FF Hartford Logo
Issue #33
September 1, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Sale!!!

Friday, Saturday & Monday
Celebrate the end of summer with a SUPER SALE!  All summer tops (including triathlon tops), skorts and dresses, will be 20% off.  Use the coupon at the bottom of this newsletter and save an extra 10%!  
Plus, on Saturday, our neighbors at SK Lavery Appliances, will join us for a sidewalk sale of epic proportions with huge discounts on close-out and scratch-and-dent appliances.  They will also grill us up some free burgers and dogs and give away a 19" LCD TV to one lucky Fleet Feet customer.  Nice! 

Please Note: We will close at 3:00pm on Monday/Labor Day.

Bad Decisions = Good Stories
Hood to Coast RelayThis past weekend, I had the honor of running on one of Nike's Hood to Coast relay teams (Thanks BJ & Erica).  With over 1,000, 12-person teams participating, the HTC is the largest running relay in the world, earning it the nickname "Mother of All Relays".  Its course travels 197 miles from Mt. Hood (a dormant volcano that tops out at 11,249 feet) to the Pacific Ocean.  Like the Boston Marathon, it is something I have always wanted to run. 
The relay is divided up into 36 different legs and each runner is required to run three legs.  To prevent bottlenecks (both of the runner and auto variety), HTC staggers team start times such that 15 teams start together every 15 minutes from 6am to 8pm.  It's not too long after the start that runners get strung out over the course.  I'm sure that by Midnight there are runners stretched out over 100+ miles of road.  That must be an awesome sight to see from above!
Our team started at 3pm and set a goal for ourselves to reach the finish line party at the beach 24 hours later.  I ran in position #2 which consisted of three legs nearly 6 miles in length.  The first leg was incredible not only because the adrenaline was flowing, but because I got to careen myself down the volcano past gorgeous scenery.  I should have realized that the "Caution, Steep Grade Next 6 Miles" sign was meant for me as well as cars since my quads were on fire by the time I reached the exchange zone.  I have never craved running uphill so much!  
The second leg was really tough for me.  My legs had completely stiffened-up from being squished in the backseat of the van and it was approaching Midnight.  My body really wanted to sleep, not run another 10k.  Plus, my "dinner" wasn't sitting too well.  It was really neat, though, to run in the dark of night and see an endless string of lights representing the runners in front of me. 
My last leg started at 7:45am.  I was mentally and physically exhausted - especially since a missed turn extended our 40 minute drive to the pit stop into a 2 hour and 40 minute drive.  With only 35 minutes of sleep (on a tarp in the middle of a field in the pouring rain) and a diet of not so nutritious food (Ho-Ho's, Swedish Fish and Teddy Grahams all of which tasted good at the time, but haunted me during the run), I felt like I was hitting a never-ending wall, especially as I climbed a mile-long hill.  Disregard what I said about craving an uphill earlier, all I wanted at this point was to stop moving. 
With three minutes and four seconds to spare, our team crossed the finish line together and headed for an ice bath in Pacific Ocean.  It was so wonderful to be done!  And despite the lack of sleep, pain and general miserableness of those 24 hours, I had a blast.  I realized too that the bad decisions I/we made along the way (not training enough, eating junk food, not paying attention to where we were going, sleeping in the rain, etc) led to the best stories and most laughable moments.  A good reminder to not take life so seriously sometimes! 
Be Fit!
Schuyler's Shoe Review
Brooks Ravenna: Brooks has long been a power-player in the high stability market.  The Adrenaline, now in its ninth year, provides pronation control that is a step above moderate stability shoes like the Asics GT-2140 and Saucony ProGrid Guide, yet not as severe as a motion control shoe.  Beyond this, they've been the dominant force in the motion control market with the Addiction and Beast/Ariel.  Enter the Ravenna, a new shoe that should bring Brooks newfound success in moderate stability.

Men's RavennaThe shoe does nothing new, which may make you ask just what makes it so great.  What makes the Ravenna stand out is the way that, like a footwear chimera, it puts together the best features of a number of other styles and brands into one great package.  The fit is snug in the heel, while widening out slightly in the forefoot, similar to many Saucony styles.  The more upturned toe, found in many Pearl Izumi shoes as well as many lightweight trainers, helps propel you into your stride when picking up the pace while never being so extreme as to force your stride unnaturally.  The weight comes in just under that of many similar shoes, weighing in about the same as the lighter-than-average Mizuno Wave Inspire.

