Tok Tok - News from the Islands
Harvest workers needed. Apply here now                     23 June 2010

It's obvious that radio stations and listener discipleship need money to operate. It's interesting that the Lord never told us to pray for money.

In Matthew 6:32,33 Jesus said, "Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary [first and main] concern."
However, in Matthew 9:37,38 He does tell us to pray for more people. "The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields."
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and MS Internet Exporer 7
We discovered that the Donate buttons on our web site were not working for people using  Internet Explorer 7 as their web browser.

We apologize if you were one of our donors affected by this.

The fault has now been fixed and the 'Donate' buttons are working properly.

Please email us if you have any further problems or a question about making a donation to
UCB Pacific Partners.

God bless you!
According to God
It's people we should be asking Him for

More workers for His Harvest in the Islands.
Workers who will pray; who will give;
who will serve (and sometimes, who will go).

Kelly is one of those 'harvest workers.'Kelly Beck from Tonga team
She went on a short-term mission team to Tonga last year and was there when the ferry, Princess Ashika, sank. The Lord used that team to minister to many of the families as they waited for news of their loved ones on the missing ship.
Kelly wrote about how she went to Tonga in spite of the huge grief she was facing in her own life. And how the Lord used her to help the Tongan people. And more than that - how He used the Tongan people she reached out to, to help heal her at the same time.  read Kelly's story

Amanda in Tonga studioAnd in case you don't get
our Newsletter in the mail  . . .
Read about young Amanda too. The inspiring seven year old with her own radio show. Another worker in the Lord's harvest.  read Amanda's story

Our extra-ordinary God has chosen to work
with very-ordinary people like you and me.
That's why we're so thankful for your Partnership.
And why we're praying for more Partners like you.
More harvest workers - pray-ers; givers;
servers (and maybe sometimes, goers)! 

Harvest workers needed!
Apply here now! 

Will you pray with us - click to receive short email every week
Will you becoming a giver - click to donate
Email me if you feel God is calling you to serve
S D Gordon said "Prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces." 

And Billy Graham said that Heaven is full of answers to prayers for which no one ever bothered to ask. Think of it!

So let us ask the Lord in charge of the harvest . . .
"Dear Lord, You tell us You already know our every need,
and You promise to meet them all as we continue
to make your Kingdom our main concern.

Graham Carter
Thank you for the faithful
'harvest workers'
already given us.

But please Lord, send more!
Send more people to join us in praying,
and giving,
and serving, so this ministry will become even more effective in the hearts and lives of Your South Pacific Island people.
In Jesus' name. Amen!"

Because the Islands need Jesus . . !
Graham A Carter  [ email me ]
President of UCB Pacific Partners