Pacific Partners Email Update
Two Young Missionaries                                             13 Oct 2011
Last year I wrote about our young radio host in Tonga.
Amanda was seven years old at the time and had her own Sunday radio program for children. The story generated a lot of interest. (May 2010 Newsletter: Seeking and Finding God Together
- click to read)

Meet Brooke - another inspiring seven year old.
She's helping Amanda reach the children of Tonga with the Gospel!

Quick Links
Gud Nius FM,
Solomon Isls

Following our Tok Tok we received several donations and emails about the power situation in the Solomon Islands.
Thank you very much!

Since then, Gud Nius Redio has been contracted to produce and broadcast anti-smoking announcements in Pidgin English. Payment for this will meet the total power bill. 

The weekly fundraising at the Honiara market is also producing good income (by local standards) for the station.

Please continue praying for Gud Nius Redio.

Pray the landlord will keep his commitment to let us deduct the amount of the power  stolen from us, from our monthly rent.
Two young missionaries

Brooke lives in Arizona, USA, with her Mom and Dad and two younger brothers. Brooke raised the most money at a  fund- raiser for her school and won the grand prize - $100 cash.


After tithing 10% of her prize, Brooke planned to spend the rest of her money on toys and perhaps saving some towards a trip to Disneyland.  


Meanwhile, I happened to speak at her church on Sunday and at her school a couple of days later.  

Brooke gives Graham a new Bible for Amanda
Brooke gives Graham a new Bible for Amanda to read on the radio


At school, I showed a video of Amanda reading a story from her children's Bible over the radio in Tonga. And I talked about the differences between growing up in America and in the Islands.


I said that children in the Islands do not have a Bible of their own.

And I mentioned that the Bible story book Amanda reads on the radio is wearing out.


Amanda reads her new bible on the radio
Amanda reads from her new Bible during
her Sunday program

Brooke talked to her parents about this, and they helped her see that toys and Disneyland are of temporary value but Bibles, to help other people know Jesus better, are of eternal value. It was a lesson about storing up treasure in heaven, from Matthew 6:19,20. 


Brooke decided to give her prize money
to Pacific Partners for Bibles for the Islands.


With Brooke's gift we were able to purchase children's picture Bibles and send them to the Islands. Now, Amanda has a new Bible to read to her young listeners every Sunday morning.

Thank you Brooke

And thank you too, Amanda

You girls are a blessing to the children of Tonga.
And you are an inspiration to us!


"Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal." (Matthew 6:19,20 NLT)  

Graham Carter 

May God bless you
for your Partnership!


Graham A Carter  [ email me ]
President of Pacific Partners