Women's RavennaBrooks is no imitator, of course, and they draw on the best features of their existing shoes to round out the Ravenna's great features.  The Ravenna sports all the usual green features that Brooks is known for, like the biodegradable BioMogo midsole and 100% recycled laces.  The arch wrap is snug and supportive, while still being roomy enough to accommodate an after-market orthotic or insole.  While the Ravenna represents a far different shoe than Brooks' biggest hits in the past, it's quite the successful experiment.
Now in the Store:
Garmin 310XTGarmin 310:
They're here!  Garmin's rugged new Forerunner 310XT is the latest in GPS devices designed for runners and triathletes.  It combines the great features of the 405 (minus the touchy bezel) with a smaller face than the popular 305 model.  Plus, it has a few great enhancements like being waterproof to 50m so you can wear it in the pool or lake to time your swim.  This multi-sport device has up to 20 hours of battery life, tracks distance, pace and heart rate, and goes from wrist to bike (and vice versa) in seconds.  It even logs your transition times!  It is available with or without a heart rate monitor. 
Don't forget if you purchase your Garmin at Fleet Feet Sports, you receive a free one-on-one training session to learn how to use your device with our electronics guru as well as $30 gift certificate to use on a future purchase. 
Brooks Run Happy JacketRun Happy Jackets:  As the mornings and evenings get cooler, this is my go-to jacket.  Fashionable, comfortable and practical thanks to its moisture-wicking, lightweight stretch-knit material that looks sharp and feels great.  It also features Brook's fun "Run Happy" motto monogrammed on the left side.  The jacket is available in a sharp black/shadow gray combination and a peppy "surf" blue. 

Bright Pink TeeSupport Your Girls Shirts:  This super soft, tongue-in-cheek shirt from Moving Comfort is back!  This time $5 from the sale of each pretty pink shirt is donated to Bright Pink - a non-profit organization that strives to enlighten and empower high risk, young women to take control of their breast and ovarian health by providing education, support and a sense of community for a better, brighter future. 
Featured Races:
We've got two great races in honor of two fellow runners.
 Nikki's Run
Nikki's Run, Walk-N-Roll 5k:
The fist is the seventh annual Nikki's Run, Walk-N-Roll.  This timed, non-competitive 5k at Manchester Community College raises funds for pediatric cancer research in honor of Nikki Giampolo.  Nikki Giampolo was a cross country runner at RHAM High School in Hebron, CT.  In July of 2001, Nikki was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a rare type of bone cancer that often affects young people.  Nikki's dream was to help other children with cancer by increasing awareness so that they would be diagnosed as early as possible.  It was also her wish to give more children with cancer the hope of finding a cure by funding research programs.  Nikki died just 6 months after her diagnosis, on New Year's Day 2002. 
The run takes place on Sunday, September 13 at 10:00am.  The mail-in registration form is available online here.  You can also register on the day of the race beginning at 8:30am.  Cost is $20 and includes a t-shirt if you are one of the first 100 people to sign-up.  Participants are also encouraged to raise $50 in donations for Nikki's Fund.  
Bob Villette's 5k 
Bob Veillette 5k Road Race & Walk:
Meet and run with legendary marathoner Bill Rodgers at the annual Bob Veillette 5k Road Race and 1 Mile Walk on Sunday, September 13.  The run/walk begins at 1:30pm at Library Park (corner of State and Grand) in Waterbury.  At 2:30pm, Bill will lead a Fun Run for kids 10 and under.  
Entry fees for the run and walk are $20 for adults and $10 for kids under 12 on the day of the race ($25 race day) and includes a t-shirt and goody bag.  You can register online at www.Bob5K.com
All funds raised by this event go toward defraying ongoing medical expenses for Naugatuck resident Bob Veillette, 64, a former runner, journalist and jazz pianist who suffered a massive stroke in 2006 that left him paralyzed from the nose down. Like Rodgers, Veillette loved to run the Litchfield Hills Road Race and did so annually before his stroke. Veillette even met Rodgers at the LHRR in the 1980's. 
"I was very moved by Bob's story, that a fellow runner's life was changed so much by a twist of fate," Rodgers said. "I've always felt road races bring people together in a powerful way. They're a place where religion, race, politics and income mean nothing, but where goodwill is king. To me, that's what Bob's race is all about."
To learn more about Bob Veillette, visit his web site at www.BobVeillette.com
Zoomerangs are back - Sign-up Now!

