be our winner this year? To participate, email me your best prediction of when Fleet Feet Sports West Hartford will receive its first inch of snow - month, day, hour and minute (example, December 2 at 4:13pm) in the Subject line of your email. Snow depth will be determined with my state-of-the-art snow gauge (aka ruler) on my special 2'x2' "snowboard" so we're official. Predictions are due by 11:59pm Thursday, Oct. 15. Just like the Price is Right, the winner will be the person with the closest time without going over (e.g. if you predicted 8:59pm, you can't win if the time is past 9:00pm). The winner will receive a Mizuno Breath Thermo top. The contest is free and open to anyone. Good luck! | |
Store Hours
Mon - Thurs: 10-7
Fri: 10-6
Sat: 10-5:30
Sun: Closed
Phone: 860-233-8077
Store Calendar |
All events are at Fleet Feet Sports unless otherwise noted.
Fun Run & Walk
for all abilities
(3-5 miles)
Thurs, Oct. 15; 6:30pm
Track Workout
(at Saint Joseph College)
Thursday - Monday
Shoe Recyling Drop-off
(see below for details)
Wed, Oct. 21; 6:30pm
Fun Run & Walk
for all abilities
(3-5 miles)
Thurs, Oct. 22; 6:30pm
Track Workout
(at Saint Joseph College)
Wed, Oct. 28; 6:30pm
Halloween Fun Run
& Costume Contest
(Prize for the best male and female costumes)
Thurs, Oct. 29; 6:30pm
Track Workout
FiveFingers Demo Night
(at Saint Joseph College) |
Event Descriptions |
For more events at the store and around CT, visit our online Calendar. For details on any event, call the store at 860-233-8077.
Thurs, Oct. 15 - Monday, Oct. 19: Shoe Recycling. Give your sneakers a second chance at life! From Thursday through Sunday, you are invited to toss your well-worn, well-loved sneakers (no dress shoes please!) into a special dumpster located on the right side of the building.
The shoes will then be transported to Nike's headquarters in Oregon where Nike will use a special recycling process to grind-up the shoes. The material will be donated to schools and communities to use for playground and track surfaces. Click here to learn more. If you can't make it to Fleet Feet Sports by Sunday, please hold onto your shoes. We'll hold another recycling drive in the spring ******
Thurs. Oct 22, 6:30pm: Vibram FiveFingers Demo Night: Experience "barefoot running" with the protection shoe's provide the bottom of your feet during our track workout. We will have a demo pairs of Vibram FiveFingers to try.
You do not need to participate in the workout to try the "shoes"; in fact, we recommend that you don't wear the FiveFingers during the workout since it can take some time for your feet to adjust. Come and see what the barefoot running craze is all about! |
Volunteers Needed for UConn Health Study |
Dr. Linda Pescatello of the Health Fitness Research Lab at the University of Connecticut is looking for healthy individuals aged 40 years and over to participate in a 6-month study examining the effects of a common cholesterol-lowering medication on muscle performance. Her team will be examining the effects of six months of Lipitor on muscle strength and endurance and the incidence of muscle pain.
The study involves taking Lipitor or a placebo for six months and several visits to their lab to provide a blood sample, complete a questionnaire and participate in strength and maximal performance testing on a treadmill. At the end of the study, subjects will be paid $720 and receive information on their health status. To qualify for the study, you must be at least 40 years old, have your own transportation and not currently being treated for high cholesterol. For more information, please email us at famussstudy@yahoo.com or call the lab at 860-486-2812 (ask for Justin, Matt, or Katie). |
Wed Night Fun Runs
6:30pm (at the store) |
Join Fleet Feet staffer Duncan and a great group of Fleet Feet Friends for a casual fun run each Wedensday night at 6:30pm. We go between 1-5 miles (a route for all abilities). All paces (including walkers) are welcome to join us.
It's a great way to meet new friends and running partners. Since it's dark at 6:30pm now, please be sure to wear reflective vests or other gear so you stay safe!
Meet at the store. Please bring a light and/or other reflective gear. Be Safe. Be seen! |
The NUUN Track Workout - Thursday at 6:30pm |
Do you feel the need for speed? Or maybe your workout routine needs a little spice. Join Coach Schuyler each Thursday for a fun track workout.
These workouts are designed for runners of ALL abilities. The goal is to introduce you to different types of running (intervals, hills, tempo runs) and help you get stronger and faster. This is your opportunity to get professional coaching for free - and meet some great fellow runners.
Nuun is now the official sponsor of our Thursday Night Track Workout! While the track workouts will remain as fun and challenging as ever, they will be made more refreshing with Nuun - a sugar-free electrolyte drink that will keep you hydrated as you run your laps around the track.
In addition to a selection of tasty Nuun at all the workouts, all runners attending five or more will receive a free Nuun water bottle!
Attend any 5 Wednesday Fun Runs or Thursday Track Workouts and get a free drifit "Fleet Feet Sports" t-shirt. Bring a photo of you wearing your shirt in a race and earn $10 off your next shoe purchase. |
We're on Facebook! |
Become a "fan" of Fleet Feet Sports Hartford and be the first to know about new events, participate in interesting discussions and view great photos of our Fleet Feet Peeps in action.
Check out our page by clicking here. |
Return Policy |
We believe in the PERFECT FIT - it's part of our Fitlosophy. If you are not 100% satisfied with the fit of your shoes, socks, sports bra, insoles, etc, we invite you to bring the item back within 30 days of purchase. Even if you wore the item outside.
Give us an opportunity to find a better solution for you. We want to help you get the proper tools to live fit! | |
$20 Off |
Receive $20 off any pair of in-stock
Montrail thermo-moldable sandals
Heat in the oven, then to mold to your feet for optimal arch support. They are great for anyone with plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis or tired feet.
Not valid on prior purchases or special orders. All sales final. |
Expires: Oct. 24, 2009 | |