KR                                 Kenneth S Robbins Insurance Services

In This Issue
Entrepreneur: Ethnic Brands
InternetIntel: Old Farmer's Almanac, St. Patrick's Day
BulletinBoard: Children's Health Care Policies

"Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring." William Alexander

"Le Printemps" ~ Claude Monet 

"History is, in its essentials, the science of change. It knows and it teaches that it is impossible to find two events that are ever exactly alike, because the conditions from which they spring are never identical."  Marc Bloch

Our Mission:   

... is to be an organization that directly impacts and influences the present and future needs of our clients, their children and grandchildren. Our success is determined by delivering top-tier performance (advice, service) that is unbiased and in the Best Interest of Our Clients.


We believe that nothing is more important than serving the needs of our clients. Intrinsic in our customer service-centric business model is making contact, on a regular basis, so that we know what you need and how to help.  We send  ClientCall to you each month to let you know that your business is important to us.  In every issue, we strive to find the most interesting, effective information and web-based tools for our clients.

We welcome your suggestions as to how we can expand our customer care, so please feel free call or send us a fax or email.  If you need supplies or service, we consider that a priority and will endeavor to meet your needs in the most expedient manner.  Telephone: 818.884.8554, Fax: 818.884.6696 and Email: [email protected]
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The ClientCall is distributed to customers of Kenneth Robbins Insurance Services, and others recipients, by request.  We will never sell, rent or share our subscribers' information.  We highly value our customer's privacy as well as their trust in our discretion and services.  If you have any questions regarding our policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
About Us:
Kenneth S. Robbins Insurance Services
20501 Ventura Blvd., Suite 384
Woodland Hills, California 91364

Tel: 818.884.8554,
Fax: 818.884.6696
24-Hour Pager (818) 908-7610
[email protected] 
CA Lic. #0736865
              March 2011  

Good afternoon:


As the world turns ... on its axis, a new season arrives this month: Spring! This year, the vernal equinox, when day and night are both 12 hours long, falls on March 20. If that doesn't provide enough excitement, remember to celebrate Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, March 13 at 2am by spending a few hours re-setting the countless clocks, watches, timers, computers, TVs, DVDs, VCRs or any other gizmo that you haven't figured out how to auto-program for the time change.


Fortunately, most computers are programmed to make the change without any help, but, if you have equipment with timers made before 2007 (aka 'antiques'), they may not have updated Daylight Saving Time data. One cheery thought after all that effort: no more driving home in the dark!


March is arriving like a Lion, weather-wise and politically. While the ClientCall is strictly non-partisan, we are ardently pro-client!


In Washington, D.C. and throughout the nation, the political focus is on employee benefits and health care regulations. In the halls of Congress, in the courts and capitols, lawmakers, protestors, lawyers and leaders are making their cases for their causes:


The rituals themselves consisted of wild, sacred dance, songs and chants. Offerings are frequently made, sometimes in the form of animal sacrifices. Some even practiced human sacrifice to make the lands fertile, but as time passed ...


(Oops, editor error: this was part was supposed to go in the "Happy Vernal Equinox" introduction. Still ... )


The issues that are relevant to our clients right now are the adjustments to the new health care law (repealed by the new Congress last January, but not in the Senate. However, as noted in an earlier BenefitsBulletin, the Senate did strike the tax-reporting law that would require 1099 forms filed for purchases over $600 and Congress voted on March 3, 2011 to repeal the 1099 mandate; the bill passed 314 - 112).


Late last month, Mr. Obama announced that he supports amending the health care law to allow states to opt out of the 'most burdensome requirements' three years earlier' than planned. However (and it's a big 'however'), states must request federal permission to opt out of those mandates as long as they can prove they can find other ways to cover "as many people as the original law would and at the same cost" (


The BenefitsBulletin sent to you on February 11 (Health Care Law Repeal and State Lawsuits), focused on the ruling by U.S. Federal Judge Roger Vinson. Judge Vinson found the law unconstitutional; however (yes, another one), the ruling is under appeal.


The Bottom Line: except for the expunged 1099 mandate, the law is still in effect until the U.S. Supreme Court receives the appeal and issues its ruling.


We wish you a happy Spring (forward: don't forget to set the clocks!) and hope your March goes out like a Lamb!


How Ethnic Brands Grow Beyond Their Niche

Tapping the cultural uniqueness of a product might not be conducive to appealing to a broader customer base.

By David Port, March 3, 2011


"...appealing to a broad customer base can be difficult for some small businesses that are grounded in a distinct cultural brand and don't want to water down their image. Brands that successfully navigate the tightrope largely don't stray far from their core identity, says Chris Klaehn, director of brand strategy at Corey McPherson Nash, a branding and design firm based in Watertown, Mass." Click here for the full article: Ethnic Brands

 InternetIntel                                                      InternetIntel 

Check out the Old Farmer's Almanac for interesting trivia and facts about the changing seasons (note: the Almanac accurately predicted my parent's Portland snowstorm in February. We're believers!) From the website: Since 1792, The Old Farmer's Almanac has spoken to all walks of life: tide tables for those who live near the ocean; sunrise and planting charts for those who live on the farm; recipes for those who live in the kitchen; and forecasts for those who don't like the question of weather left up in the airOld Farmer's Almanac 


Erin Go Bragh! Happy St. Patrick's Day! In the spirit of this 'green' holiday on March 17, we urge our ClientCall readers to go to for help with recycling rechargeable batteries, disposing of used motor oil and gas or find a recycling center near your home.


If you'd like to know more about St. Patrick's Day, visit for history, trivia and events. St. Patrick's Day


*  Legal disclaimer: Kenneth Robbins Insurance Services and the ClientCall provide information and links to web sites to our readers  as a courtesy . We do not endorse, guarantee or substantiate any of the information provided; it is the reader's responsibility to carefully review all information given herein.

InternetIntel                                                      BulletinBoard 

Last November, we emailed a BenefitsBulletin to you, announcing a new California law that will punish insurers if they refuse to sell policies to children. Children under 19 must have access to insurance and cannot be denied coverage, regardless of their current health status.


The open period of that new law started January 1 and ended on March 1, 2011. Children may still obtain coverage during his/her birthday month or after a "qualifying event" such as a child losing benefits due to a parent's job change/loss, divorce, death or other significant life experience. The law allows insurers to charge fees for children with pre-existing conditions and insurers may also impose a 20% surcharge for children without continuous health coverage for 90 days prior to applying for a new policy. We understand that this is a complex issue, so if you have any questions, please contact our agency.