Kids Running ProgramOur popular Zoomerang Kids' Running Program starts on Monday, September 14.  We will meet every Monday for 12-weeks from 6-7pm at the Saint Joseph College Track.  We have space for 40 more kids.  
Once again our goal will be to run a marathon (26.2 miles), but this time we're integrating a neat exercise journal curriculum called Fitbook Jr. into our program.  Each child who registers will receive their very own Fitbook journal to record their goals, runs, meals/snacks and other activities. 
Cost is $45 per child and includes a t-shirt, Fitbook Junior exercise journal, participation in the ING Run for Something Better program and a fun season-ending celebration event.  For an additional $50, your child will receive a pair of running shoes fit for their feet and stability needs.  Scholarships are available. 
To register or get your questions answered, please email Coach Lisa at zoomerangcoach@gmail.com.  She will send you the registration forms and waivers.  You can bring payment (cash or check) on the first day of practice or come into the store (cash, check or credit card). 

Volunteers Needed SignFleet Feet Sports will again be sponsoring a water stop at the Winding Trails Women's Triathlon on Sunday, September 13.  If you are not racing, please consider joining us for this fun event.  Last year it poured, but we had a great time refueling the athletes with water, energy gel and cheers.
For your help, you will receive a Fleet Feet tech tee, the official race tee and refreshments including homemade peach pie from Glastonbury orchards, organic fresh fruit, all natural salads, Dunkin Donuts bagels, muffins and coffee...and ice cold Sam Adams beer (breakfast of champions!). 
Email me if you can help.  We'll meet ~7:30am and should be done by 11am.
Sign-Up for No Boundaries! 
NoBo Graduates Fall 2009A huge HIGH-5 to our recent No Boundaries 5k and 10K running program graduates!  You all rocked the Old Wethersfield races on Sunday.  Personal bests were set and dreams were realized.  Awesome!
If you've always wanted to run a 5k, but didn't know how to train (or lacked the motivation to do it), now is your chance!  We are offering another session of famous "Learn to Run" program called No Boundaries.  This program is designed for people who don't run, those who have a hard time sticking to a running program or are unsure what to do.  We use the "Galloway Method" which includes run/walk intervals and slowly ramp-up the time spent running and distance covered.  In just 10 weeks, you'll go from couch potato to runner. In fact, many of the participants of this past program surprised themselves by running the entire 5k distance without taking a single walk break!    
NoBo CakeFor those who have successfully completed a 5k before, we will offer a separate "Next Steps" training program for you that is designed to help you run faster and more comfortably.  Don't let the fitness that you worked so hard to build go to waste.  End the year strong!
Both programs begin the week of September 27 and will end with the Blue Back Square Holiday Run on Sunday, December 6.  We will be offering three practice times: Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm, Wednesday mornings at 9:30am (babies welcome!) and Saturday mornings at 8:00am.  All practices begin and end at the store.  Thanks to the support of our friends at New Balance, cost for this program is just $75 and includes a t-shirt and special discounts on New Balance gear.  
For more information, come to our Information Night on Wednesday, September 23 at 7:00pm or email Coach Renee
Imagine how great it will feel when you achieve your goal and cross the finish line.  You CAN do this!
Girls Night Out "Cuperware" Party

Girls Night Out

Ladies, you are invited to a special Girls Night Out "Cuperware" party on Friday, September 11 from 6-8pm.  Join the women of Fleet Feet, Moving Comfort and Nike for a fun evening of wine, chocolate, bras, live music, discounts and sweet raffle prizes donated by local shops in West Hartford Center.
Bra fit experts will be on-hand to help you find the perfect sports bra - plus each bra purchase will reward you with a goody bag, massage (thanks to Julie and Beryl at Market Square Wellness), raffle ticket and a $5 gift certificate good on any other purchase that evening (e.g. buy three bras and get 3 raffle tickets and a $15 gift certificate towards a new pair of sneakers or that cute top you've been eyeing).   
Bring a friend (or three) and make a fun evening out of it.  The event is limited to the first 50 women (sorry guys) who RSVP by emailing me or calling the store at 860-233-8077.   
Store Hours  
Mon - Thurs: 10-7
Fri: 10-6
Sat: 10-5:30
Sun: Closed
Phone:  860-233-8077 
Store Calendar
All events are at Fleet Feet Sports unless otherwise noted.
Now thru - Sept. 5
XC Spike Week
Discounts on spikes
Plus, gift w/purchase
Wed, Sept 2; 6-7pm
FREE Injury Assessments
with Select Physical Therapy
Wed, Sept. 2; 6:30pm
Fun Run for all abilities
(Runs of 3-5 miles)
Thurs, Sept. 3; 6:30pm
Track Workout
(at Saint Joseph College)
Wed, Sept. 9; 6:30pm
Fun Run for all Abilities
(Runs of 1-5 miles)
Thurs, Sept. 10; 6:30pm
Track Workout
(at Saint Jospeh College)
Fri, Sept. 11; 6-8pm
Girls Night Out
Cuperware Party!
Wine, Chocolate,
Prizes & Bra Fitting
(limited to first 50
ladies who RSVP)
Sat, Sept 12; 1-4pm
Meet Bill Rodgers!
Order your memorabilia
to be autographed today
See below for details
Sun, Sept. 13; 8-11am
Volunteers Needed
for Women's Tri
Email Steph
if interested
Mon, Sept. 14; 6:00pm
Zoomerang Kids
Running Program Begins
(Saint Joseph College Track)
Tues, Sept. 29; 6:30pm
Wed, Sept. 30, 9:30am
Sat, Oct. 3; 8:00am
No Boundaries
"Learn to Run"
Running Programs Start
Sat, Oct 3; 9am-2pm
FREE Gait & Injury Clinic
with Select Physical Therapy
Sun, Oct. 4; 1-5pm
Chi Running Workshop
w/Joel Matalon
Cost is $125
See below to RSVP
Event Descriptions
For more events at the store and around CT, visit our online Calendar.  For details on any event, call the store at 860-233-8077.
Select Physical Therapy
Wed: Sept. 2; 6:00-7:00pm: Injury Assessments by Select Physical Therapy: 
Injured?  Don't know whether you can run or should really see a doctor? Come to our free injury assessment clinic.  No appointment is necessary.  
These free clinics will be offered every other Wednesday through the year (next clinic will be Wed, Sept. 2 at 6pm).
 Bill Rodgers - Running Champion!
Sat: Sept. 12; 1-4pm Meet Bill Rodgers!: "Boston Billy", the running legend, Hartford native and Newington HS graduate, is coming to Fleet Feet Sports to promote his book "The Complete Idiots Guide to Running", sign autographs and share stories about his epic adventures.  This is one store event you won't want to miss! 
No RSVP are necessary, but please email me. if you would like to pre-order Bill's book ($20), running log ($10) or "Relentless" poster featuring his 1979 Boston Marathon victory ($20). 
If you can't make it to the store on September 12, we will have your items autographed for you and you can pick them up at a later date.  Get your holiday shopping done early this year!
Select Physical Therapy's Mobile Sports Medicine Center
Sat: Oct 3: 9am-2pm; FREE Gait & Injury Clinic.
  Experience a high-tech gait analysis as Select Physical Therapy demos their new Dartfish video motion analysis system. 
If you've watched a sporting event on TV lately, you've probably seen this technology which allows you to track the motion of balls and athletes in sports such as baseball, football, skiing and figure skating.  In fact, over 60% of the medalists in the 2006 Olympics used this software to help improve their training and perfect their biomechanics. 
An analysis of my running stride with this software showed a leg-length discrepancy that was leading to inefficiencies in my stride and lower back pain that was easily resolved by adding a little wedge to the shoe on my shorter leg. 
In addition, Select PT's Mobile Sports Medicine Center will be parked in front of the store for free injury assessments, as well as lower extremity strength and balance screenings (if you haven't done this yet, it's really informative - and painless!).  It's all free and no RSVP's are needed (first-come, first-served).    
Chi Running/Walking Logo
Sun: Oct. 4; 1-5pm Chi Running Workshop: Back by popular demand!  For those of you who missed the sold-out Chi Running Workshop over the summer, here is your chance to learn one of the hottest trends in running. 
Certified Chi Running instructor Joel Matalon will be hosting a � day workshop filled with exercises and drills designed to leave you with a clear sense of what the ChiRunning technique feels like in your body.  You will not be doing lots of running (contrary to what you might imagine), so no matter what condition you are in, have no fear.  Most of the workshop will be held indoors, but you will have the opportunity to go outside and put together all that you have learned.  

The nature of the day will be relaxed, full and inspiring.  

 This is a great clinic to fine-tune your form for the Hartford Marathon!  Click here to register online (scroll down about half the page to find the West Hartford workshop).  Cost is $125.  Fitness professionals will receive 5 CEC's for their participation.  Joel is also friends with the owners of Bridgewater Chocolates and promises to bring some sweet treats to help fuel your body!
For more information about this workshop, contact Joel at 917-860-1450 or email him
Wed Night Fun Runs
6:30pm (at the store) 
Staffer Duncan Gerrity
Join Fleet Feet staffer Duncan and a great group of Fleet Feet Friends for a casual fun run each Wedensday night at 6:30pm.  We go between 1-5 miles (a route for all abilities).  All paces (including walkers) are welcome to join us. 
It's a great way to meet new friends and running partners.  Since it's dark at 6:30pm now, please be sure to wear reflective vests or other gear so you stay safe! 
Meet at the store.  Please bring a light and/or other reflective gear.  Be Safe. Be seen!
The NUUN Track Workout - Thursday at 6:30pm
Save $15!
Do you feel the need for speed?  Or maybe your workout routine needs a little spice.  Join Coach Schuyler each Thursday for a fun track workout.  
These workouts are designed for runners of ALL abilities.  The goal is to introduce you to different types of running (intervals, hills, tempo runs) and help you get stronger and faster.  This is your opportunity to get professional coaching for free - and meet some great fellow runners. 
is now the official sponsor of our Thursday Night Track Workout!  While the track workouts will remain as fun and challenging as ever, they will be made more refreshing with Nuun - a sugar-free electrolyte drink that will keep you hydrated as you run your laps around the track. 
In addition to a selection of tasty Nuun at all the workouts, all runners attending five or more will receive a free Nuun water bottle!
Attend any 5 Wednesday Fun Runs or Thursday Track Workouts and get a free drifit "Fleet Feet Sports" t-shirt.  Bring a photo of you wearing your shirt in a race and earn $10 off your next shoe purchase.
We're on Facebook!
Facebook Logo
Thanks to our hip staffers, we are now on Facebook! 
Become a "fan" of Fleet Feet Sports Hartford and be the first to know about new events, participate in interesting discussions and view great photos of our Fleet Feet Peeps in action. 
If you have earned a Fleet Feet shirt (either through joining one of our training groups or by doing at least five fun runs or track workouts), don't forget to send us a photo of you wearing your shirt in a race.  Your photo is worth $10 off your next pair of shoes! 
Check out our page by clicking here.
Return Policy
Save $15!
We believe in the PERFECT FIT - it's part of our Fitlosophy.  If you are not 100% satisfied with the fit of your shoes, socks, sports bra, insoles, etc, we invite you to bring the item back within 30 days of purchase.  Even if you wore the item outside. 
Give us an opportunity to find a better solution for you.  We want to help you get the proper tools to live fit!
Join Our Mailing List 

10% Off Apparel Savings Pass

Save even more during this weekend's Labor Day Sale with this special savings pass that is good for 10% off any in-stock apparel  - including wetsuits and clearance!   
10% discount applies to all apparel purchased. 
Discount not valid on prior purchases. 
All sales of clearance apparel are final.

Pass Valid Friday, Sept. 4 - Monday, Sept. 7, 2009.